
Urksarnold:  It didn't work.  This is what I got on my screen https://paste.debian.net/1239137/00:01
Urksarnold:  I am getting some functionality with Chrome, but Firefox needs to be killed.00:01
Urkleftyfb:  I was able to get firefox killed, and the problem has resolved.00:02
UrkDon't need to reboot.00:02
sarnoldUrk: rofl00:02
UrkWhat is rofl?00:02
ravageUrk, what about a simple reboot?00:07
ravagekill -9 `pgrep firefox`00:07
jcassey[m]rolling on the floor laughing00:07
ravageshould terminate firefox00:07
UrkI just ended up running the killall firefox command, and that fixed it.00:09
waltmanHi all. Just wondering if there's any update on when the issue upgrading from 21.10 to 22.04 will be fixed? (https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/jammy-jellyfish-release-notes/24668)00:09
Urkravage:  Usually you don't need to reboot to kill running processes.00:10
krytenwaltman: It seems LP bug 1969162 is the reason why the availability of the upgrade was delayed, so it should be made possible soon.00:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1969162 in snapd (Ubuntu Impish) "bad interaction between snapd and update-notifier when snapd package is being upgraded" [High, Fix Released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/196916200:34
waltmankryten: Cool, thanks!00:36
linsuxis it okay to remove snap-firefox and snapd, and install firefox from firefox website of firefox.deb?01:23
linsuxwill i be blamed if i use firefox.deb instead of firefox.snap01:24
leftyfblinsux: it's unsupported here01:24
leftyfblinsux: there should be little to no reason for not using the snap01:24
linsuxsnap taking up space01:25
linsuxi prefer flatpak over snap01:25
linsuxif i had to01:25
leftyfblinsux: the firefox snap takes up 291M01:27
leftyfbI have no need to ever install a flatpak, but I can tell you since flatpak is essentially the same thing, it's going to be just as big, if not bigger, be less secure with less performance and not supported here01:35
eelstreborwhy doesn't do-release-upgrade work to upgrade to 22.04?01:47
leftyfb!ltsupgrade | eelstrebor01:47
ubottueelstrebor: Regular upgrades from the last but one LTS release to the latest LTS release, 22.04 "Jammy Jellyfish", are enabled days or weeks after 22.04.1 is released. This delay helps to ensure that any lingering issues are resolved before people upgrade production systems. If you'd prefer to upgrade now, use sudo do-release-upgrade -d01:47
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yates_homewhat's the debian channel name?04:01
mybalzitch#debian ?04:03
Jasonwizhello guys05:27
en11gmaby using ubuntu 22.04 do we have to use snaps? i dont really care for that stuff. i like to build my own packages sometimes and i never liked snaps. with my experience they never work as good as non-snaps. so with 22.04 we have to use snaps? i followed a remove snap stuff for 22.04 but then i went to reinstall my web browser but both firefox and chromium are both snaps. cant we pick non-snap06:45
en11gmapackages at least?06:45
en11gmait reinstalled the snap firfox when i thought i disabled snap service from ever being used but i guess that didnt happen because it just re-installed snap again06:46
alkisgen11gma: see last comment in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/196202106:47
ksyarch is better06:47
thingfishen11gma: there is a way to get the non-snap Firefox.06:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1962021 in firefox (Ubuntu) "Make the deb package install the firefox snap" [High, Fix Released]06:47
Bashing-omen11gma: Yeah - there is a .deb PPA for FF - and I use slimjet as a chromium spin.06:47
en11gmayea but i seen chromium was the same also. is this going to be the way it is from now on with all packages that are super poplular espicially06:48
thingfishone kind of wonders, though, if this is the right distro for people not wanting snaps.06:48
en11gmai def do not want snaps06:48
guivercen11gma, you don't have to use snaps if you don't want to... snaps do have benefits (security for browsers) but you're not forced to use them06:49
en11gmathat sucks if this is true06:49
Tacoderyou can actually remove em06:49
Tacoderjust get the list of which ones are installed06:49
en11gmai did remove them per this tutorial. https://www.addictivetips.com/ubuntu-linux-tips/how-to-disable-firefox-snap-package-in-ubuntu-22-04-lts/#:~:text=Look%20through%20the%20list%20of,Ubuntu%2022.04%20LTS%20computer%20system.06:49
en11gmai did it exactly like the tut06:50
en11gmaif you put this in google its the first link "ubuntu 22.04 remove snap"06:51
Tacoderthat tutorial only gets rid of FF06:51
Tacoderif you issue the command "snap list" you will see which ones are installed06:52
en11gmathat tutorial gets rid of every snap package and snap and creates a text file to perm disable snap. i thought but as soon as i run 'sudo apt install firefox' it reinstalled snap06:52
en11gma1 sec i think i gave wrong link06:53
en11gmasorry about that. thats the guide to remove snap06:53
en11gmaand the default snap packages for 22.0406:53
Tacoderoh thats way better but theres files asociated with snap that you may want to get rid of06:54
Tacoderand block snap from comming back06:54
Tacoderbut thats a good start06:54
en11gmabrb. toddler06:54
en11gmahe loves bob the train chocolate lane.07:00
en11gmaso what happens when you come across a package that says only snap when you do a 'apt search'? it dont show an alternate way to install it and instead of not installing it re-installs snap07:01
en11gmajust like chromium and firefox. i cannot believe those do not have alternate option. like when you remove snap and i do a apt search it should not show results at all for snap packages07:02
Tacoderyes that will happen07:02
en11gmawhats going on here? :) i thought you could only install snap packages from the snap store07:02
Tacoderit can actually happen when you do apt update xD07:03
en11gmasnap got incorporated with apt?07:03
en11gmaoh noooo07:03
Tacoderthats what happened to me when got rid of FF the first time07:03
en11gmaoh so thats not normal behavior. thank-god07:03
guivercIt's my understanding you can put a hold that prevents snap from installing; but that will prevent some Ubuntu features too (eg. it may prevent you from release-upgrading when that's due; more of a problem if you forget what holds you placed on your system for example..)07:05
Tacoderindeed guiverc07:06
Tacoderand prevent gnome also from getting patches07:06
Tacodersnap is deeply tied to ubuntu on its core07:07
guivercI mostly use flavors, where it's not key  (Ubuntu-MATE is one flavor that benefits from snap)07:07
TacoderBUT! you can actually get rid of snap and replace it for flatpak if you feel more inclined to it07:07
