
tewardmdeslaur: RE: CVE-2021-3618, for NGINX, it looks like only released mitigations for the mail proxy mechanisms.  These are shipped as available by default, but the default nginx.conf does not include them anywhere.01:22
ubottuALPACA is an application layer protocol content confusion attack, exploiting TLS servers implementing different protocols but using compatible certificates, such as multi-domain or wildcard certificates. A MiTM attacker having access to victim's traffic at the TCP/IP layer can redirect traffic from one subdomain to another, resulting in a valid TLS session. This breaks the auth... <https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2021-3618>01:22
tewardjust for you to make some notes on that CVE in the tracker01:22
teward(if necessary)01:22
mdeslaurteward: thanks, I added a note10:41
hallynhm, anyone here know where to find Balint (debian shadow maintainer) on irc?  His email address is bouncing...16:14
sarnoldhallyn: I haven't seen him on irc in ages; there's a few email addresses on launchpad, and I'm 90% sure I saw him leave a comment on a bug report in the last week, so probably one of them still works ;)  https://launchpad.net/~rbalint18:41
hallynsarnold: thanks.  i have a feeling they all redirect to his gmail account :(19:34
hallynbut i guess i'd misread - i thought that gmail account was gone, but i guess gmail is just not happy with the message.  Maybe because it was forwarded?  I can email my own gmail account from my personal email just fine.19:40
tewardhallyn: if you're sending from @ubuntu.com or @canonical.com redirects break hard19:41
tewardthat's a known issue IS is working on trying to solve with some kind of SMTP server with auth for those of us using @ubuntu.com aliases19:41
tewardjust an FYI ;)19:41
teward(Google blocks emails from @ubuntu.com because there's zero authentication/authorization controls on it)19:41
hallynteward: no i sent it from my firstname at lastname dot com home account, and to his advertised .hu email.  maybe google got angry at .hu?  i dunno19:50
teward*shrugs* they probably don't like any redirects that are blind redirects19:50
hallynwhat's great though is that i know most ppl would say that the obvious answer is for me to use a largecorp email like gmail, rather than for others to use non-largecorp-controlled emails :)19:51
hallynpretty sure he's had this mail fwd in place for a long time, so this is some kind of change over at gmail19:51
hallyni mean, for the better,of course.  no doubt.  19:52
jdstranda /win 1221:35

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