
bluepenquinsorinello: Sorry I went to sleep. Are your packages up to date? Any error? Anything in `/var/log/dist-upgrade/main.log`?01:23
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xunovicecan I use the xubuntu-22.04-desktop-amd64.iso to install on a machine that uses an Intel processor?03:04
xunoviceit's the only version I see online so I'd guess so, but the "amd" in there is making me unsure03:04
xunovicewelp iso is ready, goodbye and goodluck, me03:12
kurly(yes, but you're gone already)03:18
sorinellobluepenquin, works now, thanks07:43
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bluepenquinsorinello: Oh, cool :)10:09
sorinellobluepenquin, already migrated :)10:14
sabrihello there12:14
xu-help32wGood Morning. I installed the minimal installation of jammy and want to install xfce now. But for all the names I found on the web it says "Unable to locate package". Do I need special sources?12:45
kryten!universe | xu-help32w12:52
ubottuxu-help32w: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.12:52
xu-help32wI have all varieties of main, restricted, multiverse for jammy, jammy-updates, jammy-backports and jammy-security. Basically I did not touch the repositories.12:58
xu-help32wIn other words: which repository contains xfce/xubuntu as my official repos don't.13:00
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