
=== iggy is now known as Ignatius
=== Ignatius is now known as iggy
=== iggy is now known as Ignatius
=== Ignatius is now known as iggy
=== iggy is now known as ggrg
=== ggrg is now known as ggerg
=== ggerg is now known as lemon_grass
lubot_[telegram] <ctisme> how to assign shortcut key to screenshot/windows tiling on lubuntu in easy way?02:00
arraybolt3Hellp ctisme! Let me see if I can help you.02:02
arraybolt3Almost there...02:04
arraybolt3For screenshot: Click the Application Menu in the lower-left corner of the screen.02:05
arraybolt3Hover over "Preferences", then hover over "LXQt Settings", and click "Shortcut Keys".02:06
arraybolt3Scroll down until you find an entry in the table with the description "screen shot".02:06
arraybolt3Hold down the shortcut keys you want to use to take a screenshow (say Win+S), and while holding those keys down, click the button next to "Shortcut:".02:07
arraybolt3Not all of the shortcut key combos will actually work, so you may have to try different combos until you find one that works.02:09
arraybolt3Ack, I missed a step (I'm using two computers here), sorry.02:10
arraybolt3So, open the Application Menu, hover over "Preferences", then hover over "LXQt Settings", and click "Shortcut Keys".02:10
arraybolt3Find the "screen shot" entry, click it, and click the Modify button at the right side of the screen.02:11
arraybolt3*Now* hold down the shortcut key combo you want and press the button next to "Shortcut:". Press OK, and you're done!02:11
arraybolt3Window tiling appears to be a bit more difficult, so I'm not sure if I can help you right here, but you might try the Lubuntu Discourse 02:14
arraybolt3forum for more help on that front.02:14
lubot[telegram] <tbs61> wow, you are fast08:30
lubot[telegram] <adithyav> Haha GoogledπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ (re @tbs61: wow, you are fast)08:31
lubot[telegram] <adithyav> What's the telegram bot? (re @tbs61: wow, you are fast)08:34
lubot[telegram] <tbs61> it s a bridge that allows irc and telegram to be connected (re @adithyav: What's the bridge  bot?)08:34
lubot[telegram] <tbs61> you know irc ?08:35
lubot[telegram] <adithyav> Nope (re @tbs61: you know irc ?)08:35
lubot[telegram] <tbs61> it s also a messaging platform (re @adithyav: Nope)08:36
lubot[telegram] <tbs61> a different kind of08:36
lubot[telegram] <adithyav> Okay, there we can ask questions?08:36
lubot[telegram] <tbs61> yes08:36
lubot[telegram] <tbs61> for lubuntu group it s same if it is here or there08:36
lubot[telegram] <adithyav> Okay (re @tbs61: for lubuntu group it s same if it is here or there)08:37
lubot[telegram] <tbs61> since that bridge bot carry messages from there to here and here to there08:37
lubot[telegram] <adithyav> Do you answer as well?08:37
lubot[telegram] <tbs61> if i know, gladly08:37
lubot[telegram] <adithyav> πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘08:38
frenhello, I have and early 2009 imac. Can I just install Lubuntu as if I were on a windows pc or do I have to do something else10:56
lubot[telegram] <tbs61> what do you mean by " as if i were on a windows pc" ? sorry im not native english user (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) <fren> hello, I have and early 2009 imac. Can I just install Lubuntu as if I were on a windows pc or do I have to do something else)11:00
lubot[telegram] <tbs61> i just noticed i cant use appimages at lubuntu. i tried same appimage which is pling at ubuntu-mate and it works there13:43
lubot[telegram] <tbs61> i used both usb flash and gnome boxes with lubuntu 22, cant run pling13:44
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> You need to install the libfuse2 package.13:44
lubot[telegram] <tbs61> first time hearing this, thanks (re @kc2bez: You need to install the libfuse2 package.)13:45
lubot[telegram] <tbs61> libfuse3 is preinstalled at system, seems 3 doesnt cover 2...13:50
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> That is correct.13:51
lubot[telegram] <tbs61> installing libfuse2 worked btw, i want to try a new theme i saw at pling for lxqt :)13:55
