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snakeshould i edit /etc/default/grub or another file to change my boot timeout style to "menu" from "default"00:26
sarnoldsnake: that's the right place to edit, yeah00:27
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luizfrdsso i have this software that i needo to run as root everytime i use it... it has some issue with an usb device, it only works when run as sudo. there is a way to automate this on the .desktop file?00:31
snakesarnold: are there any offical docs on the matter?00:32
snakei feel like i could create my own file instead of modifying the pure original default one00:32
sarnoldsnake: the first few lines of the file suggest what to run after editing it.. there might be more docs on the wiki or similar..00:33
sarnoldluizfrds: best is to configure a udev rule for your usb device to change the ownership to allow non-root users to interact with it00:35
luizfrdssarnold... yeah... i'm all ears00:36
snakei'll just do both and hope that covers anything that might occur in the future00:36
snakelike the default getting updated by apt or seomthing00:36
snakethe grub manual doesnt say its wrong to edit the default file00:37
bilb_onowhat does it mean if my 16.04LTS boots to this but I can't access a login? https://imgur.com/a/ZuwZQz200:37
bilb_onoClicking, typing doesn't do anything, it just stays on this00:37
tomreyn!tty | bilb_ono00:38
ubottubilb_ono: To get to the TTY terminals 3-6, use the keystroke Ctrl + Alt + F3-F6 respectively. Ctrl-Alt-F2 or Ctrl-Alt-F1 will get you back to your graphical login (Ctrl-Alt-F7 on 16.04). To change TTY resolution, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution00:38
tomreynthat's a text temrinal you can login to00:38
zeloi just wanted to say, Good Job Ubuntu team(s). everytthing worked right out of the live os, then installed and everything was good to go. didnt even have to mess with drivers...not bashing the other guy, but Mint failed.00:38
tomreynbilb_ono: but, most importantly:00:38
tomreyn!16.04 | bilb_ono00:39
ubottubilb_ono: Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial Xerus) was the 24th release of Ubuntu. !End-of-life was April 30th, 2021. Paid support (ESM) is available. See also !esm, !eol, !eolupgrade00:39
sarnoldluizfrds: I think this is the starting point https://superuser.com/a/43185000:41
bilb_onooh so 16.04 is no longer supported00:47
leftyfbnot by the community, no00:47
leftyfbbilb_ono: LTS releases are supported by the community for 5 years. 16.04 came out 6 years ago00:48
bilb_onook ill try a newer one00:48
leftyfbbilb_ono: 22.04 was just released last week00:48
bilb_onois there some reason internet wouldn't work if Im plugged into ethernet with Ctrl+f3 ?00:48
bilb_onothat shell it logs into00:48
bilb_onoI guess whatever ill upgrade it anyways00:49
bilb_onois there a way to install it without wiping the entire usb drive/ external hd ?00:49
Mibixok cinnamon keeps freezing so bad i dont know what else to try, cant even alt +f2 when it freezes but I can still move the mouse around just can't click on anything.  I've updated my kernel and tried a bunch of different driver options but nothing seems to work00:50
tomreynbilb_ono: i don't remember exactly how it was on 16.04, but there is a chance that a wireless connection would not get activated until you logged onto the graphical desktop00:50
Mibixits a Nvidia GT 710 gpu00:51
Mibixhere are the two xsession error logs https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/73Sw7HC393/ and the older one https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/TrGF5RVsdj/00:51
tomreynbilb_ono: "nmcli" should tell you your connection status in the shell00:51
leftyfbMibix: what distro are you running?00:52
Mibixubuntu 20.0400:52
tomreynbilb_ono: about installing ubuntu 22.04, i would suggest backing up and then starting with a fresh install. but before yuo do so, make sure your CPU is amd64 capable00:53
bilb_ono22.04 only works with amd cpus?00:54
leftyfbbilb_ono: 64bit00:54
leftyfbbilb_ono: 32bit isn't supported anymore00:54
bilb_onooh 64 bit00:55
Mibixamd64 is just the instruction set it works with intel too00:55
Mibixleftyfb any idea on those errors?01:00
tomreynbilb_ono: this should report a number other than 0 if you have an amd64 capable CPU: cat /proc/cpuinfo|grep '^flags'|grep -co '\blm\b'01:07
bilb_onotomreyn: says 801:09
tomreynbilb_ono: so that's above 0, your cpu has 8 amd64 capable threads01:12
tomreyn(probably 4 cores with HT / SMT)01:13
tomreynMibix: i know next to nothing about cinnamon. but you could try to determine why or whether those couple of nvidia proprietary driver related commands are failing and whether they should (not)01:19
Mibixwhich ones?01:19
Mibix[ERR] nvctrl: Failed to retrieve NVIDIA information. ?01:20
tomreynsee the logs you posted for lines containing 'nv' or 'NV'01:20
bilb_onoso a core has 2 threads?01:20
tomreynbilb_ono: not neccessarily, but that is often so, as the result of intel hyper threading / amd simultaneous multi-threading being active.01:21
bilb_onowhats the key combo to boot to usb?01:22
bilb_onoon a ... desktop? Im not sure what decide the key combo I guess the motherboard?01:22
tomreyndepends on your hardware / firmware.01:23
tomreynyes, motherboard01:23
tomreynF9 and F11 are common01:23
bilb_onobut I go to the bios right? or is it another screen ?01:24
bilb_onoI think I got it01:25
tomreynusually you have one function key to enter the bios / uefi setup utility, and another to bring up the boot override menu01:25
tomreynMibix: these errors make it seem like you meant to be loading a proprietary nvidia graphics driver but that did not happen. and maybe that's causing cinnamon not to start up properly.01:28
tomreynMibix: another approach you could mabe take is to move any cinnamon specific configuration in your home directory out of the place.01:29
Mibixi did  sudo prime-select nvidia01:30
Mibixooo that is a good idea too01:30
tomreyn(re-) installing, with apt, packages   cinnamon-core    or    cinnamon-desktop-environment   may also help, in case something was removed that should not have been01:33
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Mibixyeah i already tried that :/01:33
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en11gmathe other day i installed ubuntu to my windows 11 2.5" laptop hdd (5400rpm) and that drive is just terribly slow. i was thinking about deleting the ubuntu partition and swap (restore it back to just a windows 11 drive) and install ubuntu to two of my my usb 3.0 sticks (16GB and a 128GB). they are both way faster then my laptop hdd. im just wondering how would i set it up. would i set "/" to01:55
en11gmathe 16GB and "/home and swap" to the 128GB?01:55
en11gmai have a 4GB i can install from01:55
en11gmai would pick custom/advanced in where you pick to install?01:57
lotuspsychjeen11gma: just full use the drive for a lubuntu 20.04 and benefit the lightweight speed01:57
en11gmathe usb drives destroy that hdd.01:57
en11gmaand im used to ubuntu also. been using it for so long01:58
lotuspsychjeusb speed will bottleneck your persisntent Os01:58
en11gmaits not a persistent is it? it would be a full install01:58
lotuspsychjeyeah ok, a full install on your usb, still i would not do it01:59
en11gmai think with ubuntu live usb you can actually do a normal full install to another usb stick01:59
en11gmathe only thing i worry about is it thrashing the usb stick read/write cycles01:59
lotuspsychjeyou can try both ways and compare en11gma02:00
en11gmayea good idea02:00
lotuspsychjebut i had great experiences with a lubuntu 20.0402:00
