
gombarahi. does anyone knows if Ubuntu 22.04 desktop (not server) ISOs support auto installation through d-i pressed files. my experiments did not yield any results. in 20.04 and prior isolinux.cfg is there and I use that file to pass preseed file name to kernel command line. with 22.04 I try doing the same witg grub.cfg. no luck. any ideas?07:48
gombarahow do I determine if the ubuntu installer is using debian installer or not in background?08:47
rbasakHow should I deal with an LTO issue in Jammy for a package in universe? SRU to lto-disabled-list and then SRU rebuild? Or lto-disabled-list upload to devel release, and SRU patch to "export DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS=optimize=-lto"? Or something else?09:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1951832 in xl2tpd (Ubuntu Jammy) "xl2tpd 'Can not find tunnel' in jammy" [Undecided, Triaged]09:01
rbasakdoko: do you have an opinion on this please? ^09:16
ginggsrbasak: i think SRU-ing lto-disabled list is sub-optimal, so SRU with a patch disabling LTO09:17
ginggsand i see the package has no delta, so lte-disabled-list upload to devel09:18
rbasakOK, thanks. I agree that makes the most sense so I'll proceed with that.09:18
rbasakNot sure where to hold the Kinetic upload before it opens, but I'll worry about that in a bit.09:19
gombaragombara anyone know how to pass "automatic" command line argument to ubiquity from grub.cfg file. I think failing doing so is the reason why Ubuntu 22.04 desktop installer does not start auto install09:39
xnoxgombara:  you should be able to press ESC at grub prompt, edit kernel command line and insure that automatic and similar keys are added in the cmdline..... before "---"09:43
gombaraxnox  linux/casper/vmlinuz  auto=true preseed/file=/cdrom/preseed.cfg priority=critical quiet splash noprompt ---09:45
gombaraxnox  ^^^ this is my command line09:45
xnoxgombara:  that looks like the right order of things. not sure about "auto=true" bits, one second.09:46
xnox> either by adding the 'automatic-ubiquity' option as a boot parameter09:46
xnoxgombara:  i thought you need "/casper/vmlinuz automatic-ubiquity pre.....09:47
xnoxmore concise summary on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopCDOptions09:47
xnox> automatic-ubiquity: Pass --automatic to ubiquity which enables automatic mode. Questions that have been marked seen will be skipped and pages of the interface that ask no questions (because they are all skipped) will not be shown. Implies only-ubiquity (see below).09:48
gombaraxnox perfect. that solves my problem. thanks a lot.09:49
gombarahow do I missed that part :/09:49
gombaraxnox do you know how to make ubiquity stop waiting for user input and use whatever there is in preseed file. automatic-ubiquity make it start automatically but it stops and waits for user input10:03
xnoxgombara:  it probably did not find the preseed, or preseed is incomplete.10:30
xnoxgombara:  as it will stop and wait for intup, when it doesn't know an answer10:31
xnoxsomehwere in launchpad we had our automated ubiquity desktop test cases with full preseed10:32
xnoxtrying to find it again10:32
xnoxgombara:  ta dah https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-test-case-dev/ubuntu-test-cases/desktop/view/head:/preseeds/default.cfg10:35
gombaraxnox thanks. I am using the preseed file I have been using for ubuntu 20.04 and earlier. looking at the syslog I dont see any complaint about missing preseed file.10:38
xnoxgombara:  maybe check things in /var/log/installer and other stuff in /var/log/ to see if preseed is found and loaded10:39
xnoxi also see in our automation we boot with "automatic-ubiquity noprompt"10:39
xnoxi cant' remember what noprompt did; maybe did not prompt for reboot in the end.10:39
gombaraxnox I have noprompt as well. does not help10:40
gombaraxnox how does your command line look like (from grub.cfg file I mean)10:41
xnoxit is quite different. as we repack initrd, and add preseed.cfg inside the initrd.10:42
gombaraxnox we do also have repacking. well some context here. I am trying to fix so called unattended install of VirtualBox. there we have a virtual ISO utility where we repack the ISO in memmory and mount it on the virtual machine.10:43
gombaraxnox. hmmmm. it looks like out preseed file is a bit incomplete as your preseed file indeed started non interactive install. lets see what that goes10:44
xnoxah-ha i see.10:44
xnoxi kind of wish that we had some public or private CI that would test various autoinstall things, i think there is virtualbox, virt-install (from libvirt), vmware something, ibm something, etc.10:46
xnoxand they do seem to regress every now and then a bit.10:46
gombaraxnox until ubuntu 20.0 our unattended install works ok. but we modify isolinux.cfg file instead of grub.cfg. but Ubuntu 21.04+ do not ave isolinux any more10:46
xnoxyes, because we switched both UEFI and BIOS boots to use the same grub.cfg10:46
xnoxgombara:  ..... why don't virtualbox boot with UEFI by default? =) ideally with secureboot and tpm too.10:47
xnoxcause it's meant to emulate a normal looking computer; not the one from 1999 =)10:47