lubot[telegram] <tbs61> i just remember i cant use pling for auto install, need to install themes manually.14:00
lubuntunoobToday had a kernel panic with version 5.15.0-27 with lubuntu 22.04, has anyone else had this? (fixed by switching to version
arraybolt3@lubuntunoob Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I'll look into it and see if I can reproduce the problem. If so, I'll file a bug report so we can start getting it fixed!20:04
arraybolt3lubuntunoob: Hey, can you tell me what hardware you're using by any chance? Something like "Dell Latitude 5420" is what I'm looking for.21:25
lubuntunoob@arraybolt3 hey thanks for looking into this - it is an Asus laptop - model X456U21:27
arraybolt3Thank you, that will be helpful for debugging!21:27
lubuntunoob@ arraybolt3 It's a few years old and likes to be a trouble-causer - I get a few error messages during boot but they all seem benign, not sure if that would contribute to the kernel panic21:32
arraybolt3If it's not too much trouble, it might be helpful if you could reinstall the bad kernel, boot into it, and then take a picture of the kernel panic error with your phone or something. Upload it to Imgur and send the link over chat. The error contains a wealth of debugging information. If it's too much trouble, don't worry about it.21:36
lubuntunoobyeah I can give that a try, see you in a couple minutes21:39
lubuntunoob@arraybolt I'm back - I reinstalled the kernel but when I tried rebooting it didn't kernel panic (nor did it boot properly). It got stuck somewhere in bios loading with text as follows [OK] finished secure boot updates for DB and DBX   [OK] finished plymouth boot screen [OK] finished set console screen. I installed linux-modules and linux-headers 5.15.0-27-generic with the required dependencies but maybe I missed something. I remembered I 21:49
lubuntunoobtook a photo earlier in the day of the kernel panic, but some of the message is cut off21:49
arraybolt3Sounds like you forgot to install linux-image?21:53
lubuntunoobhaha thank you I will try again21:53
lubuntunoobis it just the 3?21:53
arraybolt3I've done stuff like that before lol21:53
arraybolt3I believe so, but let me check just real quick21:54
lubuntunooblinux-image is installing the other 2 as dependencies by the way21:54
arraybolt3Nice. I believe it is just those three.21:56
lubuntunoobokay round 2!21:56
lubuntunoob@arraybolt still no dice, froze at [OK] finished terminate plymouth boot screen22:13
lubuntunoobthis pastebin is the portion of the kernel panic I had a photo of https://pastebin.com/C7G1N1Ms22:14
lubot[telegram] <teward001> > Initramfs unpacking failed: ZSTD-compressed data is corrupt...... 22:15
lubot[telegram] <teward001> This suggests that maybe the kernel installation and stuff failed22:15
lubuntunoob@arraybolt3 missed the 322:15
lubot[telegram] <teward001> only way to know is to uninstall the kernel and probably reinstall it while in the older kernel and watch the apt output like a hawk to see if there's something going awry during the install process22:15
lubuntunoobI tried reinstalling and noticed this error in the install message dkms: WARNING: Linux headers are missing, which may explain the above failures.22:19
lubuntunoob      please install the linux-headers-5.15.0-27-generic package to fix this.22:19
lubot[telegram] <teward001> yeah install that as well22:20
lubuntunoobIt is old because during the confirmation it said linux-headers would be installed as a dependency22:20
lubuntunoobthere was also this message during linux-image install Memtest86+ needs a 16-bit boot, that is not available on EFI, exiting22:22
lubuntunoobWarning: os-prober will not be executed to detect other bootable partitions.22:22
lubuntunoobSystems on them will not be added to the GRUB boot configuration.22:22
lubuntunoobno errors during linux-headers22:22
lubuntunoobI'll try another reboot, back shortly22:23
lubuntunoobhello again, still no dice on 5.15.0-27, no kernel panic, no successful boot. At least 5.15.0-25 seems to work fine haha22:26
