
BrianHechinger[m<Eickmeyer> "Actually, try it with --no-..." <- This makes it run!08:36
BrianHechinger[mopening meetings from links is still broken, however.08:36
BrianHechinger[min a window that is tltled `Error -- KIO Client`08:37
BrianHechinger[mOvenWerks: Is there a way to over-ride the settings for studio-controls? I'm being asked to set my buffer size to 48 or 96 by one of the FFADO lads.14:21
EickmeyerBrianHechinger[m: You might have to edit the zoom .desktop file in /usr/share/applications to get meeting links to work.14:27
BrianHechinger[mWell, I managed to make it worse somehow. :-D14:31
EickmeyerAll you had to do was add "--no-sandbox" to the "Exec:" line, what happened?14:54
BrianHechinger[mI did that and that made it work14:55
BrianHechinger[mbut in screwing with getting it to launch meetings from a web link now it doesn't do anything at all14:55
BrianHechinger[mfrom the web link14:55
BrianHechinger[mI can still run zoom directly14:55
EickmeyerYour mimetypes probably got messed up.14:56
BrianHechinger[mzoommtg is set to always ask in firefox14:56
BrianHechinger[mbut it doesn't matter what I point it at, now nothing at all happens14:57
BrianHechinger[mI don't even get that error14:57
EickmeyerZoom needs to fix their stuff. *facepalm*14:58
tomreynsee what the web developer console has to say about it15:04
BrianHechinger[mNot sure where to look there15:08
BrianHechinger[mIf I choose "use system hander" it pops up the Open with... box15:08
BrianHechinger[mif I choose zoom from there it behaves like it doesn't have --no-sandbox set15:08
BrianHechinger[mok, I have two desktop items, I uninstalled zoom and deleted the one that didn't get removed15:11
BrianHechinger[mOk, slightly new behaviort15:12
BrianHechinger[mNow I choose system handler, it doesn't ask me to pick one15:13
BrianHechinger[mbut it still acts like it doesn't have --no-sandbox15:13
BrianHechinger[mI can launch zoom from the start menu whatever that's called in kde15:13
BrianHechinger[mOk, I have nuked everything that has anything to do with zoom from my system completely15:18
BrianHechinger[mnow let's install15:19
BrianHechinger[mIt doesn't matter what I do I can't make firefox launch a zoom meeting15:23
OvenWerksBrianHechinger[m: the only way to do that is to manually edit the config file, in the jack section. I guess studio-controls could also be editted... but I would have to think about where... and any line numbers I gave to you would be out by some hundreds of lines15:37
OvenWerksBrianHechinger[m: in studio-controls you can search for 'frames =' and add those two values the one that matters should in the def refresh_dropdowns() section, about 60 lines down15:51
BrianHechinger[mOk, now it's freezing. Sometimes the entire desktop.15:59
BrianHechinger[mI reverted the changes and it's still doing it. Time for a reboot i guess.16:04
BrianHechinger[mreboot helped. don't know what was going on there.16:19
BrianHechinger[mit really doesn't like 48 or 9616:20
BrianHechinger[m48 doesn't even really start16:20
BrianHechinger[mand 96 starts but ardour just kinda hangs16:20
BrianHechinger[moh, just needed to kick it16:20
BrianHechinger[mOk, I didn't think that would help, but had to try it anyway because I was asked to.17:01
OvenWerksBrianHechinger[m: 48/2 is kind of like 32/3 and 96/2 is kind of like 64/317:43
BrianHechinger[mThis is what he said:... (full message at https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/libera.chat/e1799912e54e1f67037b0f3f33c82e171b49ea6e)17:44
BrianHechinger[mI don't know that it really matters or not, but I had to at least try.17:44
OvenWerksI fully expected to have to use 16/3 with mine (buffer/latency 48) but 16/2 has worked fine. I have sometimes been able run at 16/2 for 3 days with no xruns17:47
OvenWerksI do know that a lot of jack clients will fail with anything not evenly binary17:48
OvenWerkszita-* for example17:48
BrianHechinger[mI just wish I could figure out why this crashes. xruns I can handle. The entire firewire stack falling over I'm completely stumped about.18:27

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