gombaraxnox I am not completely sure as not to default to EFI. but for the purpose of auto install that would not make my life easier.10:48
gombaraxnox are there any plans to ditch debian installer all together for desktop installers. I think server installers have done that already11:02
xnoxgombara:  there are but it is work in progress. there is canary image that uses the new desktop installer; based on top of subiquity/curtin and can use the same autoinstall yaml files as server-live image over here. http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-canary/pending/ but it is still an experimental (non-default) image.11:44
gombaraxnox. ok. thanks a lot again for the help11:46
ahasenackgood morning12:03
ogayothello! I'm looking for a sponsor (MOTU or coredev) for LP: #1969817 . This is a backport of an upstream aiohttp patch that we'd need to get SRU-ed into focal. Thanks!14:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1969817 in python-aiohttp (Ubuntu) "Uncaught exception when connector is cancelled" [Undecided, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/196981714:07
GunnarHjogayot: Sponsored.14:46
ogayotGunnarHj: thanks a lot! Appreciated14:47
benanyone know why the repos have a symlink to itself? http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/20:36
sarnoldheh I've wondered that for years :)20:38
beni've been looking at a couple different mirrors and they all have slightly different behaviors when you get to the lowest symlink lol20:39
bensome allow more levels, some don't show the final 403 index entry20:39
benseems to be a difference between nginx / apache20:39
xnoxben:  sarnold: the best bit is why is ports behaviour different. you will notice that top level / is empty and has /ubuntu/ subdir with everything inside it.21:09
xnoxbut on ports http://ports.ubuntu.com/ everything is hosted directly in the top-level, with /ubuntu-ports/ a symlink to the top level21:10
xnoxwith an infinity ubuntu-ports symlink doom21:10
xnoxi bet only people with ftpmaster access can answer that.21:11
beni wonder if the symlink limit is because of the filesystem or whatever webserver it's running21:11
xnoxit's expected for mirrors to be static websites, and yes they are hosted by all sorts of web-servers, so yeah i bet host-os details come into play.21:12
sarnoldxnox: ha! I've never noticed..21:12
xnoxi wonder if that is leaky side channel.21:12
xnoxevery year the symlink depth is bumped by one.....21:13
beni noticed that nginx lets you go a few more levels down21:19
benand apache may or may not show a link to one that fails21:19
cjwatsonit makes some sense for the canonical path to start at /ubuntu rather than at / - it means you can easily combine mirrors of multiple sites onto one host without having to change the path, which is kind of convenient23:24
cjwatsonI think the symlink is likely "it was handy for somebody once and then nobody dared to remove it because by this point it would probably break something"23:24
sarnold*nod* an omnibus archive for ubuntu, debian, kali, pop_os, corel, etc makes sense..23:24
cjwatsonI'm going to blame lamont because I can23:25
sarnoldheh, yeah23:25
cjwatson(and it's not totally implausible)23:25
cjwatsonlrwxrwxrwx   1 lp_publish lp_publish        1 Nov 24  2010 ubuntu -> .23:25
cjwatsonIDK if that timestamp is truly accurate though, could be an artifact from a server migration23:25
cjwatsonthe archive/ports split is constructed by a weird thing called magic-mirror that I went years of doing archive maintenance and Launchpad work without having access to at all and still don't really grok23:26
cjwatsonbut the symlink isn't set explicitly there23:27
cjwatsonset -e # Disobedience must be punished to ensure a correct society.23:28
cjwatsonobviously useful things like that are23:28
cjwatsonit's conceivable it might be set up in a charm somewhere nowadays but I'm going to bet that it's just on syncproxy's disk ...23:29
sarnoldis there any chance for a 'unified view' of the archive on the outside with the recent infrastructure changes? I'd really like one thing to rsync from without the whole firewall hole poking exercise, that scares me a bit..23:31
cjwatsonnot at the moment23:31
cjwatsonI mean it's in principle conceivable for sure, I'm not sure what would have to change though23:31
cjwatsonit's somewhat a bandwidth conservation measure so maybe it's possible to poke holes23:32
cjwatsonprobably nobody's priority though23:32
sarnoldheh, thanks; every now and then other folks ask for eg amd64 and arm64 archives, etc..23:32
sarnoldand I'd kinda like one for an easy way to search all our binary packages from time to time23:32
sarnoldbut "nobody's priority" sums it up perfectly, I couldn't actually ask anyone to spend time on it23:33
cjwatsonmy grand plan eventually has the primary version of the archive being served dynamically by a webapp rather than by managing files on disk.  Not sure if that makes this sort of thing easier or harder :)23:33
cjwatson(this is easier for PPAs where the requirements are a bit simpler, though still a big lift.  for the primary archive we'd need to work out what to do about rsync ...)23:34

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