en11gmai think i will try it soon after i finish transfering files off the 128GB drive and then clean/format it02:00
tomreynjust do what everyone does, replace the slow hdd by an ssd. or replace the entire computer if it's too old.02:01
en11gmai wonder what my uefi will look like. right now uefi shows the windows drive partition and the ubuntu partition in the uefi bios02:01
en11gmawhat will happen when i add another ubuntu drive to usb flash drive in the uefi bios02:01
jhutchinsen11gma: The way to get an answer that you can be completely confident is correct is to try it and see what happens.02:04
en11gmai guess so.02:04
en11gmaalmost there. transfering almost complete02:05
en11gma3:33 left02:05
leftyfbwe don't need the play by play02:05
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en11gmai left comments on the ticket for the video problem. have you read them yet?02:06
en11gmaafter i seen someone else had the same problem i did comment on it and verify it is a problem. it has now been picked up and verified and marked as "unassigned" but there are alot of ppl with the same exact problem02:08
en11gmaso i did contribute02:08
en11gmajust fyi02:08
en11gmai personally think it should be "high priority" and maybe it will get moved there by "xorg"02:09
lotuspsychjewhats the bug ID you talking about en11gma02:09
en11gmaim not sure. i think its under my dual boot (ubuntu partition and google chrome or firefox. right now im in windows 11 and have IE/Edge so i dont have it bookmarked02:11
en11gmabbiab. going to do the usb install thing.02:14
lucas-argokey... fresh install of ubuntu 22.04, got nvidia drivers installed but it fallsback to X11... it was supposed that in this release we would have wayland by default..02:24
thingfisha decision was made last minute to stick with X11.02:24
lucas-argare you seriurs?02:25
thingfishthere are articles on it "out there"; Google for the details.02:25
lotuspsychje!jammy | lucas-arg02:27
ubottulucas-arg: Ubuntu 22.04 (Jammy Jellyfish) is the 36th release of Ubuntu and the current !LTS release – Download at https://ubuntu.com/download :: Release notes at https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/jammy-jellyfish-release-notes :: Further schedule at https://ubottu.com/y/jj02:27
lotuspsychjealways read the releasenotes before installing02:28
Bashing-omlucas-arg: Seems that Nvidia pulled their driver: https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=Ubuntu-22.04-NVIDIA-XOrg-Back .02:29
lucas-argi hate nvidia02:30
lucas-argdont know why in the world y bought a nvidia laptop02:30
Bashing-omlucas-arg: There is a hack that might work for ya: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gdm3/+bug/1968929 .02:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1968929 in OEM Priority Project "Missing Wayland login option on NVIDIA systems" [Critical, New]02:31
lucas-argi will try installing nvidia-510 the libnvidia-egl-wayland1 and modify /etc/defaut/grub and add nvidia-drm.modeset=1 and see what happens02:32
lucas-argif i dont get back the i have bootloop issues02:33
lucas-argthere we go02:34
lucas-argguess what.... didnt work02:40
Bashing-omlucas-arg: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gdm3/+bug/1968929 ?02:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1968929 in OEM Priority Project "Missing Wayland login option on NVIDIA systems" [Critical, New]02:41
lucas-argill stay with intel driver for now until all linux comiuty can do something about it... and if in mid time in but a new laptop.... probably wtil hey a thinkpad and forget about all this02:44
k4rmahi im trying to create a mirror of my laptop ubuntu 20.0402:52
k4rmacan someone help me with this?02:52
k4rmaor recommend a software02:53
leftyfbk4rma: I recommend doing regular backups of your files and using something like ansible to build a playbook that can be used to rebuild your system on almost any ubuntu release just the way you want within minutes a opposed to hours restoring an outdated image02:58
lucky1Anyone else have problems with the Keybase GUI on Ubuntu 22.04?03:00
leftyfblucky1: you'll need to seek support from the 3rd party vendor03:01
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lucky1Can I get windows to pop up somewhere away from the top left corner?03:15
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pandaemoniumWorkingmen of all countries, unite!04:38
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enigma9o7[m]Well it's similar to the beginning of Karl Marx's famous book, which normally is translated as "Workers of the world unite!"05:21
en11gmaomg. that was the longest ubuntu ever took to install (30mins alone on just installing, not removing or configuring or updating.) installing from usb 2.0 to two usb 3.0 sticks (one for / and one for /home). after everything was installed and updated and configured it still took long time to boot over the crappy 5400rpm 2.5" laptop hdd. eventhough the usb 3.0 flash drives benchmarked faster.05:37
en11gmanot sure why. AND i told ubuntu to install the partition manager / grub too the usb stick and it did NOT. it installed it to my windows 11 nvme m.2. the one place i never wanted it to install.05:37
en11gmaim writing the ubuntu image to my usb 3.0 stick now and will use that to install to the other usb 3.0 stick (use whole disk option) and i will tell grub again to install the usb stick and of course it wont and will hopefully install over the other grub on my nvme m.2 since i already have one there05:39
en11gmabbiab going to to a complete install again and hope it is faster.05:39
en11gmai do have a question though.05:39
en11gmawhen installing ubuntu and you pick minimal install why does it write the full install to the drive and then remove the packages to make it minimal?05:40
ktwoUSB flash drives are not very good at random writes05:40
ktwoobviously a regular hdd will be faster05:40
en11gmaktwo i really thought the flash drives were supposed to be faster at the random writes05:40
en11gmaobviously how so?05:40
en11gmai benchmarked it and it was getting like 50MBs05:41
alkisgen11gma: because the ubuntu installer works by cloning the live cd into your disk, then removing the additional packages. It doesn't have the .debs, it doesn't install them one by one, it just clones everything that's on the cd05:41
en11gmathe usb sticks were getting 75MBs and 100MBs05:41
en11gmaso if thats the case i might as well just install the full install05:41
en11gmai only pick the minimal to save time which it clearly is not doing05:42
alkisgTo save time, don't check the update check box05:42
alkisgDownload updates or however it's called05:42
en11gmajust do that after ubuntu reboots for the first time?05:42
alkisgYou can just apt update after the installation05:42
en11gmaok will try that this time as im about to do it all over again. :) yayyy05:43
ktwomaybe it's not only the random writes but I/O operations per seconds as well, try copying for instance a huge number of very small files to usb vs a hard disk i bet the hard disk wins05:43
en11gmaktwo i think your right about the i/o operations05:43
en11gmagonna go try it all over again. bye peeps and thanks for the tips05:43
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serkan_hi. any ideas how to preseed Ubuntu 21.04 and 22.0 desktop! ISO for autoinstall. with older ISOs my solution works since those ISOs still have isolinux folder. I pass preseed file to kernel command line in isolinux config. it works. doing the same in grub config file in 22.x and 21.x does not seem to work.08:39
hans_any idea what this means? https://paste.debian.net/plain/123904608:57
