
=== thopiekar is now known as Guest1815
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Guest92Hi community ...I would a brief question ...07:05
Guest92have ... of course07:06
alkisg!ask | Guest9207:10
ubottuGuest92: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience07:10
Guest92To be more precise ... I want to replace my 11-year old laptop with a new one .... my question would be ... would DOSBox work ...07:10
Guest92Okay, got it07:11
alkisgSure, dosbox is still available07:11
Guest92And what VM for some old Windows SW would you advise07:13
Guest92Thx for the help07:13
Guest92Maybe anyone about the VM question ... please07:34
noaXessusing VirtualBox since years... works fine https://www.virtualbox.org/08:07
noaXessor KVM https://www.linux-kvm.org/page/Main_Page08:09
Guest92Thanks a l8t08:13
IrcsomeBot<mysteryous00> If anyone had a Grub "error: out of memory" when upgrading to 22.04, I found a solution.09:27
ickIrcsomeBot : wow I'm curious10:05
yuri6037Hi, I'm back does anyone know if it's possible to choose which disk to erase when erasing disks?10:11
yuri6037I have another question: how can I set a swap partition as cryptswap under kubuntu11:05
yuri6037From the installer11:05
guruprasadYou should create a cryptsetup device, mount it and then configure the corresponding device-mapper device as the swap partition.11:42
guruprasadyuri6037, ^11:42
guruprasadi.e., the installer need not know about the cryptsetup part at all.11:42
yuri6037ok so do like other partitions11:43
guruprasadAfter the installation is done, you should not reboot, open a terminal and set up /etc/fstab, /etc/crypttab with the appropriate lines.11:43
BluesKajHi all11:50
yuri6037guruprasad: I just tried running the installer with cryptswap and my existing partition but it failed with an error saying that it could not format cryptswap as swap11:55
yuri6037It says "The creation of swap space in partition #1 of Encrypted volume (cryptswap) failed." Do you know any reason why it fails?11:58
yuri6037apparently the installer does not support cryptswap12:12
yuri6037it only supports plain swap12:12
BluesKajwhy cryptswap anyway ?12:13
cbreakyuri6037: I have swap0      PARTUUID="216619ae-cf7c-XXXXXX"/dev/urandom   swap,cipher=aes-xts-plain64,size=256 in my /etc/crypttab12:15
cbreakand /dev/mapper/swap0noneswapsw00 in my /etc/fstab12:15
yuri6037because I'm tired of the pop os non-sense of breaking user workflow at each new update so I decided to get rid of this shitty OS and use a real one such as kubuntu12:15
cbreakit seems to work, but I've not rebooted since I set this up, so not sure if it will survive a reboot :)12:15
yuri6037Yeah I'm gonna have to recreate the cryptswap now that install finished12:16
cbreakI've not used any swap for over a year12:17
cbreakyou might not need it, depending on your workload / actual RAM12:17
yuri6037it's just that the installer is unable to use a cryptswap instead of a swap it wants a plain swap partition. It however accepts to format normal encrypted partitions once you cryptsetup open them12:18
yuri6037yeah I don't think I need swap anyway cause it's a whopping 32Gb of RAM that I got12:18
yuri6037it's just to be safe because of IDEs which consumes half of your RAM (IDEA....)12:19
yuri6037well that was a complete failure12:38
yuri6037the system is even worse than before now there's no boot at all. You just get a "grub>" nothing more12:38
yuri6037it appears grub does not support booting a linux kernel wich wants luks12:39
iomari891Greetings. I can't upgrade to 22.04 from 21.10. I run update;upgrade;do-release-upgrade -m desktop and I get "Checking for a new Ubuntu release" "Please install all available updates for your release before upgrading"12:52
estanhi folks, upgraded to 22.04 and now my X1C6 laptop won't suspend (neither through lid close nor picking it from menu) - it just throws me out to the lock screen instead. suspend works with echo mem > /sys/power/state though. systemd-inhibit --list shows powerdevil as blocking sleep, which i think is normal.13:05
estanupower -m --monitor-detail i think looks normal when i request suspend, but i'm not sure what to look for.13:06
estanhow can i debug powerdevil issues? is there some verbose logging i could turn on, or some debug envvar?13:06
estanpowerdevil showing up as blocking sleep is normal i mean because powerdevil is the one fully handling power when KDE is used.13:07
estananyone else seen this? dmesg is not turning up anything interesting either i think..13:08
estansystemctl suspend also just throws me to the session lock screen.13:13
estansystemd-inhibit --list currently lists NetworkManager, upowerd, unattended-upgrades and ksmserver as inhibitors with mode "delay", and just powerdevil as inhibitor with mode "block". it seems reasonable to me.13:15
estancan i snoop on some dbus messages to figure out what is going on?13:17
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cbreakiomari891: I think there are still problems with it14:12
cbreakthey might have disabled updates14:12
cbreakno progress on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/snapd/+bug/197006614:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1970066 in snapd (Ubuntu Jammy) "(Encrypted) ZFS breaks 22.04 installation" [Critical, New]14:12
yuri6037I figured it out: grub2 somehow refuses to boot directly from luks2>lvm>/boot14:14
yuri6037I just replaced recovery by /boot ext2 formatted and grub accepts to boot from this partition which then bootstraps cryptsetup and unlocks the / and /home partitions so now the system is running Kubuntu14:16
yuri6037the entire home folder seem to work except for one thing: firefox KDE addon is broken14:16
user|19hi, how can I upgrade KDE actually I'm in 5.1814:38
RikMillsupgrade to a new kubuntu release14:39
user|19its not an option i want to stay in 20.04 for a little bit14:40
RikMillsit that case newer plasma is not possible. it requires a newer Qt verion than exists in 20.0414:44
user|19ok got it  thanks!14:47