Tacoderor if you want to put extra effort you can actually replace everything for good ol fashioned packages07:08
Tacoderbut updating manually from time to time07:08
Tacoderubuntu mate has the welcome app and store running as uncontained snaps07:09
Tacoderthey highly benefit from the changes on the snap images07:09
Tacoderi agree07:09
Tacoderomg 2am i have to catch some rest bye bye07:10
en11gmaoh no07:10
en11gmathanks for the info Tacoder07:10
Tacoderyou are welcome i was able to tell you about it because i actually got rid of snap myself xD and created a few block scripts here and there to block it from a stealthy reaturn07:12
Tacoderand installed flatpack and appimage instead07:12
Tacodergood night07:12
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bj0rnive been away from irc so long i didnt even know about the freenode debacle08:27
bj0rnanyway im trying to set up a sort of kiosk type system with ubuntu desktop08:27
ograbj0rn, a simple browser kiosk ?08:28
bj0rnand i was wondering how to set up gdm's autologin to keep logging in if the session ends for whatever reason08:28
ograbj0rn, theer sia dedicated system (admittedly more used in professional environments like digital signage, PoS systems and machine IUs but works also well for non professional use) see: https://ubuntu.com/tutorials/secure-ubuntu-kiosk08:31
ogra*there is a08:32
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confuseusi have installed ubuntu 22.04 but i am having this annoying thing with chromium. it appears to "disappear or ghost" its open status from the dock time and again. see that here https://imgur.com/a/wg70lbV is open but it does not have a dot showing that it is open (like firefox which is also open).08:47
gordonjcpconfuseus: yes, and then when you click on it, it opens a new window instead of bringing the old ones to the foreground?  Occasionally I'm getting that with Firefox too08:52
gordonjcpconfuseus: I haven't a solution for it, it's just you're not the only one seeing it08:52
confuseusgordonjcp: yes. exactly08:53
gordonjcpconfuseus: it was doing it and now it is not doing it, either an update fixed it or it got confused about something, no idea08:53
ograconfuseus, there is a snapd feature missing in 22.04 (that will come the next weeks) which stops snapd from upgrading running apps ... you can enable it manually though to prevent your browser from being updated in the background08:54
ograconfuseus, "sudo snap set core experimental.refresh-app-awareness=true" ... then you get a notification instead of a silent upgrade which can make the browser crash08:55
gordonjcpogra: I wonder if that's what the issue was, it might have seen "old" firefox and not realised it was not a different app08:55
ogragordonjcp, it is a known issue (and is the reason why that option was implemented, it was just not ready by release day but will land soon)08:57
confuseusogra: ok. does that mean it is upgrading when it removes the status from the dock? in my experience, it never shows  the online status unless i close it and open it again. i just want to be able to see open apps on the doc. otherwise, i feel it might be doing something sinister behind the background08:59
ograconfuseus, the icon in the dock "blinks" when the new icon is installed with an upgrade ...09:00
gordonjcpogra: makes sense, good to know it's a known thing and it's not a big deal really09:01
ogra(old icon goes away, new icon is put in place, that makes it disappear for a split second)09:01
confuseusogra: in my case, the app icon is showing on the dock but the "dot" on the left of it that shows that it is "open" is not.09:03
ograconfuseus, h, perhaps your machine is faster or the new gnome is compensating the flashing somehow09:03
gordonjcpconfuseus: if you close and reopen Chromium it'll probably come back09:03
confuseusyes it will but every time it  disappears i will have to close it and open it again for the status to show. that does not sound right.09:05
ograconfuseus, wll, just run the comamnd i gave above and see if it gets better09:05
confuseusthanks, i will.09:07
ograconfuseus, oh and btw "snap changes" (and for details "snap change <ID>") is helpful to see if there was actually an update recently09:15
confuseusyes. there was an auto refresh  for it sometime today.09:20
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bj0rnim reading about how to use ubuntu frame09:27
bj0rnhow can i set up a graphical snap to run automatically as a kiosk with ubuntu frame09:27
bj0rnone that isnt already a kiosk snap09:27
bj0rni was wanting to try to install the retroarch snap as a kiosk and have it run automatically on boot09:28
bj0rntheres a tutorial on how to turn a regular native application into a snap but this one is already a snap so can i just like modify it to run as a daemon or whatever?09:29
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ograbj0rn, ah, if it is a desktop app there is indeed some re-packing needed .... looks like the snap source is at https://github.com/libretro/retroarch-snap09:58
ograso you can just base on this, modify it and use the snapcraft snap to build it ...09:59
bj0rnanother question i have, which is kind of a dumb one, is if i want to run ubuntu core on just a plain old x86-64 pc, how do i install it10:01
bj0rnbecause im trying to use the core image with rufus on a usb drive but i cant get it to boot10:01
ogra normally yuo'd just use dd to write it to the usb drive ... to install to an internal disk i'd bot a live image and dd the core image from there to the internal disk10:02
ogra(god, my typing is awful today)10:02
bj0rni acnt just boot from the usb drive and install it that way10:02
ograthere is no installer (yet) as i said above, Core is mortly used in professional environments where you have factory imaging processes and such10:03
bj0rnah well i guess screw that, ill just use server for what i want to do10:03
ograyou can use ubuntu-frame on server too ...10:04
bj0rnyeah thats what i mean10:04
ogra(there are tutorials for this as well i think)10:04
bj0rnbasically im just trying to turn an old optiplex mini pc into an emulation console10:04
ograyeah, i got that by now ๐Ÿ™‚10:05
bj0rnand the popular way of doing this is with lakka but i think lakka is terrible personally and running games/emulators as root without sandboxing is a dumb idea10:05
LIV|milkshakeHello after certain updates, I can no longer paste/move/open steam games in other partition apart from /home .10:10
ograbj0rn, if oyu are into such stuff you might enjoy this https://diode.zone/w/vLDQ8PU16gDYsDSfwqJGug ... :)10:10
LIV|milkshakea steam said something about disk write error, and a XDM (download manager) said cannot append files once finish downloaded10:11
ograLIV|milkshake, sunds like your disk is full ?10:11
LIV|milkshakeUbuntu 20.04.4 LTS here10:11