hans_could it be >"Jammy was released 5 days ago so its still a bit buggy (despite being a LTS)" ?09:08
cbreakhans_: lts doesn't mean bug free, it means they'll support it for long :)09:08
cbreakthere's still the weird issue where 22.04 uninstalls parts of itself when you use snap on zfs.09:09
cbreakI wouldn't upgrade yet unless you need to09:09
oliverbhello Ubuntu, does 22.04-Desktop installer supports autoinstall like 20.04-Server?09:15
lotuspsychjehans_: the 'LTS' way also means you can wait till 22.04.1 to install/upgrade to for a more stable experience09:16
remaI installed Ubuntu 22.04 12 hours ago on a laptop. Now, I connected it to an external screen and it the colours are pretty girlish (i.e. the shadows of windows are supposed to be grayscale but I would describe it as pinkscale). Is this a physical issue meaning the signals sent from the laptop to the external screen are wrong/incomplete or is it a software setting that I don't know of?09:17
ravageoliverb, it should yes. never tried it.09:18
cbreakrema: tried to make a screenshot? If the colors are wrong in the screenshot too, then it's not a hardware issue.09:22
cbreakif they are correct, it might be a hardware issue, or not.09:23
remacbreak, the color values of the shadow in the screenshot and what I see match. That is: the shadows are actually pinkscale. So it must be an active color profile or something like that for the external screen.09:26
cbreakmaybe that weird night mode?09:28
FossilWhy is DNS fucked on every 20.04 box I upgrade to 22.04? resolv.conf just shows the systemd-resolved listener like usual but it doesnt resolve anything. Had this on 6 servers already now. Did I miss something stupid?09:36
lotuspsychjeFossil: did you checkout the releasenotes yet09:37
lotuspsychjeFossil: and are your servers for production or testing purposes?09:37
FossilYeah I Control+F'ed for DNS but didnt see anything pertaining to this issue. I have upgraded my own personal machines and one management box at work.09:38
lotuspsychjeFossil: i would advice reading the releasenotes first !jammy then maybe talk to the #ubuntu-server guys09:39
FossilI have read the release notes, didnt see anything. Will try that channel, cheers.09:39
hans_Fossil: my best guess is because Mark Shuttleworth said "i don't care how buggy 22.04 is, we *must* release it in April, it's in the name!"09:49
BrianHechinger[mSo, interesting and unexpected change with 22.04. I have an inline UPS that kicks the (annoying) cooling fan on at 70% load. Games push the power draw on my desktop to over that 70% mark. Except that BattleTech no longer does. More efficient CPU usage? I don't know, but definitely interesting.09:50
Maikhans_: every OS still contains bugs after it's released.....09:50
ograhans_, thats not marks doing but how the ubuntu release team defined LTS releases in 2006 ... the .0 release is always for wider testing, users only get the update offered with .1 (in august for 22.04) ... if you pick to upgrade earlier it is expected that you report bugs so they can be fixed before the genmeral update09:51
hans_and who leading the release team in 2006? bet it was Mark Shuttleworth xD09:53
ogranope, adam conrad09:53
hans_dang, impressive how you knew that09:53
NanderCrosspost to here: I cannot get xubuntu to run reliably on a fresh install on my hardware. Would switching to Ubuntu fix this?11:13
NanderHardware: 11th gen i9, 96GB Ram, 1TB SSD, intel GPU, 4k screen11:14
ograNander, only if your issues are desktop related ... what problems do you have exactly ?11:16
NanderAfter 15 to 30 minutes (randomly) the full desktop stops working11:17
NanderScreens freeze, but still show their last content11:18
ograthat sounds more like a systemic problem than desktop related (graphics driver, kernel ... )11:20
NanderIt's a fresh install11:21
NanderI am trying to reproduce it now with a video running, to see if the video stops11:23
ograonce it stopy see if you can still switch to a console to be able to read the logs and inspect the system11:24
NanderI was unable to last times11:24
NanderFull system freeze, including video stopping11:27
NanderAny keyboard shortcuts I should try?11:28
ogracrtl+alt+f1/f2/f3/f* ...11:28
ogranot muche else you could try there ... yu could install openssh-server and try to ssh into the machine from another computer ...11:29
NanderI think I'll try a fresh ubuntu install after my meeting now11:29
lotuspsychjeNander: leave a journalctl -f open before your crash, you never know you got something spamming you till freeze11:31
ograor reboot and use "journalctl -b -1" ... that should show the logs from the last boot11:32
matt_hello. I have a bit of a uncommon setup of two monitor and one takes a stylus as input. It is a Huion Kamvas Pro 22 monitor. Anyway, the stylus always makes the cursor on the wrong monitor move as that is somehow the starting origin. The issue ultimately is that input isn't there to map until you touch the stylus to the monitor11:40
matt_xinput map-to-output 20 HDMI-211:40
matt_unable to find device '20'11:40
ograwell, does "xinput --list" show an id 20 ?11:41
matt_orga: not until you touch the stylus to the monitor afterwards it takes the command no problem11:44
jedorfhello, I have a question, I looking for how can I pass a heredoc into "sudo machinectl shell user@"11:48
ogramatt_, well, you could craft a udev rule that calls the xinput command when the device appears ... or you could install the inputplug package and script something around it when the device appears11:48
ogramatt_, http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/focal/man1/inputplug.1.html11:50
matt_interesting ty I will review that11:50
jedorfbecause when I do "sudo machinectl shell user@ << EOF  \n echo TEST; echo $USER; exit; EOF" he launch machinectl but he block on the shell... and when I press exit, he do nothing...11:51
ograjedorf, sudo -S ... (see the manpage of sudo)11:54
newviewlesI thought I read something about it a few times here and there on the Ubuntu wiki... but I haven't read a lot about it...11:54
jedorforga, hmmm you sure it's "-S" not "-s" ? because -S cause sudo to read the password from the standard input12:09
BluesKajHi all12:10
jedorfalso, same "sudo -s /usr/bin/machinectl" not work12:11
ograjedorf, oops, indeed ... forgot that this is only for the password12:16
ograjedorf, probably something like: sudo -u user sh -c "machinecontrol << EOF ..." might work ...12:18
jedorfunfortunately it didn't work... he successfully leave machinectl, but he don't execute the EOL12:27
macro182Hello, I have a brand new installation of U22.04 (I came from U18.04) and I'm still experiencing continuos lags whatsover the program I use. My laptot is a Dell Latitude E5420 with i5-2540M cpu and Mesa Intel HD Graphics 3000 (SNB GT2). Any idea of the possible culprit? Thanks in advance12:32
jedorfokay maybe another question (maybe more simple) when I do a  {bash -c "false ; echo $?" # echo retuen12:33
jedorf*when I do a ${bash -c "false ; echo $?"} the "echo" return 0...12:34
jedorfwhy ?12:34
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BootDiggerHello people, I have a really interesting (and annoying) issue when trying to install Ubuntu... Seems like GRUB fails to load the initrd-image and gets an `out of memory` error and later a kernel panic: VFS: unable to mount rootfs. I have investigate and found that GRUB fails right after printing a log message in the function `grub_verifiers_open`12:41
BootDiggerin file `verifiers.c`. I have `Secure Boot` disabled.12:41
NanderI already found a "can't change power state from D3cold to D0"12:51
