[09:27] Eickmeyer: doesn't work. I now only get the text theme on boot [09:30] oh, it needs plymouth-theme-spiiner as a dependency [09:30] ok, it works. can't test the bug though [11:28] Hi all [14:29] RikMills: Expected that you can't test the bug if you don't have the old theme installed. Feel free to ppa-purge my PPA. [16:28] RikMills: Fixed the dependency issue (I should've known that one, but this is why we test things), reuploading and rebuilding. If anyone else wants to test, feel free. [16:29] At any time you want to give me the green light to convert to SRU/upload, just say the word. [16:39] RikMills: Also, hard to test the bug if you don't have mismatching resolutions across monitors, especially in high DPI situations. [16:40] Eickmeyer: If karmic opens soon, lets get it in there 1st? [16:40] karmic? [16:40] whoops. time warp [16:40] kinetic [16:41] though I guess for the focus you want it in jammy morfe [16:44] RikMills: Yeah, for Focus we really want it in Jammy, but I know the standard SRU process well enough. [17:39] Even if Kinetic opens, I don't think much is going to be happening. For more than a day now, the buildfarm has been totally screwed. The publisher seems to be AWOL as well. [17:42] mamarley: Yeah, it's giving me huge headaches. This has been me: https://nextcloud.ericheickmeyer.com/index.php/s/s7gNYResWBBFCtn [17:43] Does anyone know what the problem with it is? I can't seem to find any information. [17:46] All of the discussion is a matter of "There's nothing we can do" "We've escalated as high as we can go", etc. [18:40] https://www.reddit.com/r/Kubuntu/comments/ud5y24/kubuntu_dracula_wallpaper/ [18:40] O.O [19:46] RikMills: Spoopy [20:13] oh that's funny