
=== keypushe- is now known as keypusher
sorinellohey, any idea when 22.04 will be available via sudo do-release-upgrade ?11:39
bluepenquinWhen 22.04.1 is released sometime in July12:40
mevlaHello.  I've installed 22.04 and switching workspaces using keys does not work.  It works using the mouse scroll wheel, but not the keyboard.  Is there a fix for this ?16:45
sorinellobluepenquin, why so late ?17:13
mevlaI'm using the same workspace shortcuts since 18.04.  Alt-1 to Alt-8 for the 8 workspaces.  Worked fine in 18.04 and 20.04, doesn't work in 22.0417:26
bluepenquinsorinello: LTS to next LTS upgrades are only available after the first point release of the last LTS release; you can upgrade from the interim releases though, but 21.10→22.04 I think is blocked on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/snapd/+bug/196916217:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1969162 in snapd (Ubuntu Impish) "bad interaction between snapd and update-notifier when snapd package is being upgraded" [High, Fix Released]17:31
GridCloudthis computer is shit17:32
sorinellobluepenquin, thanks. I am currently on 21.10. But that bug seems to be resolved. I still get no new version17:43
=== mETz\ is now known as mETz

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