BootDiggerAnybody here installed Ubuntu on a HP EliteBook 850 G8?12:51
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lotuspsychjeNander: could it be, bug #1942624 ?12:55
ubottuBug 1942624 in linux (Ubuntu Impish) "NVMe devices fail to probe due to ACPI power state change" [Medium, Fix Committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/194262412:55
NanderDoes that one cause full crashes?12:56
NanderAnd is there a workaround?12:56
lotuspsychjeNander: compare your issue with the bug first please12:57
NanderHow do I do that?12:57
lotuspsychjeNander: ask yourself if you have similar symptons/hardware like that bug12:58
lotuspsychjeNander: your computer brand for example, you also have an nvme, did you see acpi errors in your dmesg,...etc12:59
lotuspsychjeyour ubuntu version/kernel13:00
NanderI see the ACPI error, have an NVME SSD, have a 5.15 kernel13:00
NanderIt can be booted into though, it crashes later13:01
lotuspsychjeNander: according this bug; Kernels starting with 5.15 (e.g. Jammy) not affected, as they already contain the fix above13:01
Nanderoh, then it's something else13:01
lotuspsychjeback to investigation Nander13:02
lotuspsychjeNander: think you can share your journal logs with the volunteers with the command ogra provided?13:03
lotuspsychjeNander: you got secureboot enabled, try to disable and compare if you still got your freezes13:06
NanderSure thing, will do13:06
NanderNeed a bios password....13:08
Nander(Work laptop)13:08
lotuspsychjeyeah, that we cant help with Nander13:09
lotuspsychjeyou got windows dualboot?13:09
NanderNo, I got a work laptop, which came with Debian, but I installed Ubuntu on there because Debian had too old packages to work nicely13:09
lotuspsychjeNander: can you contact your work admin for the pass?13:10
NanderI can do that, yea13:11
Joelubuntu 20.04, mplayer success.mp3 works as a non root user, fails as root (through sudo), thoughts? https://gist.github.com/jjshoe/ea5a18858e78be38b7c2ffef48cad78213:11
NanderHow likely is it that secureboot is the issue with this?13:11
lotuspsychjeNander: its just a test, but secureboot enabled can influence different hardware13:13
lotuspsychjeso its worth a shot13:13
NanderYeah, it just crashed again13:14
lotuspsychjeNander: is this a fresh 22.04 or upgraded? did you have these freezes on other ubuntu releases?13:18
ograJoel, pulseaudio runs as a user daemon ... AO: [pulse] Init failed: Connection refused ... it will refuse connectinons from other users13:26
webchat69hello everyone ?13:29
webchat69I would like to know what command will I use with this type of problem13:29
webchat69I had to block port 140 for udp on eth1 in an active way, for packets with source port 8989, but block it actively so not silently ignore, but to send active signal to the sender of this packet that this port is blocked13:29
webchat69am I going to use iptables ? or ufw ? and how can I do it with udp and eth1 and ports13:30
webchat69THank you13:30
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Joelogra ah interesting, I can't keep up with the ways that sound is annoying on linux!13:33
Joelany way to make it a system wide thing?13:34
ograyou can technically do that (see pulseaudio documentation ) but i wouldnt advise it ... it is pretty insecure to do that ...13:34
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Joelyeah found the option and set it already, thanks ogra!13:35
NanderIT department suspected thermals13:43
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linsuxis there ubuntu cinnamon iso?13:56
ravageno it only comes on tapes13:56
BluesKajor toast13:58
linsuxam i supposed to lol?13:58
cbreakyou could pick bionic13:58
cbreakor fossa13:59
linsuxhow about jammy13:59
BluesKajnot lol, just look....google can be useful13:59
cbreakor if you can afford it, Xenial13:59
linsuxok thanks14:01
linsuxthere is cinnamon remix. looks like community though14:04
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mevlaHello.  On Sunday I got excellent help here in repairing a system that wasn't booting anymore after an install of 22.04.  It turned out that an initrd file was missing (Eric^ found it).  Now, I certainly did not erase that file.  It was undoubtly erased during the 22.04 install process.  Can't see anything else really.14:24
mevlaSo I just wanted to say that the problem is resolved and that it's now possible to boot 18.04, which is still my main system, along with 22.04.14:27
lotuspsychjetnx for the feedback mevla14:29
lotuspsychjewe will tell him14:29
mevlaIt's very nice, and appreciated, to find such support.  Cheers.  I'm on my way.14:30
OneBitHello, i want install a ubuntu-server via cloud-init autoinstall (https://ubuntu.com/server/docs/install/autoinstall). I have two disks and i want RAID 1. Is this possible?14:56
polveHi.  I just upgraded my ubuntu desktop to jammy. All seems fine except that the dock doesn't work properly.  Open apps aren't showing and there are no favorite apps.  Only icon is the "Show applications" grid15:00
ravageOneBit, maybe https://www.molnar-peter.hu/en/ubuntu-jammy-netinstall-pxe.html is helpful15:01
OneBitThis looks great, thx15:04
ice9i'm using nvidia driver but it's still using intel gpu, any idea?15:09
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WeeBeyice9, using?15:28
Maikice9: are you on wayland by chance?15:32
Maikalso which ubuntu release are you talking about?15:33
transhumanistanyway to retrieve the bash history from a shell closed when it was one of several that were open?15:38
noarbdoes anyone know if there is a PPA with the GnuPG 2.3.4 series (instead of bundled 2.2.x)? If not, what's the best way to try this software on my system. Do I create an equivs package and install from source?15:43
leftyfbtranshumanist: open a new terminal and type: history15:47
leftyfb!latest | noarb15:48
ubottunoarb: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.15:48
transhumanistya that doesnt work with multiple terminals, was hoping the history is saved somewhere till its erased but I guess it is overwritten by the last terminal closed15:48
leftyfbtranshumanist: no, it's not overwritten. It's all saved to the same .bash_history15:49
noarbmaybe use GNU snow or https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall15:53
en11gmacan an ubuntu persistent drive survive 'sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade'?15:55
en11gmacan an ubuntu persistent drive be told to look for the persistence partition on another ubs stick or does it only look for it on the same usb stick the image is located on?15:57
en11gmait would be nice to have an option for /home and /swap to be put on another seperate usb flash drive beside the one the image is on. i was just wondering if the image automatically looks at all usb ports for a "persistence" partition and will automount it.15:59
enigma9o7[m]yes noarb there is a ppa with that i.e. https://launchpad.net/~savoury1/+archive/ubuntu/gpg/+packages16:02
noarbenigma9o7[m]: wow, thanks! I was searching for https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas?name_filter=gnupg+2.3.4 and coming up empty16:05
noarbgoing to give it a try16:05
ogranoarb, "apt-cache rdepends gnupg" ... you might break a lot of stuff when doing that though ... i'd do it in an lxd container or a VM ...16:07
ogra(before applying it to a real system)16:08
JoeBkwhy are piece sizes so small or ubuntu torrents?  13943 x 25616:28
jhutchinsJoeBk: I believe that's up to the people who seed them.16:57
JoeBkjhutchins, usually people try to keep the number of pieces around 1000.17:00
ice9Maik, i'm on 22.04, after upgrade, wayland is disabled by default17:08