LIV|milkshakeogra: no, /dev/sda2 has 300GB free space left10:12
bj0rnwell if i have ubuntu-frame running as a daemon and its running at startup, how can i make a gui application run in that10:12
ograbj0rn, snap it ... ther are tutorials how to turn a packaged desktop app into a kiosk one for ubuntu-frame10:13
ogra(when you follow the tutorials the app should run as a daemon and use ubuntu-frame for displaying)10:13
ziboloHello all, I want to install ubuntu on an existing BTRFS parition encrypted with LUKS. I can not format the BTRFS partition. Is it sufficient to manually unlock the partition before launchin the installer (and then proceed with manual parititioning)?10:15
bj0rnhow do i unpack an existing snap and change the yaml file10:16
bj0rni cant find any documentation on how to do that10:16
bj0rnin fact im finding very little documentation about how to do anything with snap using google10:16
bj0rnor ubuntu core10:16
LIV|milkshakeogra: perhaps something to look for in this? "/dev/sda2 on /media/adik/New Volume type fuseblk (ro,nosuid,nodev,relatime,user_id=0,group_id=0,default_permissions,allow_other,blksize=4096,uhelper=udisks2)10:23
Jasonwizhello guys10:33
imihi, I have an email with a html attachment. when I try to open that file from thunderbird with firefox it doesn't work (it's obviously a snap related issue, snap packagaes doesn't use the regular /tmp from rootfs) how do I fix this? Or how do I report this?10:35
ograbj0rn, try https://discourse.ubuntu.com/tag/ubuntu-frame10:35
imialso I like to save files from firefox to /tmp10:37
ograimi, for security reasons snaps use their own confined /tmp ... i think firefox uses ~/Downloads/firefox.tmp as shared one though ... perhaps you can point things there11:00
ograimi, to report bugs for the FF or TB snaps check the contact url in "snap info firefox" (or "snap info thunderbird")11:03
imiwell, I want this to be fixed11:07
imiit's a usability issue11:07
imiI click open this attachment and it says file not found11:08
ograright, either file it on one of the bugtrackers or open a topic at https://forum.snapcraft.io since this is by design it might need a more in-depth discussion (adding a file share interface that both snaps could connect to or some such)11:09
BluesKajHi all11:28
bj0rnalright so back to the original question i asked before getting sidetracked into snaps and all that nonsense11:30
bj0rnis there a way to make gdm autologin after logging out11:30
bj0rni have autologin enabled but it only autologins once11:31
bj0rnif the session ends its back to the login screen11:31
bj0rnhow do i make it always autologin11:32
WeeBeyHello frens. I have a ubuntu server vps and I'm trying to disable the root account. I made an admin account. Can sudo just fine. I use ssh keys to log in and passwords are disabled on ssh. I tried permitrootlogin no and I can still log in as root. I tried changing the root passwd to * and I can still log in. I did restart ssh. Any better tips?11:57
WeeBeyShould I just change the root's shell?11:59
ogratry: sudo passwd -l root11:59
WeeBeyogra, oh I tried that too. I was still able to log in through ssh. I don't imagine I need to restart the system or a service?12:01
ograWeeBey, no, that shuld actually disable roots password completely12:01
WeeBeylet me try again.12:01
WeeBeyIt still works. I received this after running it: passwd: password expiry information changed.12:02
ogra(and you should see an exclamation mark in the second field (password) of roots account in /etc/shadow)12:02
WeeBeyogra, i still see my long hash.12:03
ograWeeBey, hmm, try sudo passwd -dl root then12:03
ogra(-d is delete)12:04
ogra(and -l is lock)12:04
WeeBey:-) I was just looking it up in the man.12:04
WeeBeyIt still works!12:05
WeeBeybut now I do see the root password changed to !12:06
WeeBeyIt must be cos I had set up ssh keys for root12:06
ograoh, yeah ... drop them indeed12:06
WeeBeyHow do I do this? I'm a bit newbie at this. To set them up, I passed them from my local computer12:07
ograthey should be somewhere in /root/.ssh12:08
ograyou look for "authorized_keys" IIRC12:08
WeeBeyAh, yes. Ok. Simple enough. I had done that once.12:09
ograbut i guess yu could also just remove the whole dir as well ...12:09
WeeBeyOk, so now ssh prompts for a root password. However, it has no password. And ssh doesn't allow root login. So One can never enter, right?12:09
WeeBeyAh ok. I thought it would just give a "no account found" type of thing. So this does not reduce the noise in bot login attempts, but they can't succeed.12:10
WeeBeyCool. +1 admin xp for me! Thank you ogra :-)12:11
ograif you did set "PermitRootLogin no" in /etc/ssh/sshd_config and restart the sshd service it should not ask for  a password12:11
WeeBeyoh. ok, strange. i'll double check.12:12
WeeBeyi added it in ssh_config12:12
ograheh, common mistake ๐Ÿ™‚12:12
WeeBeyno wonder. I changed the port as a way to reduce noise and it was still on22. lol12:13
rud0lfWeeBey: check out ssh tarpit :)12:14
rud0lfit's easy to google it out12:14
ograyou will likely still get connection attempts that fill your auth.log though ... install fail2ban to reject locations that do this extensively12:14
ravagefor ssh its really "sudo apt install fail2ban" and you are done :)12:15
WeeBeyOh cool! That's awesome.12:15
WeeBeyI'm running a vps to learn to secure things a bit better. So this is great. Thank you ogra and rud0lf and ravage.12:16
rud0lfi think he needs to tweak fail2ban config if port is different than default12:16
WeeBeyogra, I get permission denied (publickey) now. yay.12:16
ogragreat !12:16
ravagei dont think he changed any port. he would not get that many attempts then12:16
* WeeBey hax0rman12:16
WeeBeyno, not yet. I had tried and did it on ssh_config then set it back. I realize now that both changes did nothing. haha.12:17
WeeBeyAnother question, perhaps, if you have the patience. I only access this vm on SSH. But it's running Server 18.04.6 LTS. I could do a release upgrade, but It warns me that I'm on SSH. How concerned should I be about upgrading?12:19
VuurdraakQ: I just installed Ubuntu 22.04, does this version automaticly detect there is an UPS, (I have not installed the UPS software yet) or is the 100% batery just there anyway and only ment for laptops ?.?12:19
VuurdraakAnd another question i'm missing "create link" in nautilus when right clicking on a folder/file, is there an option to turn this on somewhere  or do i need to manulay cli make them ?12:20
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WeeBeyVuurdraak, link is missing? weird. You can try holding alt when you drag, but I realize that's not your question.12:22
Vuurdraakoww alt drag and then say make a link12:23
Vuurdraaksad that i need to open two windows first for that, but that at least saves me from going to the CLI ty12:23