lubuntunoobnot sure if these matter, but here are the 'benign' errors I get during a successful boot https://pastebin.com/Vrdz8DJS22:27
kmhi got a question regarding the swap partition22:37
kc2bezAsk away kmh 22:39
kmhfor some reason (maybe i forgot it in the manual partition) my swap space doesn't get mounted at boot up and there is no entry for the swap partition in /eetc/fstab either22:39
kmhhowever the swap partition was created (just not mounted) - I can see it an activate it with KDE partition tool22:40
kmhbut that activation goes away after a reboot22:40
lubot[telegram] <teward001> did you do manual partitioning to add it, or was it part of an automatic install?22:41
kmhi'm not quite sure what i need to do to assure that it is mounted and activated at booting22:41
lubot[telegram] <teward001> if you did manual partitioning it won't be activated automatically and you will have to write the fstab entry yourself to make it work22:41
lubot[telegram] <teward001> (which isn't hard)22:41
kmhand/or what exact line i need in fstab22:41
kmhi did a manual partition22:42
kmhah ok22:42
lubot[telegram] <teward001> run blkid on the command line.  Start by getting the UUID for your swap partition.  I'll walk you through the fstab entry22:42
kmhthen my only question is for the exact syntax for the fstab entry22:42
kmhi get get the UUID from the kde partition tool too, so i have that but i'm unsure about any parameters i may have to pass22:44
lubot[telegram] <teward001> that'll work fine too as i said i'll give you all the lines you need for the fstab22:44
kmhcurrently fstan also contains a "/swapfile                                 swap           swap    defaults   0 0" line22:44
kmhdo i leave that as it it is?22:44
lubot[telegram] <teward001> if you have the UUID then, your line will look like this:  /dev/disk/by-uuid/UUIDHERE    none    swap    sw    0    022:45
kmhok thanks i have uuid and fstab open22:45
lubot[telegram] <teward001> and as you've noticed, Lubuntu uses swapfiles by default.  If you don't want to use a swap file you should comment that out22:45
kmhwell once the swap partition is mounted i suppose a swap file makes no sense (just eats up memory on the system disk?)22:46
lubot[telegram] <teward001> pretty much hence just comment out thatline in fstab for now22:46
kmhone more question regarding the syntax if you don't mind22:47
kmhthe already mounted partitions in my fstab seems to use a slightly different syntx - looking like:22:48
kmhUUID=f52a4b45-f105-4b73-849d-7b0a681dc606 /              ext4    defaults,discard 0 122:48
kmhfor the root/system partition22:48
tewardUUID= and /dev/disk/by-uuid/ are pretty much identical22:48
tewardexcept that i've seen UUID randomly fail for Unknown Reasons in some environments and had better luck using /dev/disk/by-uuid/22:49
tewardyou can use UUID= if you want22:49
tewardbut i personally use /dev/disk/by-uuid22:49
teward(i'm teward001 on Telegram by the way :P)22:49
kmhso i could do :  UUID=<myswap partition uuid>  none    swap    sw    0    0   ?22:50
lubot[telegram] <teward001> correct22:50
lubot[telegram] <teward001> I just prefer using /dev/disk/by-uuid/ because that's my preferred way :)22:50
lubot[telegram] <teward001> but you can do it either way22:51
kmhok thanks i'll try that way then to keep the notation consistent (for me)22:51
kmhand irc question regarding the bridge to telegram22:54
kmhteward, 22:55
kmhteward001 if i address your nick this way is that helpful on thelegram client or does that get ignored?22:56
kmhand related the teward in the irc channel is identical with you or somebody else?22:56
lubot[telegram] <teward001> @teward001 will ping me here in Telegram22:57
lubot[telegram] <teward001> but teward is my IRC nick and IRC Cloud will ping me if you ping that22:57
lubot[telegram] <teward001> so either way I get the notice :)22:57
kmhah ok22:57
kmhbut for your client to get pinged on telegram i need the @ rather than just the nick?22:58
kmhall right thanks a lot, i'll test everything with a reboot soon23:01

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