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neachdainnHey all. I have a PPA that provides the same package as the official repo. What's the best way to make sure I'm always using the PPA? Do I assign it a higher priority somehow or is there a way to "pin" the package to the PPA?17:10
de-factonice FF100 available :)17:16
enigma9o7[m]neachdainn I think you can do it either way.  use a pin to block the official ubuntu one might be easy, you could model it after the pin they use in the beginning of this article, or alternatively read man pages etc https://balintreczey.hu/blog/firefox-on-ubuntu-22-04-from-deb-not-from-snap/17:17
enigma9o7[m]just change the package line to wahtever pacakge you mean17:18
neachdainnenigma9o7[m]: That works for me! Thank you!17:20
* ogra wonder what happens to all these people once mozilla finally shuts down this PA17:22
de-factofreedom of choice i guess17:23
enigma9o7[m]I guess we'd have to use the mozilla build; its packaged on ubuntuzilla ppa.17:23
ogrageez, whats wrong with the snap17:23
leftyfbthey'll just keep using the outdated firefox because "snaps are da debil!"17:23
matsamanFirefox has been due for being replaced for some time, honestly. IceCat is a silly name, but so was Firefox17:23
enigma9o7[m]ogra, do you really want an answer to that?  Pretty sure you've heard it before.17:24
ograleftyfb, yeah, thats what i fear ... once you hacked up your apt setup you simply stay on an insecure beowser17:24
de-factoif ubuntu tries to force snap on its users, its their freedom of choice to avoid that17:25
leftyfbthere's a meme about this involving a stick and a bicycle17:25
ograenigma9o7[m], everything i heard was mostly made up nonsense and political babbling ... anyway ... that's off topic here anyway17:25
leftyfbthere's been zero legitimate reasons to hate snaps since 22.04 was released17:25
ograde-facto, *mozilla* asked for it and asked for all debs to be nuked ...17:25
leftyfbother that "just cuz"17:25
ograde-facto, i doubt that PPA will stay around ...17:26
de-factoif it vanishes i may choose another distro i guess17:26
* ogra shakes head17:26
ograyour choice ideed17:26
enigma9o7[m]There will always be a solution if you want to stick with regular ubuntu.17:26
de-factoi love ubuntu, its absolutely awesome, but i dont like to get forced into using snap17:27
enigma9o7[m]If for example mozilla stopped building it and sharing the tarball, which seems crazy unlikely, but you could use the mint build.17:27
leftyfbde-facto: you're also forced into using dpkg. Why not demand nix?17:27
ograenigma9o7[m], i dont mind if people want to not use the snap ... but all these howtos pointing pepole to PPAs that will potentially go away instead of giving instructions to use the tarball (which will stay around) is irresponsible IMHO17:28
enigma9o7[m]Using the tarball defeats the purpose, because it auto updates itself.17:28
leftyfbogra: does the compiled version keep itself updated?17:28
ograpeople will not notice that they do not get updates anymore and stick to the last deb that was installed17:28
enigma9o7[m]Well I mean one of the purposes, I know there are many.17:28
ograleftyfb, no idea, i never used it17:28
leftyfbme either17:28
enigma9o7[m]But one is to be able to control updates myself, with apt.   if you install the mozilla build, it updates itself and tells you to restart, all by itself.17:29
ograenigma9o7[m], so then they are god with the PPA ... it will just not update once it is gone ... lol17:29
de-factodpkg always was part of Debian/Ubuntu and i dont agree with the new snap intrusion getting froced on users, if it was that good no forcing would be required to establish it17:29
dchttp://pastie.org/p/2QpWQQUGTpLInRyeEHRcks what is going on here?17:29
enigma9o7[m](I also remove unattended-upgraedes btw, although I realize, some people like that too, probably the same people that like snap.)17:29
dctrying to go from 20.04 LTS to 22.0417:29
ograde-facto, getting forced ?17:29
de-factothere is no browser without it17:29
de-factohence its forced on users yes17:29
enigma9o7[m]there is gnome web17:30
enigma9o7[m]err epiphany-browser17:30
de-factoi tried that in the live distro, it did not work17:30
leftyfbde-facto: the snap firefox has been around for years and wasn't force. Mozilla gave users time to adapt17:30
leftyfbeither way, we're offtopic here17:31
de-factoif its additional (and optional) i am fine with it, but if its exclusive way to get FF its forcing snap on users and i am against that17:31
enigma9o7[m]It is the official way.17:31
enigma9o7[m]But users are free to do what they want, like you already said.17:31
ograynothing is forced as you can see by all these people removing it 🙂17:31
de-factoanyhow other than all that mess the new release rocks, its truely awesome17:32
* de-facto uses Ubuntu as the main OS for more than a decade now and still loves it17:37
* enigma9o7[m] uploaded an image: (395KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/HjSvWrsXrnKjVebqCPCFDKlz/Screenshot%20from%202022-04-26%2010-37-29.png >17:38
enigma9o7[m]I've got almost 850 packages installed, and using just over 200MB of memory.17:38
de-factohehe neat17:38
Gallomimiasigh... can anyone please tell me where to find the password data for my firefox installation? i'm on ubuntu 21.10 and i cannot seem to figure out how to take my passwords on a road trip17:40
Gallomimia(firefox accounts is just... not having me.)17:41
maccam94[m]I'm using the Mozilla Firefox PPA on Ubuntu 22.04, but the snap package from the main repo keeps replacing the ppa package. I've set the PPA Pin-Priority to 1000, am I missing something?17:41
enigma9o7[m]maccam, I did it following this guide, which blocks the ubuntu official version: https://balintreczey.hu/blog/firefox-on-ubuntu-22-04-from-deb-not-from-snap/17:42
leftyfbGallomimia: about:logins17:42
leftyfbmaccam94[m]: just to be clear, PPA's and their software are not supported here17:43
maccam94[m]hey leftyfb , long time no talk. I'm not asking about support for the ppa package, it's an apt pin priority issue17:43
ograwith a PPA package17:43
thyriaenafter upgrading to 22.04 i lost my custom hotkey layout - i sill have my file but inserting a variant into xkb/rules/evdev.xml doesn´t seem to work right, can someone help me out ? i want to create a variant on english us keyboards17:44
leftyfbmaccam94[m]: woah, didn't realize you're cam from Ubuntu-MA huH?17:44
maccam94[m]haha yeah!17:45
leftyfbmaccam94[m]: you were one of the smart ones. What are you doing neutering your system to prevent it from using the snap?17:46
maccam94[m]I use KeepassXC, which has a browser extension that doesn't work with the snap17:47
ograyeah, thats only due in a few weeks17:47
ograsame issue as the extension management17:47
leftyfbogra: is there a bug?17:47
ograyep, listed in the release notes ...17:47
ograjust not clearly pointing to keypassxc17:47
sarnoldmaccam94[m]: be careful, at some point that ppa is liable to stop publishing updates for firefox. when you go a few weeks without a firefox update, be sure to look around a bit17:48
ograthey both need the native-messaging implementation that is currently being worked on17:48
maccam94[m]unsure if you meant this by extension management @ogra, but gnome shell extensions can't be installed from the website either iirc17:49
ogramaccam94[m], yes, thats what i mean17:49
ioriamanfromafar, for extensions you use now a dedicated tool17:49
ograthere is a fix in the works, just didnt make it for release day but is the highest prio work ATM17:49
