
Unit193ochosi: HAI.06:50
ochosiUnit193: heya :)07:01
ochosiwhat up?07:01
Unit193ochosi: Tinkery is still actually hanging around, he's been interested in helping out and seems like themes would be a good fit.  He's got no idea where to start and basically needs to have a chat with you.07:02
ochosiUnit193: sure, I can try to give some guidance07:41
ochosialthough the depressing fact is that with gnome42 apps and libadwaita a good portion of theming is dead07:41
ochosibut I guess that's just something to accept and for Xfce (even with Gtk4) theming will still be a thing07:42
ochosialso, for starters looking into gtk4 support and trying to test/improve that would be great07:58
Unit193Yeah which is a problem for me, always liked Shimmer themes better than adwaita, that one was pretty terrible but now they're trying to hardcode it. :/08:40
Unit193ochosi: And, thanks.  It's always great getting fresh people in, and he's actually waited around enough I hope he'll retain interest!08:54
ochosiyeah, absolutely. it really helps that someone else is helping with maintaining elementary-xfce - that's why there's quite a bit of movement there lately09:10

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