
=== apophis is now known as dr_pb
dr_pbEvening, I was hoping that I might get a little assistance with a small annoyance I've been wrestling with? I believe HDMI autodetection might be at fault, but I'm not sure02:34
dr_pbEssentially tl;dr, I have 3 displays attached to an AMD discreet card and every time one of the displays gets turned off or the monitors go to power save, all the windows and app that are open get dog piled onto one display and KDE asks "helpfully" if I want to change my monitor arrangement.02:35
dr_pbObviously, I do not, and I was hoping there was some option I could set to stop this obnoxiousness? Google searches have been polluted to uselessness with WSL results02:36
dr_pbOk, i think I tripped over the answer, I killed the KScreen 2 "screen management" service and the problem is GREATLY mitigated.02:55
ickwhat is the package for libreoffice documentation?06:30
ickThe LibreOffice built-in help for current UI language (English (USA)) is not installed on your computer. You may either install it from our website or your system’s repositories, or read an online version.06:59
RikMillsick: libreoffice-help- with you language code added to the end07:11
RikMillse.g. libreoffice-help-de for german07:11
RikMillse.g. libreoffice-help-fr for french07:12
RikMillsand so on07:12
ickah, it's not libreoffice-doc  it is libreoffice-help  I wonder why the name diverges from the standard namings.  Most linux packages, in my experience, have package-doc07:56
iomari891Greetings, Is it me or is it still not possible to upgrade from 21.10?08:15
OmyHi can someone help me with this please? https://askubuntu.com/questions/1405636/kubuntu-22-04-light-theme-not-working09:05
Guest98Howto install nvidia GTX 1060 on Kubuntu 22.09:14
Omysudo apt install nvidia-driver-510 -y09:22
Omyif that doesnt work for some reason, download and install "software and updates" from discover and under the addition drivers tab, install the nvidia drivers09:23
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
ickIn Discover app, how does one see the proper name of the package to be installed?  For example I select "Software & Updates", it gives me a version number and source but not a package name.11:46
ickAh, perhaps it is "software-properties-gtk", in the header of Dependencies window.11:47
user|14I am on kubuntu 21.10 and trying to upgrade to kubuntu 22.04, I can not  find any clear answer anywhere telling me how to do that. I tired "  sudo do-release-upgrade  " and it seemed like it was going to upgrade me to Ubuntu 22.04 which I do not want. Was that the correct way to do what I am trying to do or is there some other answer that I can11:55
user|14not seem to find.11:55
user|85drivers for TP-Link USB Wifi in latest release?12:08
BluesKajHi all13:21
fajnetHi, how to update kubuntu from 20.04 LTS to 22.04 LTS? Thanks14:12
=== yebaiya is now known as yebaiya_
=== joe is now known as joe__
iomari891greetings, how can I remove the login banner from the lock screen? The banner is blocking my beautiful animated wallpaper16:37
=== robin_ is now known as robinho
=== robinho is now known as robinhe
Alnaserhow do i update from 20.04 to 22.0418:29
RikMillsupgrades from 20.04 to 22.04 are usually enabled about the time of the first point release (i.e. 22.04.1)18:36
RikMillsso that will be July/August (ish)18:37
AlnaserThanks for your reply18:42
user|90hi, i need help19:58
user|90what's the minium requisits?19:58
akselmohi so im in Kubuntu 21.10 (the non-lts version). does  upgrading to 22.04 change me to the lts version?20:45
kc2bezakselmo: yes, 22.04 is an lts20:48
cbreakakselmo: it won't change you to the LTS track21:34
cbreakso you'd later switch to 22.10 when it's available and you upgrade21:35
cbreakif you want to stick with lts after reaching 22.04, you'd have to change track somewhere in the settings21:35
akselmocbreak: oh okay, thanks22:04
tomreynakselmo: in /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades replace Prompt=normal by Prompt=lts22:12
tomreynthat's how you do it on standard ubuntu anyways, it might be needed to do it elsewhere, or additionally elsewhere, in kde22:13
tomreynkubuntu and ubuntu share the same foundation, i'm just not sure about how discover handles this.22:13
akselmoYea i dont want to use the lts version so i just keep the prompt as "normal" ?22:16
Alkishello all.  is kstars broken in kubuntu 22.04? I get Segmentation fault (core dumped) immediately (even kstars --version bombs)22:55
oerheksseems so23:00
ubottuKDE bug 453239 in kstars "Get segmentation fault (core dumped) when starting Kstars on Kubuntu 22.04 with kubuntu-ppa/backports" [Normal, Unconfirmed]23:00
Alkisty oerheks23:05
oerheksAlkis, add yourself to that bugreport? could hekp23:07
Alkisoerheks: On it23:07
Alkisoerheks: done :)23:11
oerheksOke Alex, thanks!23:12
Alkisoerheks: you are welcome23:16

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