leftyfbmaccam94[m]: https://linuxiac.com/install-firefox-from-deb-on-ubuntu-22-04-lts/   specifically the part about the pin priority17:50
ograright, as fallback just apt install gnome-extension-manager17:50
ogralike pointed out in the release notes17:50
chibillBtw anyone else had an issue with SnapD just eating up a bunch of memory doing nothing?17:50
leftyfbmaccam94[m]: just to be sure to keep an eye on the firefox snap for when it gets resolved. You'll want to revert back to the snap. The PPA is more than likely going to go away17:51
maccam94[m]leftyfb: I already set the pin priority to 100017:51
matsamansnaps are a dumpster fire, and always will be17:51
leftyfbmatsaman: stop17:51
enigma9o7[m]maccam, did you look at the link I sent, its a very simple pin setting the default firefox* to -117:51
matsamanleftyfb: you stop17:51
leftyfbmaccam94[m]: try 100117:51
chibillI found that over the course of a month or so snapd starts to slowly use up the memory on my system to where even with nothing else running its using like over 3GB.  This is on 20.04 still btw.17:52
ioria1001 is right17:52
ograchibill, 15M resident ram on my system17:52
ogra(uptime is ~1 month here, 83 snaps installed)17:53
lotuspsychjechibill: there was an older bug #1642068 thats already fixed too17:54
ubottuBug 1642068 in snapd (Ubuntu) "snapd memory sizes grows huge over time" [High, Fix Released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/164206817:54
enigma9o7[m]hmmm i just had to reboot after 2 updays cuz new kernel17:54
leftyfbchibill: which ubuntu release?17:54
sarnold43M, 23M, 85MB, and 65M on my variety of systems17:55
enigma9o7[m]about an hour ago when i ran updates it came in, and pretty sure i'd updated yesterday, so its new17:55
maccam94[m]ugh ok 1001 is the key leftyfb ioria : "P > 1000 causes a version to be installed even if this constitutes a downgrade of the package."17:55
chibillBtw is there a way to find out the name of running snaps? Got some on that starts at boot using up 353M yet I never installed any snaps myself.17:55
leftyfbmaccam94[m]: :)17:55
chibillleftyfb: Linux jwg1 5.13.0-39-generic #44~20.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Thu Mar 24 16:43:35 UTC 2022 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux17:56
leftyfbchilversc: snap list # will show you which snaps are installed17:56
chibillStill need to update to 22.04 but I am waiting a few days before updating just incase of any huge issues that may crop up in the release.17:57
leftyfbchibill: grep VERSION /etc/os-release17:57
chibillERSION="20.04.4 LTS (Focal Fossa)"17:57
chibillBtw seems its snap-store eating up 353M. :/17:57
ograchibill, ps ax|grep snap ... (all snap binaries are executed from their mountpoint in /snap so that should return something)17:58
Gallomimialeftyfb, no no, i need to bring those logins with me, to a new machine, in a physically different spot17:59
Gallomimiaaha. export17:59
chibillyep. Just snap-store. Btw why under snap list does it show 3 versions of gnome?17:59
ograchibill, thats by design of gnome-software ... it leaves a daemon running that regulary refreshes its database ... not a snap specific prob with it ...17:59
ogra(called gapplication-service IIRC)18:01
chibillSo over time I will just get more and more gnome snaps installed when ever canonical thinks it needs an update.18:02
ograchibill, probably ...18:02
chibillSounds like a bug if I ever heard of one.18:03
ograchibill, what exactly ? that snaps replace older packaging formats ?18:04
chibillThat I should have to have 3 version of gnome installed because of canonical using snap for it.18:06
thingfishoh come on.18:06
chibillLike how is not uninstalling the old version not a bug.18:08
ograwhich old version ... of what ?18:08
chibillOf gnome? I have 3 versions installed so some werid reason.18:09
ograof gnome ???18:09
chibillOne with a real version number and the other two have git hashes as version numbers.18:09
* ogra does get what you are saying ... you have three desktops ? 18:10
ogra*does not18:10
lotuspsychjei think he means snap list showing 3 gnomes ogra18:11
ogralotuspsychje, aaaahhh !!!18:11
sarnoldwho knows what he means, he hasn't provided any pastebins ..18:11
ograa paste would have helped 🙂18:11
ograchibill, type "snap help revert" ;) and https://snapcraft.io/docs/keeping-snaps-up-to-date#heading--refresh-retain ... it is a feature :) ... (though admittedly 2 versions would be enough on desktops)18:13
ograthis is how transactional package systems (the ones that allow you to roll back to a former version if wanted) work ...18:14
chibillIs that also why I have some sort of core18 snap?   Even though my system was a new 20.04 install?18:14
ograyes, snaps are not tied to the hosts OS but run on top of a "base" snap ... so i can package snaps that would only work on 22.04 using the core22 snap and you would be able to use them without issues on i.e. 18.0418:15
ograthat makes it possible for maintainers (i.e. mozilla) to only maintain a single package for all distros that use snaps, regardless of the distro version18:16
chibillSo snaps are canonical answer to flatpacks I guess.18:17
chibillSince they also work across almost all distros / versions.18:18
ograsnaps have been created in 2014 ... two years before redhat renamed "xdg-apps" to flatpak18:18
thyriaenmy custom keyboard layout doesn't work anymore after update - can someone help me out ?18:18
ograi'd rather say flatpak is the answer to snaps ... 🙂18:18
sarnold.. and snaps were an iteration on the 'click' packaging format from 2012 (or earlier?)18:19
chibillHonestly I just hate snaps :/ because they have cause me alot of issues. (Like eating memory)18:20
ograi also always find it a fun fact that flatpaks were announced the week canonical announced desktop app support for snaps 🙂18:20
ograchibill, they dont eat more memory than other packaging formats18:20
ogranot sure who spreads such myths ... but the binaries eat the same amount of ram no matter of you run them from deb, snap or flatpak18:21
chibillogra: Snapd and snap-store has been on my system. At one point I have 12GB tied up in those two processes.18:21
ogra(snaps save disk space due to being compressed, gpg signed squashfs ismages though)18:22
maccam94[m]having more versions of the same library technically uses more ram18:22
chibillGranted I have over 6 months of uptime at that point on my system.18:22
ograchibill, can you point to the bug report you filed about this ?18:22
ograchibill, i definitely do not observe this on any of my systems18:23
chibillI didn't since rebooting fixed it for now. And I just told snap-store to no start.18:23
chibillsince I don't use snaps.18:23
ogramaccam94[m], ths is why most snaps use content snaps for libraries18:23
ogra(snaps with shared libs)18:24
chibillI would used snaps alot more if I didn't have to be careful about versions between my Ubuntu systems and non-ubuntu systems.18:24
ograwhile you do have some app specific libs in a snap usually, the shared stuff comes from shared content snaps wince quite some time18:24
maccam94[m]but having N versions of the lib for apps with different version constraints still means using extra memory, rather than porting the apps to all use the same version18:24
maccam94[m]it's a tradeoff, sorry I was just being pedantic. it's not "the same amount of ram"18:25
ograwell, admittedly if you use snaps built for 16.04 on 22.04 along with snaps built for 20.04 you have two lib versions for the shared content18:26
maccam94[m]but the complaints are likely unrelated to that18:26
ograbut i guess that relly weights out all the advantages snaps bring along18:26