WeeBeymaybe alt + right click gives you create link? I haven't tried.12:24
Vuurdraakno i dont see that option12:25
VuurdraakI also need to recreate the empty document trick, to be able to make a new empty text file, as that was cut out of 18.04 :')12:26
VuurdraakI hate it's not there, as I use txt files a quick notes on my desktop for instance12:26
WeeBeyI use $touch file.txt but, yeah, I guess it's not on the file browser.12:28
Vuurdraakfound it already :) -> touch ~/Templates/Empty\ Document12:29
Vuurdraakbrb need to test something12:34
jhekIs there a parallel version of locale-gen? It seems like a job that would parallelize wonderfully, and it's quite frustrating to wait for localegen when doing apt-get upgrade I did find an old ticket in Arch Linux' bug tracker but I'm not sure if it their proposed version is out there (https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/36955)12:37
ravagewhat about configuring only the locales you need? i use 212:39
VuurdraakInteresting in Ubuntu 18.04 (which is in legacy mode) grub finds memtest86+ & windows 10 & the freshly installed Ubuntu 22.04 (UEFI) but grub in Ubuntu 22.04 only sees both Ubuntu's but not memtest or windows12:46
jhekravage: Yes, that's true, unfortunately we need a few for various reasons. Although even if you only had two, a parallel version would still cut waiting times by a theoretical upper bound of 50% :)12:47
ioriaVuurdraak, os_probe is disabled on 22.0412:47
Vuurdraakoke ?.? so I need tell grub in 22 something extra to probe ?12:48
ioriaVuurdraak, try GRUB_DISABLE_OS_PROBER=false to /etc/default/grub12:48
Vuurdraak@ioria, thank you12:49
ioriaVuurdraak, and run sudo update-grub12:49
Vuurdraakbooting to 2212:50
ioriajhek, well, that implementation does the same thing (remove old locale dir and locale-archive before generating new ones)12:52
jhekioria: It would seem that Gentoo does also have a version which can generate the locales in parallel: https://gitweb.gentoo.org/proj/locale-gen.git/tree/locale-gen12:57
VuurdraakDispite it saying this: Warning: os-prober will be executed to detect other bootable partitions.... It doesn't find Windows interesting , I'm not sure if Windows 10 is in UEFI mode by default, but installed before there was an UEFI partition as demanded by Ubuntu 22.04 when I installed that in UEFI mode, and it ignores windows now ?12:59
VuurdraakI can switch what drive grub needs to start from and get windows back though13:00
Vuurdraakby using the Ubuntu 18.04grub13:00
VuurdraakIt's also funny how memtest86+ is recognized but it's refused from grub, I guess the 18.04 grub is in started in legacy mode, but can boot the uefi stuff, but not the other way around (as the mobo auto switches between legacy and uefi as needed)13:02
Vuurdraaknot sure though if 22.04 actualy boots from the 18.04 grub, mmm lets test13:03
ravageif windows is in uefi mode your bios will show it on the uefi boot manager as an option13:03
VuurdraakOke 22.04 boots from the 18.04 just fine ;')13:05
Vuurdraak18.04 grub*13:05
VuurdraakI have no clue what happened, but now doing an "sudo update-grub" found windows 10 ?.?13:15
Vuurdraakonly extra things in between done where booting to win 10 from the 18.04 menu, and trying to install  "sudo apt install os-prober" which i was told was already there13:16
Vuurdraakno clue what just happened but now magicaly has found windows in 22.0413:16
Vuurdraakmmm booting to test what just happened13:18
VuurdraakMmmmaybe I didn't boot after altering etc/default/grub , and only after I booted it started to dected the other stuff ?.?13:22
VuurdraakEven though it said it was trying to detect stuff first time, and then failed ? Ah well what ever, it's detecting everything now.13:23
VuurdraakThanks for the tips13:23
Sven_vBhi :)13:37
Sven_vBwhere can I read which bugs in xdotool will been fixed by upgrading from focal to jammy?13:38
VuurdraakOke I discovered whats going on, when I set the BIOS to boot from Legacy GRUB 18.04 menu on a SATA drive and boot to Ubuntu 22.04 it will detect Windows and Memtest86+ and add it to grub on my NVMe drive, but when I say to the BIOS to boot GRUB from the NVMe drive and run "sudo update-grub" it no longer detects windows and refuses memtest86+ , as if when it boots from the SATA grub it's in legacy mod4e ?.? and other wise boots in UEFI mode ?.?13:42
daridranathI need help regarding SATA use in Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.13:43
ograSven_vB, http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool/universe/x/xdotool/xdotool_3.20160805.1-4/changelog ... https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xdotoolhas the two versions to compare13:45
Sven_vBogra, thanks!13:45
daridranathI need help regarding SATA use in Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.13:45
Vuurdraak@daridranath, what kind of SATA use ?13:45
daridranathLord, SATA is not working. The speed of the computer seems slow.13:46
AcheronVuurdraak, please reference this: https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2021/12/grub-doesnt-detect-windows-linux-distros-fix13:46
daridranathI think SATA is not working.13:46
ograSven_vB, though it looks like it has not changed since13:47
AcheronVuurdraak, there is a fix posted.  please use that13:47
ravageif SATA is not working you cant boot the system13:47
Sven_vBogra, yeah, I was confused by that appearance13:47
daridranathSATA is working... but ATA is enabled I think.13:47
Sven_vBogra, at least then I know it's not worth upgrading just for that13:47
Vuurdraak@Acheron, I added that to grub but it doesnt help when booting in to 22.04 from the nvme drive13:48
daridranathI want to know how make SATA work properly in Ubuntu 20.04.13:49
daridranathI think we need to do some settings in the system.13:49
ravagedarrend, Ubuntu and Linux in general can use SATA pefectly fine. Check your BIOS and make sure your drives are configured in AHCI mode.13:49
daridranathOk... is it not like Windows?13:50
Vuurdraak@Acheron, basicly that 'fix' doesn't fix it for me, only doing trickery by using a grub created by 18.04 to boot in to 22.04 and then run sudo update-grub works somehow13:50
ravagedaridranath, no Ubuntu is not like Windows13:50
daridranathOk. Thank you.13:51
Vuurdraak@Acheron, and when then booting from that grub freshly made in 22.04, if I boot and do a update-grub again, it refushes to find windows &and refushes memtest13:51
NCEricHey, when I triple click to highlight an entire line in a terminal and then middle click to paste it, it's like I never hit enter.  At what layer is this implemented?  It happens in the Gnome terminal as well as xterm.  Example from thrice earlier: https://i.imgur.com/79tbYI6.png13:52
Vuurdraakah well I go take a break :)13:52