estanhi. just me again with the suspend problem: figure it out: at some point i had some nvidia packages installed, despite the laptop not having an NVIDIA GPU (we use CUDA at work), and somehow a few stale symbolic links to nvidia-suspend.service and nvidia-resume.service had been left in /etc/systemd/system/systemd-suspend.service.requires and /etc/systemd/system/systemd-hibernate.service.requires14:54
estanremoving the stale links, then systemctl daemon-reload and voila, laptop suspends/resumes fine again.14:54
estanfor some reason i had to first kill all inhibitors listed by systemd-inhibit --list, before trying systemctl suspend, in order to actually get the error message that told me that the stale link to nvidia-suspend.service was the problem.14:56
yuri6037I've just reconnected IRC on the new Kubuntu. After checking, I found out why firefox is broken: the snap package is enforced instead of the standard apt package14:58
yuri6037that's a defect of kubuntu14:58
oerhekssnap is not a defect, check permissions of firefox14:59
yuri6037and which permission will enable firefox KDE addon to work?15:09
yuri6037And in my opinion snap is a defect for 1 - it does not support all features normal apps would 2 - it requires manual interaction instead of all GUI based like permission systems on mac!15:10
yuri6037If the software installer cannot provide full GUI then it is perferable in my opinion that the softare installer does not exist15:11
yuri6037If the software installer cannot support all features than the older method support then it is preferable in my opinion that the software does not exist15:12
yuri6037Of course snap fails point 1 (having a proper GUI) and fails point 2 (does not support all features that APT does; ex does not run firefox KDE addon on the first try)15:12
yuri6037so you can conclude based on these 2 points that snap is a defect15:13
yuri6037if you want to continue I can give you another point15:13
cbreakwhat does the firefox kde addon do?16:07
RikMillscbreak: https://community.kde.org/Plasma/Browser_Integration16:08
cbreakhmm... at least the multimedia stuff seems to work without it16:10
cbreakmaybe I installed it already16:10
cbreakseems I disabled it and it still works. Interesting.16:11
cbreakis there a way to make programs remember which virtual desktop / which workspace windows are on?16:23
cbreakwhen I restart firefox, it reopens all windows on the current workspace16:23
noob8650cbreak: You might also be screwed over by the (forced) transition onto snap packaging for Firefox. It messed with my setup too and I have no solution right now. kinda miffed.16:25
cbreaknot yet16:29
cbreak22.04 has much worse problems than firefox in snap :(16:29
cbreakI don't particularly like snap, but for firefox it's probably not too bad... if it works... (which I've not seen yet). I don't think I need the plasma integration myself, it doesn't seem to offer anythig I need. Media keys in particular seem to work without it.16:30
GSMarquis77Finally have a gpu inbound. Been waiting over a year. A nuke n pave with 22.04 and a 6700xt. Im pumped.16:35
cbreakGSMarquis77: good luck :D16:36
cbreak(I hope it's a new one. If it's used by one of those crypto currency mining morons, it might be on its last leg... or worse...)16:36
GSMarquis77New from AMD direct. No scalped or miner abused cards.16:36
GSMarquis77Thats why it took a year. I refused to support scalper.16:37
cbreakI was luckily able to "loan" a 1080 from work, or I'd be stuck with a 1030... :/ But with it, I can afford to wait for the next series release16:38
GSMarquis77Replacing a get me by for desktop use 1gig AMD super old card in a new rig. Couldnt get anything for a long time.16:39
noob8650cbreak: Yeah, I think I'm gonna try to ditch ubuntu to be honest. Are there any good distros that are easy to install and have good KDE support? Also I'm weary of Debian since apparently they're for all their stability unable to stop themselves from having 150 open vulnerabilities.16:52
mparilloThere you go. Once Mint dropped KDE, you are pretty stuck looking for easy. Arch and Gentoo are hard, Manjaro has multiple flaws, I found OpenSuSE sluggish, and Fedora was fine out of the box, but as soon as I wanted to add anything, I had difficulties finding it.16:58
mparilloDebian is really old, unless you want testing and then it is only a little old, and Sid is, well, Sid.16:59
mparilloKaos may now support GTK apps, but their repos are really small.17:00
cbreaknoob8650: I like ubuntu the most. There are probably others, but I don't know them :P17:25
deskwizardjust switched over from mint, I quite dig plasma to be honest, feels a lot quicker too.17:57
deskwizardno video tearing, power management not f.... one way or another (close to perfect in my book, but I'm picky :P)18:06
deskwizardproper QT18:07
deskwizardit's quite wonderful.18:07
cbreakQuickTime ftw!18:11
deskwizardclose enough :P18:12
deskwizardif I can get all my BS working properly, it'll be a great day.18:16
deskwizardI made myself a drink just in case, also, changing channel before the warning.18:16
user|54Is it necessary to create swap area in kubuntu18:53
tomreynis swap strictly neccessary? no. should you have swap? probably yes.18:54
tomreynswap doesn't have to be a partition, though, can be a file on another file system18:55
VidenteCiegoAlguien que hable español19:22
user|77hello , new to kubuntu  , did a clean install of 22.04 and get the acpi error on boot up .20:32
user|77have tried some things with no luck .20:33
=== lakii is now known as Lakii
mrsaatciHello, I’m having a weird issue with my computer. Network disconnects randomly and if I go try to disable wifi or Connect to a different network it freezes and then shuts down completely23:17
mrsaatciAny idea what could be happening?23:18
cbreakmrsaatci: have you checked the output of journalctl --since 00:00 or of dmesg? Maybe that helps you find out more23:19
mrsaatciI’ll do that23:23
IrcsomeBot<FEV> Hi all. Anyone known how to return (show) application menu at top any windows at Kubuntu 22.04 LTS?23:45

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