sarnoldogra: any chance you can jump in on https://github.com/keepassxreboot/keepassxc-browser/issues/1426 and provide some guidance?18:31
ubottuIssue 1426 in keepassxreboot/keepassxc-browser "Browser Integration not operable on Firefox Ubuntu 21.10" [Open]18:31
chibillQuestion is there a snap specific IRC channel to just try and understand these things more?  Like is it possible to install dev headers for things installed with snap (For example if I installed python using snap.)  And stuff like that.18:32
sarnoldthat'd be up to whoever provided your python snap to provide, if they wanted to18:34
sarnoldthere's a #snappy that might be useful18:34
ograsarnold, not sure i feel like poking the wasp nest ... https://github.com/flatpak/xdg-desktop-portal/issues/655 is the fix tough ...18:38
ubottuIssue 655 in flatpak/xdg-desktop-portal "NativeMessaging portal for sandboxed browsers" [Open]18:38
sarnoldogra: yeah.. I know what you mean. but folks are disabling apparmor on their systems to try to solve this :(18:39
sarnold.. or installing firefox from a ppa that's probably going to stop providing updates Any Day Now18:39
ograchibill, there is #snappy for snapd develpment etc ... and #snapcraft for packaging issues ... also https://forum.snapcraft.io is the place for all snap discussions, qestions etc18:39
ograsarnold, and we admittedly do not have a proper solution for early 22.04 adopters but to switch to the tarball until this is fixed18:41
ogra... same goes for pkcs11 users btw18:43
chibillAnd this is why I am still on 20.04 instead of jumping to the new update right away.18:49
ograchibill, because you use keepassxc or pkcs11 with your browser ?18:51
ograsarnold, oh, i just sew that osomon actually linked the keepassxc issue you pointed to in the xdg-portal PR so there is a connection between the two already18:53
chibillBecause I know that there is a huge risk updating to a new release without waiting a bit for any huge bugs to be found that were not found during testing.   Which that isn't huge but still a little reminder of why I wait. (I use firefox that came pre-installed on 20.04)18:54
sarnoldogra: heh so there is... but that was five months ago. newcomers will jump to the end of the issue, see "disable apparmor or remove snap" as solutions..18:55
maccam94[m]handwringing about speedbumps during software migrations isn't a useful way to spend anyone's time. it's just a fact of life. don't upgrade on launch day if you aren't willing to deal with it.18:57
chibillIf I was to move from using apt to using snaps for as much as I can. Would you recommend re-installing instead of trying to figure out everything that I have installed? (Plus it will give me a chance to replace my "server" boot drive that is starting to go out. Just have to make sure I figure out how to export/import my ZFS pool.18:58
maccam94[m]snaps aren't going to replace all apt packages anytime soon. they exist to solve thorny dependency problems for certain types of complex 3rd party applications.18:59
ograi'd not "replace everything" with snaps 🙂 ...18:59
ogramaccam94[m], debs are used to build snaps 😉 (even though you can build snap the arch/gentoo way with everything from source if you like, nobody really does that)18:59
maccam94[m]*(and also to provide extra security for certain higher-risk apps)19:00
maccam94[m]where do the debs come from though? at some point they're built from source, using an environment similar to a snap right?19:01
ograi personally switch more an more apps over to snaps ... and love that i dont have to care for them and get newer versions than the archive ... but i also appreciate having the deb based base underneath19:01
ograthe debs come from launchpad ... where the debian source debs get imported into19:02
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ograso the source usually comes from debian ... binaries are built using launchpad19:03
ogra(like snaps btw ... also built on launchpad 🙂 )19:03
maccam94[m]and the build chroot is using a base image that basically matches one of the core snaps or something19:03
ograthre is a base for each LTS19:04
chibillStill amazes me how ubuntu gets some of the newer package versions into a stable LTS then debian does. Like some are still in the unstable branch for debian while the same exact version is stable on Ubuntu.19:05
zelohello i would like to use a color profile for my monitors, i have a .cat .icm and .inf file rdy for them (but it said the windows 10 download). will they work and how would i install em? i am using kubuntu19:07
zeloalos. i have fury beast (rgb) memory and rgb aio that are controlled via software, what software would probably work ?19:09
sarnoldchibill: heh, that's by design; ubuntu constantly imports from debian unstable into ubuntu -devel19:15
maccam94[m]@zelo for the light controls, check out OpenRGB https://openrgb.org/19:17
maccam94[m]you might get more responses for kde questions in #kubuntu19:21
zelogood point ;)19:22
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balticsunriseplease does anyone know if jammy comes with specific release notes or admin guidance re: supporting firefox as a snap, such as how to tweak userhome sandboxing for downloads?19:31
Maikbalticsunrise: did you read the release notes?19:33
NeNeany woman is interested in being part of an irc network project for women only, i hold a hand with the server and the web!19:34
h1potanyone else using kubuntu 22.04 could please see something for me?19:34
leftyfb!op | NeNe19:34
ubottuNeNe: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - CarlFK, DJones, el, Flannel, genii, hggdh, ikonia, krytarik, mneptok, mwsb, nhandler, ogra, Pici, popey, sarnold, tomreyn, Unit193, wgrant19:35
Guest77what do you all think of the new ubuntu lts19:36
balticsunriseMaik: i tried! but if there's any reference to the new snap confinement most users will encounter for the first time i must have missed it!19:36
Guest77gnome 42 right?19:36
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balticsunrisestrict confinement policy seems like something that should either be disabled by default or at least explained, no?19:36
Maik!discuss | Guest7719:36
ubottuGuest77: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!19:36
leftyfbGuest77: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/jammy-jellyfish-release-notes/2466819:36
h1poti'm having an issue with Diskover and my printer stopped working via usb so far, but the system is very stable and blazing fast19:37
Maikleftyfb: thanks, just wanted to paste the same19:37
krytenNeNe: Advertising other networks or channels isn't welcome here.19:37
ograbalticsunrise, open a topic on https://forum.snapcraft.io ... (if there is not one already)19:39
ioriah1pot, what is Diskover ?19:39
balticsunriseif users try to download to a directory that is not ~/Downloads, it simply doesn't work, isn't this a bug?19:39
cbreakbalticsunrise: sounds like a bug19:40
cbreakwhy would it not work?19:40
balticsunrisecbreak: presumably because of the 'strict' snap confinement policy19:40
h1potioria: kde app store19:40
cbreakbalticsunrise: hmm... maybe that snap thing doesn't support proper confinement :/19:41
ograbalticsunrise, the snap uses a portal so the file shuold end up where you pick to save it ...19:41
ograbalticsunrise, open a topic in the forum ... or a firefox bug at the mozilla bugtracker19:41
cbreakon MacOS, confined applications get a token from the OS when the user selects a location via the GUI, which they can use to write into directories19:41
cbreakI'd have expected snaps to do something similar :(19:41
ograthey do19:42