Sven_vBNCEric, which Ubuntu flavor and version? / your description reads as if indeed you never hit enter. I guess it's about copying the final newline character in that line, right? is it being copied? or just ignored on paste?13:55
jhutchinsNCEric: "Enter" shouldn't be part of cut-and-paste - you should still be able to edit the text you pasted.14:05
pejaI got problem with dbus upgrade during do-release-upgrade. dbus upgrade freezing whole system (waiting reboot?).14:13
relipseHi, I'm rdc'ing into an ubuntu machine and I get a permanent Box that says "Authentication Required Authentication is required to create a color managed device" and it won't go away even after entering my password14:15
relipsealso it won't let me minimize windows?14:15
relipsethere is only an X not a box or a minimize button on each window14:16
NCEricjhutchins, I guess that's an opinion.  It's definitely a deviation from past behavior in the 20+ years I've been using Unix/Linux14:17
NCEricSven_vB, it seems to copy the newline, but the terminal doesn't treat it as if I hit enter.  For instance if I run the command "echo echo hi", I'll get a line which contains "echo hi".  I triple click that to select entire line.  I then middle click to paste.  In the past it'd be as if I typed "echo hi" followed by pressing the enter key.  On 22.04 it's as if I did not press the enter key14:19
Sven_vBNCEric, modern terminals have protections against accidential execution of pasted text. probably that triggered.14:20
relipseUsing Remote Desktop Connection, This is stuck on the screen: Authentication Required https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/cuFRG3s4/image.png14:20
ograNCEric, interesting, for me over the last 20y middle-click paste has never inserted an enter (and i'd freak out if it did) neither in xterm, nor in gnome-terminal14:23
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XATRIXHi, can you advice ? I have amd64 machine, no idea why was it installed. Do i have to remove packages :i386 ?14:24
XATRIXthis is the list14:24
ograrelipse, is that 22.04 ? there is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-control-center/+bug/1969619 ...14:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1969619 in gnome-control-center (Ubuntu Jammy) "RDP Sharing appears on by default in jammy" [High, Fix Released]14:26
relipseogra: 20.0414:27
ograXATRIX, :i386 libs are still used by things like wine or some binary printer drivers that have never been moved to 64bit14:27
ograrelipse, ah, then it is not that14:27
NCEricSven_vB, ogra you got a 20.04 VM around... 100% it'll paste the newline14:27
XATRIXogra: so, there's no need to get rid of them?14:27
ograXATRIX, not unless you explicitly want to ... (installing wine or whatnot would pull them back in, it wouldnt do hard to remove them but you can as well just leave them around)14:28
XATRIXI guess it should be safe to remove ? https://imgur.com/t1o82rZ.png14:28
XATRIXNo other dependencies are taken into14:28
ograyeah, i'd guess14:29
XATRIXIs it a trouble to left them on my system ? Or it's not a good idea to have :i386 arch on amd64 machine ?14:30
ograit is no trouble ...14:31
NCEricGo here, https://bpa.st/raw/PN6A , then select all, then middle click into a terminal.  On 20.04 it executes, on 22.04 it doesn't.  I understand there are arguments either way.  I'm just trying to figure out what changed and at what layer.14:33
ograNCEric, might be a wayland thing ... ?14:34
relipseis there a way in ubuntu 20.04 gnome to have a task bar with all open windows on it like windows has?14:36
relipsenice nick Godisgood14:37
jcassey[m]there are hundreads of addons, search for it14:37
relipsewhere do i search for gnome addons14:38
jcassey[m]https://extensions.gnome.org/ or use a normal search engine with the stuff u want, maybe there is a guide14:39
jcassey[m]the browser extentions for extentions makes it easier to manage addons if you're interested, used to be on mozilla/chrome store.14:41
Sven_vBNCEric, ogra, I just tested gnome-terminal on Ubuntu focal with xfce, it pastes newline with middle click14:43
Sven_vBfor historic reference, trusty behaves the same14:44
jhutchinsIt may not paste a newline if you manually highlight just the text.  The newline is, after all, an invisible character that's part of the line.14:44
ograwell, 22.04 defaults to wayland for most graphics cards now ... that might handle the paste buffer differently ...14:45
jhutchinsI would certainly prefer that it NOT paste a newline.14:45
ograNCEric, check if it happens if you switch to an Xorg session on the login screen (the option should be at the bottom right)14:45
relipsedoes anyone understand how to install this: https://github.com/home-sweet-gnome/dash-to-panel14:46
zteamHi all, I'm trying to troubleshoot why the adb command from my linux terminal is taking so long to respond, it literally takes about 5 minutes to connect to my Android tablet over usb, I tried anbox before, and I belive that caused the issue14:46
NCErick... I'll log out and back in and see.14:48
relipsesweet i go tit14:49
bj0rnim having a weird issue with the timedlogin feature of gdm314:49
bj0rnif i log out of the session and go back to the login screen, the timer runs down but nothing happens and i cant login or do anything14:50
zteamSpeaking of Wayland it seemed Nvidia managed to destroy it for 22.04 as well :-/14:50
NCEricogra, same behavior on Xorg14:52
ograzteam, yeah, last minute request ๐Ÿ˜ž but you can pick it at the login screen with the next gdm update at least14:57
ograNCEric, well, then it is either gnome-shell or gnome-terminal ...14:57
ograNCEric, but since you said you see it with xterm too i'd bet for gnome-shell15:00
zteamogra, yep I know, I did enable it myself for Ubuntu 21.10 as well, it did work but it wasn't very stable (at least for me), I was hoping those issues might have been fixed by now, but I guess not15:02
ograzteam, i think they mostly have but there are corner cases which made nvidia ask for rolling back the default15:02
zteamogra, drag and drop from Nautilus to gnome terminal crashes the terminal with Wayland and the bluelight filter doesn't work with Wayland either :-/15:06
zteamogra, that's for 21.10 I haven't updated my machine to Ubuntu 22.04 yet15:07
dakotakaeHi all! I'm looking for a little help with WireGuard and NetworkManager on 22.04. I posted up a question on AskUbuntu, but figured I'd also check in here. Does anyone have experience using the WireGuard GUI plugin for NetworkManager on Jammy?15:10
dakotakaeFor reference, here is my AU question: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1404807/wireguard-management-in-network-manager-on-jammy15:11
paracusiaHello, got the problem that udp-sflow packets are silently dropped by the kernel(latest vanilla 5.17.4). We found out that they are getting dropped because the function skb_shared_check() fails - the docu says that is because of memory allocation failure - does that mean hardware? We can't find any hint for a memory defect so far15:12