balticsunriseogra: thanks, but when i try the "save" button is greyed-out and ineffective. i will consider filing a bug then19:42
ograbalticsunrise, oh, are you on 22.04 ? (might be the xdg-desktop-portal does not support this in older versions) ...19:48
balticsunriseyes, this only became an issue because of 22.04 switching to snaps for firefox19:49
ogra(if it does not work in 22.04 it is a bug, on older releases it might just be a missing feature)19:49
ograk, just to make sure 🙂19:50
balticsunriseogra: i just tested on a fresh build now and it isnt present, perhaps something went awry during the jammy upgrade...19:51
ograyeah, sounds like ... but that might also be a bug though19:51
ogra(the upgrade should indeed go smooth and not cause this)19:52
cbreakmaybe you have to re-select your download location?19:52
nshirelaptopI keep seeing `Unable to negotiate with port 34002: no matching key exchange method found.` in auth.log. this ip address appears to be owned by microsoft, anyone have an idea what's going on?19:55
ravagenshirelaptop, not really the topic here. but microsoft -> cloud -> azure. you will see that a lot in your logs19:57
leftyfbnshirelaptop: lock down your ssh, install fail2ban and ignore it. /join #security for further advice on security measures19:58
nshirelaptopso some random person's cloud instance is repeatedly trying to connect to my local server?19:58
sarnoldnshirelaptop: what program is logging those?19:58
sarnoldaha, yeah, leftyfb's advice should be helpful :)20:00
leftyfbnshirelaptop: to make that particular ip stop showing up:  sudo iptables -A INPUT -s -j DROP    # but this is only temporary and only for the 1 ip. Doing this for all attempts is not meant to be done manually20:02
leftyfbnshirelaptop: every public ip on the internet is under constant and unrelenting attack from countless sources around the world. Mainly due to people who do not secure their systems enough or do things like stick entire public ipv6 blocks on every one of their devices and don't bother understanding basic security or networking practices20:04
nshirelaptopI'm beginning to think that `unable to negotiate` spam wasn't a hacking attempt. I enabled livepatch right before the logspam started.20:19
sarnoldand how exactly would livepatch interact with your sshd?20:20
leftyfbnshirelaptop: it was 100% an attack, as I said happens to everything on the public internet 24/720:21
nshirelaptopwell, I have never seen that in my logs until a few seconds after I enabled livepatch20:22
leftyfbnshirelaptop: yeah, you're probably right. It's probably best to completely ignore decades of experience from the community as well as concrete data and just go with your gut and not doing anything about it20:23
olleWhy does my Ubuntu keep resetting the keyboard to default, when I want caps-esc to be switch? Have to run bashrc again and again D:20:23
leftyfbolle: I think you want xmodmap for that20:24
leftyfbolle: probably something like this https://askubuntu.com/a/802493/115131120:24
nshirelaptopalright I have no idea what's going on, but blocking that IP actually made my home network drop out, hence why nshire quit a few minutes ago20:25
leftyfbnshirelaptop: then you did it wrong. Also, implementing the rule will in no way affect any other devices on your network20:26
nshirelaptopI blocked it on my firewall20:26
nshirelaptoprouter level20:26
leftyfbthen you did something wrong20:27
sarnoldolle: you made the mistake to put it in your bashrc20:28
sarnoldolle: those commands don't go in bashrc20:28
sarnoldleftyfb: another excellent link :)20:29
nshirelaptopmust investigate further20:36
ollesarnold: hmmm20:44
=== duxco is now known as duxsco
Guest9142my touchpad at macbook has stopped to work21:43
zeloGuest9142, try and start with a previous version of GRUB. do you know how?21:44
Guest9142no, and I prefer to be careful with bootloader changes21:46
zelodo you have a grub menu when you boot?21:46
Guest9142ehm, wait i restart, idk21:47
slingamni booted the live desktop image of 22.04 on my intel-based laptop (a thinkpad) but it seems like it booted me into an X session, not a Wayland session22:57
slingamnps showed Xorg running, not Wayland22:57
slingamnthen i tried logging out but i couldn't see the gear icon on the login screen22:57
slingamnis there a way i can test the wayland session on my hardware?22:57
ravageslingamn, sudo nano /etc/gdm3/custom.conf23:04
ravagesudo systemctl restart gdm323:04
ravageecho $XDG_SESSION_TYPE23:05
slingamninteresting, thanks. i thought wayland was supposed to be the default in 22.04 though?23:05
ravagei guess X11 is the safer choice for the installer23:06
slingamnoh, that makes sense23:06
jcassey[m]decision to make wayland the defaul wasretracted a while ago.23:08
ravagethat is not true23:09
jcassey[m]I heard wayland gives fps to games, got to try it someday.23:09
jcassey[m]Good, i have to try it no more xD23:09
leftyfbthe default was changed on launch day23:10
ravage(for nvidia)23:11
slingamnthat's my understanding as well, the default is wayland for most GPUs and xorg for Nvidia23:12
jcassey[m]yeah, i use a radeon apu, bu better read all before saying anything else.23:12
jcassey[m]yes, i think i was confusing 21.xx release, i read it a while back.23:15
jcassey[m]Off topic but amd apu drivers are amazing, great job amd.23:16
NCEricTrying out the 22.04 on VMWare VCenter... Can't seem to get a resolution above 1280x768.  The "Autosize" definitely doesn't work.  On 20.04 after installing open-vm-tools and open-vm-tools-desktop everything just worked.23:27
NCEricHere if I select 1280x800 it doesn't work, I get no display23:27
ravagesounds like a problem vmware has to solve with a driver update or update for those tools23:28
sarnoldyou may need to check oracle's website to see if they've got a new version of guest drivers, or perhaps a new version of the host software, etc23:28
NCErick... I can wait ;-)  ... another thing I noticed.  When I tripple click to select an entire line in the terminal, then use middle click to paste it... it's like I never hit [enter]23:29
ravageworks perfectly fine with SPICE btw :)23:29
=== Chooch is now known as Gooch
sarnoldI wonder if that "never hit enter" thing is a newfangled security thing, to help prevent running malicious commands from pastes23:30
NCEricravage, I'm unfamiliar w/ SPICE.  I can try VirtualBox too.  But I guess VMWare's suggestion is to not even use their VMWare Tools package and to use open-vm-tools23:30
NCEricsarnold, I wonder if I can disable it ;-)23:30
NCEricecho "echo hi"23:30
NCEricthen triple click the line that just says "echo hi"23:31
NCEricI'm so used to doing that... when I run through my history of commands.23:31
NCEricWow... that whole "never hit enter" thing is even there on xterm.  That is surprising.  Now I'm wondering where it's implemented23:32
NCEric... meaning, at what layer.  Is it an xorg thing?  Is 22.04 even using xorg?23:33
=== Gooch is now known as Mibix
thriceNCEric: like this?  https://i.imgur.com/79tbYI6.png23:54
sarnoldthrice: the 'echo "echo hi"' thing is so you'd get 'echo hi' alone on a line of its own, then you could triple-click that and paste that and it'd execute immediately23:56
thriceyeah, what you see is me triple clicking to highlight the entire line, and then when I middle click, it pastes + does new line23:57
sarnoldand the lambda?23:57
thricejust my prompt23:57
UrkGot some type of corruption problem, and can't close Firefox and Chrome.  I ran px aux, and then tried to use the killall command to kill the PID, but it didn't kill them.  What should I do?23:58
sarnoldUrk: bust out kill -923:58

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