ograparacusia, probably ask in #ubuntu-kernel ... here we only support official packages15:12
paracusiathanks ogra15:13
pejaHi, my 20.04 LTS upgrade to 22.04 LTS "do-release-upgrade -d" stops at "dbus" suggest to reboot during do-release upgrade.15:20
zteampeja, did you try to reboot it then?15:23
pejazteam: yes i tryed. after reboot it's offering kernel panic.15:28
zteampeja, ouch!15:29
zteampeja, have you tried holding down shift key before it boots up and tried to boot with safe mode option or booting up an older kernel ?15:30
ioriapeja, and if you cannot , you need a livecd15:31
pejazteam: it's setting up dbus, after that screen  "A reboot required to replace the running dbus-deamon". "Please reboot the system when convenient."15:31
zteampeja, you can always try press ALT+F1 and see if you can log in from the terminal, if that suceeds you could always try to use sudo apt update and after that, sudo apt full-upgrade and see if that fixes it for you15:36
pejazteam: thanks15:37
zteampeja, if not try booting an older kernel as I suggested before :-)15:37
pejazteam: trying.15:37
sunbeam60Looking for advice on bug etiquette ... should I report a bug for what I think is a missing package dependency? And if so, on Debian's tracker or Ubuntu;s?15:53
jhutchinspeja: You should be able to go past that prompt and continue booting, then come back to the reboot when everything else is done.15:53
leftyfb!bug | sunbeam6016:03
ubottusunbeam60: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command ยซ ubuntu-bug <package> ยป - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.16:03
leftyfbsunbeam60: start with ubuntu16:03
sunbeam60got it, will start with Ubuntu16:04
Sqaureif you have some startup thing in /etc/init.d/ but want to disable it. Whats the trick? Delete the file? But what if you want to get it back at some later point?16:07
leftyfbSqaure: all modern ubuntu releases use systemd. You shouldn't be using init.d scripts anymore16:08
Sqaurei rock ubuntu 18.0416:09
leftyfbSqaure: sudo systemctl disable <service name>16:09
Sqaurei uninstalled it (mongodb)16:09
leftyfbSqaure: 18.04 uses systemd16:09
leftyfbQuack: if you uninstalled it, then the service files shouldn't be there16:10
Sqaureleftyfb, thanks16:18
pejajhutchins, zteam, ioria: It's need just waiting at "A reboot required to replace the running dbus-deamon" "Please reboot the system when convenient.".... quite long time... after that it's continues upgrade to 22.0416:50
pejajhutchins, zteam, ioria: I found this ... https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dbus/+bug/196884516:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1968845 in dbus (Ubuntu) "Upgrade to 22.04 from 20.04 ends with dbus installation asking for a reboot" [Undecided, Confirmed]16:51
zteampeja, so in the end it did finish the installation to get you to a working system at least ?16:57
WeeBeyI'm looking at my auth.log. Just a follow up question from this morning: After disabling ssh password logins, I should see the "failed password" log entries disappear?17:05
WeeBeyleftyfb, to clarify: failed password entries from remote ssh connections17:07
leftyfbWeeBey: you will still see failed attempts17:07
matsamanthat is easily tested17:07
leftyfbWeeBey: the only way to stop seeing them is to turn off ssh17:08
leftyfbor logging (not recommended )17:08
WeeBeytrue. It's just cos I installed fail2ban so I don't wanna test with my current IP. :D17:08
WeeBeyI could use my phone's IP, I think.17:08
matsamanwell, you're going to probably want to know how to remove an IP from a ban list, invariably17:09
leftyfbyou don't need to, just wait a bit. But also, fail2ban has testing17:09
leftyfbWeeBey: https://www.the-art-of-web.com/system/fail2ban-filters/   "How to test the filter"17:10
WeeBeyleftyfb, I asked beause I was surprised. I implemented the recommendations from this chan this morning and I haven't seen a new entry since 08h15. And before that it was around three per minute!17:10
matsamanbe careful what you wish for? =)17:11
WeeBeyLike they said in The Wire, "yeah but a good case..." "It ends, McNulty!"17:12
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pejazteam: yes, it finnish upgrading and now it's working also17:34
zteampeja, happy it it sorted itself out, still not the smoothest ride in town but... :-)17:36
neachdainnI'm trying to write a script that I can use across any of the supported releases. Is there any cross-release way to have apt install the latest available version of libpython3?17:36
neachdainnI.e., `python3` in 18.04 gives 3.6 but Python3.8 doesn't exist in 22.0417:37
deaconbotI have a installation problem with Ubuntu 20.4 with a HP DL380 G5 where it states non system disk error after a successful install.17:38
leftyfbneachdainn: 22.04 uses python 3.10.4 by default17:38
leftyfbdeaconbot: why install 20.04 over 22.04 which was just released?17:39
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deaconbotAt the time I had it on cd.17:39
deaconbotI believe my issue i with boot loader, but i am not certain.17:40
leftyfbdeaconbot: that said, it sounds like your server is not properly configured to boot to the drive/volume you installed ubuntu on17:40
neachdainnleftyfb: Yes, but I'm hoping to write the script in such a way that I don't have to specialize per-release. That is, installing `python3` on 18.04 will give me python3.6 and I want Python3.8 on 18.04.17:40
ioriadeaconbot, i'd check the bios menu17:40
neachdainnIf it's not possible, specializing isn't the worst thing ever, I'm just hoping to be able to do it (partially for educational reasons, partially for robustness reasons)17:41
leftyfbneachdainn: ok, so write your python script that doen't rely on features not available in all the current versions of python17:41
deaconbotI did and see nothing wrong there. It has the correct boot order and drive listings.17:41
neachdainnleftyfb: That can't be done. I _need_ features that weren't supported until 3.8. Specifically initialization of an embedded interpreter17:41
ioriadeaconbot, then you grub install failed the target, or something similar17:42
deaconbotI stand corrected, it is 22.04 version17:42
leftyfbneachdainn: then obviously that won't work on 3.6. Nothing to do with ubuntu17:42
neachdainnleftyfb: The process of installing the correct version of Python on Ubuntu is, arguably, related to Ubuntu17:42
deaconbotis the grub install part of the ubuntu install?17:43
ioriadeaconbot, yes, but you need to specify the target17:43
deaconbotI following the prompts provided. and configured my arrays/drives prior to install. But I never seen any GRUB interface or prompts.17:44
leftyfbneachdainn: the correct version of python for ubuntu is the latest release of python available for that release of ubuntu. Write your code to support the most versions. Or don't. This really has nothing to do with ubuntu. You're going to run into the same issue with most any other linux distro17:44
ograneachdainn, the "correct version" of python is the one in the ubuntu archve, that as been tested for 6 months and is integrated with the other packages that make up the distro17:44
ioriadeaconbot, if you do a manual install, you have to17:45
deaconbotyou have to...?17:45
neachdainnogra, leftyfb: Ubuntu 18.04 has a Python3.8 package. I would like to write my script in such a way that it will install `python3.8` when run on 18.04 but install `python3` everywhere else.17:45
ograneachdainn, why do yu want to destroy the users system ?17:46
ioriadeaconbot, if you do a manual install, you have to specify the targetfor grub17:46
neachdainnIf I have to add a `if $DISTRO = bionic`, I'll live. I'm just asking if there is a way to `apt install python3-latest` (or something).17:46
leftyfbneachdainn: don't do that17:46
ograneachdainn, nope17:46
neachdainnogra: That doesn't? The default Python remains 3.6. Also, the user is... me.17:46
deaconbotHow? Is there a config file, Do I start over?, Is there a Grub installer?17:46
leftyfbneachdainn: exit with a message saying you've detected 3.8 is available and leave it up to the user17:47
ioriadeaconbot, it is parte of the install process17:47
deaconbotOk. So if it is part of the install process, How can I correct it? I have installed this several times with the same results.17:48
ioriadeaconbot, you need to reinstall grub (if that is the culprit)17:48
neachdainnleftyfb: That totally eliminates the possibility of using this script in CI.17:48
leftyfbneachdainn: then install 3.8 as part of your CI17:48
neachdainnThat would be the specialization I was talking about.17:49
deaconbotCan I reinstall grub separately and before the installation of Ubuntu?17:49
neachdainnI can do it, but I was hoping there is a generic "latest Python" option.17:49
neachdainnAnd it sounds like there isn't. So I'll just have variants of the script for each release.17:49
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SwahiliQ: I've got a local service running in port 3000 let's say, enabled ufw to allow 3000/tcp. Verified the status and is listed and accepts incoming. So, I open my browser and try to get server_address:3000 and the connection is refused. Seems that I'm missing something here, as I thought ufw would be enough to allow the incoming connection. Any hints? Thank you!18:16
leftyfbSwahili: disable ufw and see if you can connect18:18
Swahilileftyfb: tks for looking! not at all!18:18
leftyfbSwahili: then not a ufw issue18:18
Swahilileftyfb: the instance, is a aws instance which I requested to allow everything18:19
alkisgAre you sure the service is http?18:19
Swahilileftyfb: yeah thanks for the sanity check!18:19
leftyfbSwahili: you need to look at the AWS security groups18:19
Swahilialkisg: yes indeed18:19
Swahilileftyfb: yeh, I'll let know my team mate to double check, thanks!18:19
alkisgAnother test you can do is to stop the service and run `python3 -m http.server 3000`. Then point your browser there.18:19
Swahilialkisg: what does that do?18:21
Swahilialkisg: oh I see18:21
Swahilistart an http server18:21
alkisgIt invokes a web server at port 3000, so that you can see if you configured ufw etc properly18:22
SwahiliI have port range 3000~3005 so I'll test on 300118:22
leftyfbSwahili: runs a service on port 3000 as opposed to relying on your service18:22
alkisgIf that works, then the problem is in the service18:22
leftyfbI'm 99% sure it's AWS SG18:22
Swahilileftyfb: yeh I think its aws sg, I did requested to allow everything just to avoid to have to deal with this18:22
leftyfbSwahili: that shouldn't be the right answer either18:23
howudodatjust upgraded to 22.04 and am noticing a weird issue that might be related to some kind of color profile.  All my greys are showing as pink.  in light theme, the title bar, the shadow around windows, etc.  was harder to detect in dark theme, but super obvious in light.  What's weird is I printed something with light grey watermark and it printed in pink too, so I'm pretty sure its color profile related18:23
Swahilileftyfb: alkisg yeh so the python server is not accessible publicly so definitely a aws sg, thanks for the help18:25
howudodatand calibrate is greyed out to calibrate the screen (settings->color)18:36
imihi, I'm unable to start obs studio under 22.04. it says: https://termbin.com/iyx918:59
ograimi, looks like that version of obs isnt capable to run on wayland ... you can log out and on the bottom right select the Xorg session instead19:13
imiogra: most probably I don't use wayland at all (it's a default 22.04 install)19:13
ograimi, which defaults to wayland (unless you use an nvidia card)19:15
imiand then I just installed obs-studio19:15
imiapt-get install obs-studio19:16
imiand you say that despite the fact that it's an ubuntu package it might not work on ubuntu default install?19:16
Guest7420.04 is vulnerable to Nimbuspwn, right?ย  Any idea when it might be patched?19:18
ograimi, sounds like it ... i think the obs-studio deb just comes straight from debian, they might not build it for wayland or with wayland support19:19
basti_Hello. I'm trying to run a shell script from the gnome shell. Neither Alt-F2 nor Nautilus double click do what I want. Alt-F2 would curiously open emacs in a terminal to edit the script file, while Alt-F2 won't parse shell (variables, and especially, inserting the current date as a text into a parameter to the command.19:19
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ioriabasti_, have you tried with full path ?19:42
howudodatbasti_ try right click in nautilus, run as a program20:13
howudodatbasti_ if that option doesn't exist the script is probably not marked as executable20:13
basti_ioria: thank you a lot, this was it.20:40
MyWay27Hello, I have just run updates on my ubuntu, rebooted because I had dell firmware updates too and... my laptop not booting anymore, no specific message, stuck at initial ramdisk loading20:41
MyWay27If I play with bios settings I get out of memory, at boot and a kernel panic20:41
MyWay27I have tried booting with old kernel 5.19, but the same happens20:42
MyWay27Any idea?20:42
MyWay27(Running 20.04)20:43
i-garrisonMyWay27: 5.19 looks too new to exist20:44
MyWay27Lol, 5.13 sorry*20:45
MyWay27I could try that system revert (never tried before), but maybe you have some better hint before proceed20:46
MyWay27Actually I was on 5.11 before, updated to 5.13 today20:48
MyWay27Reverting not working too, blank screen20:58
MyWay27Recovery same20:58
i-garrisonMyWay27: looks like broken firmware update to me21:09
i-garrisonMyWay27: does it boot any livecd?21:09
MyWay33Unfortunately I haven't access to a live, i-garrison21:19
i-garrisonMyWay33: does it boot anything at all?21:20
i-garrisonI mean, any cd or live usb21:20
MyWay33No, nothing at all21:20
MyWay33But I haven't a live with me21:20
MyWay33So I can only tell about HD boot21:20
dadofapolloany reason why I wouldn't have an "Appearance" section in my setting on 22.04? Can't find a reason on google. Is it something to do with Wayland/X11?21:38
Guest80is it correct that the timestamp is on 19 th april ?21:40
mevlaHello. Switching between workspaces does not work using the keyboard in Xubuntu 22.04.  I've asked in the Xubuntu and xfce IRCs but got no replies.  Maybe someone here has an idea about this.21:41
nikomoI have a Ubuntu Server 22.04 box that started off on 20.04, and I'm pretty sure when I installed the Nvidia non-free drivers for CUDA, some desktop packages got pulled in too. I upgraded it to 22.04, and now it seems to be entering suspend after being inactive for a while. I thought it was shutting itself off, but then I checked uptime after hitting the power button and the host came up suspiciously fast. Anyone know how to disable all that suspend jazz,21:43
nikomoconsidering I don't have a GUI on the box?21:43
nikomoI assume nuking GNOME in its entirety would also do the trick, but I've never done that to a system so not sure what packages to purge21:43
krytenmevla: I'll note you did get replies from various people on #xfce earlier today though.21:44
ogradadofapollo, it should look like this ...  https://preview.redd.it/seb9u4fxg2w81.png?width=960&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=a7962955eb6713a5d51829ddecb55fe69530cce721:44
dadofapolloyeah mine doesn't even have the option on the sidebar. Search also doesn't return it21:45
ogradadofapollo, and there is no reason you would not have it ... (except for a not yet known bug perhaps)21:45
mevlakryten: Indeed although the xml file that was mentioned has indeed the proper shortcut re-assign. eg. Alt-1 to Alt-3 for three workspaces.  I did nto see the point in erasing the user config as root and re-doing it.  That's already three times that I reconfigure the shortcuts to no avail.21:46
ogradadofapollo, is it an upgrade or a fresh install ?21:46
dadofapolloogra: it is an upgrade, completed today21:46
ogradadofapollo, try with a freshly created test user, to find if it is some old setting in your user account21:47
mevlakryten: And it was only from one person, there were no multiple suggestions.21:47
dadofapolloogra: good thinking, let me try that!21:47
nikomoI'm an idiot so I took a hammer to the issue - masked off all suspend and hibernate targets on systemd, and I kept removing packages until it removed a whole lot of packages, see if that fixes it. gnome-shell is gone at least, and the system works fine21:49
mevlaI've been using these shortcuts for switching workspaces since 18.04 as far as Xubuntu is concerned, and since at least 15 years all Linux OSes considered.21:50
cluelesspersonomg, this onscreen keyboard "caribou" is absolutely broken21:51
cluelesspersonhow do I remove this?21:51
cluelesspersonit keeps activating, even though it is explictly disabled.21:51
mevlaI could try erasing the user's xfce config and recreate it but, I do not see the point in doing that unless it's a new bug in xfce21:52
dadofapolloogra: interesting. That worked! I had the option in a new test user account but still not in mine. where is a good place to look for an old setting that would do that?21:53
mrbobHi, I've just installed Jammy Jellyfish on my macbook pro (old one) and says its 'NVA5' so Nvdia but I have no idea what driver that would be.21:54
ogradadofapollo, likely somewhere in .config or in the gsettings database ... but i'd start with looking for old theme files gtkrc gtk3rc or whatnot undet the .config dir21:54
dadofapolloogra: I'm on the case. Thank you so much!!!21:55
ogranp, good luck ๐Ÿ™‚21:55
mevlakryten:  Talk about a smeghead.  I found it.  I mistankenly assigned the new shortcuts to 'move current window to workspace x' instead of assigning them to 'go to workspace x' !21:58
Mibixwhat is the best way to add timestamps to ubuntu shells?22:01
leftyfbMibix: export HISTTIMEFORMAT='%F %T '22:01
Mibixi want it like to the left of the user in every shell everytime i open one heh22:03
leftyfbin your $PS122:04
Mibixyou mean in my .bashrc?22:05
leftyfbsure, that'll work22:06
matsamany'know what's real nice in a PS1 is exit status of last command =)22:07
Mibixno idea what $PS1 is lol22:07
Mibixit looks like its already in my .bashrc lol22:07
leftyfbmatsaman: that and git branch :)22:08
Mibixexport PROMPT_COMMAND="echo -n \[\$(date +%H:%M:%S)\]\ "22:08
Mibixif [ $TILIX_ID ] || [ $VTE_VERSION ] ; then source /etc/profile.d/vte.sh; fi # Ubuntu Budgie END22:08
leftyfb!paste | Mibix22:08
ubottuMibix: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:08
sarnoldmatsaman: yeah, I've come to really like having exit status in my shell prompt..22:09
sarnoldfor many years I used the default "\$ " that didn't show *anythying*22:09
Mibixi dont get why that isnt doing anything though lol22:10
matsamansarnold: same22:10
leftyfbMibix: . ~/.bahrc22:10
matsamangets too wasteful re-running long processes just because you were too shortsighted to check the exit status22:10
sarnoldbut using git repos with multiple branches made me switch to liquidprompt.. https://github.com/nojhan/liquidprompt  .. today I'd give a look to https://starship.rs/ first, but liquidprompt was packaged and looked decent :) heh22:10
leftyfbMibix: either run:   . ~/.bahrc   # or close your terminal and open a new one22:11
leftyfbor run: bash22:11
Mibixyeah neither of those things does anything with the timestamp22:12
leftyfbMibix: works fine for me22:13
leftyfbMibix: https://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/howto-linux-unix-bash-shell-setup-prompt.html22:13
Mibixmibix@mibix-module:~$  echo $PS122:14
Mibix\[\e]0;\u@\h: \w\a\]${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\[\033[01;32m\]\u@\h\[\033[00m\]:\[\033[01;34m\]\w\[\033[00m\]\$22:14
Mibixtf does that mean22:14
leftyfbMibix: please use pastebin22:15
Mibixfor 1 line?22:15
leftyfbMibix: https://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/howto-linux-unix-bash-shell-setup-prompt.html22:15
sarnoldthat'll tell if you're using a schroot the name of the root, and it'll show you username, hostname22:15
dadofapolloogra: got it working but don't understand it! I logged out and clicked the gear icon (to switch display managers?) and switched it from GNOME to Ubuntu. Everything works as intended now though22:15
Mibixahh ok i think i got it sarnold ty22:21

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