
ick what is the package for libreoffice documentation?07:00
ickThe LibreOffice built-in help for current UI language (English (USA)) is not installed on your computer. You may either install it from our website or your system’s repositories, or read an online version.07:01
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=== sem2peie- is now known as sem2peie
=== sem2peie- is now known as sem2peie
ickah, it's not libreoffice-doc  it is libreoffice-help  I wonder why the name diverges from the standard namings.  Most linux packages, in my experience, have package-doc07:58
ickapt search 'doc' | grep '/' | grep doc | grep -e '-doc' | wc  # 4480 packages with -doc08:17
ickapt search 'help' | grep '/' | grep -e '-help' | wc  #123 packages with -help , 35 are libreoffice-help08:22
alkisgick, this channel isn't for user support, it's for the ubuntu developers cooperation; see the other channels where us users can chat; e.g. I already replied to you in the ubuntu channel08:51
ickalkisg: thank you; does ubuntu-devel handle packaging or is that handled elsewhere?11:29
ickwhere do I report that the help package seems to be misbehaving? /usr/share/libreoffice/help/index.html seems to redirect to /run/user/1000/doc/f0d4c212/index.html which does not display content.11:36
rs2009Trevinho: was wondering if there are any docs on the release processes for Unity (couldn't find any, and also couldn't find where to change the version to 7.6 in libunity9)11:36
Trevinhors2009: can do that from CMakeFile IIRC17:55
rs2009thank you Trevinho :) turned out that the Unity7 binary in /usr/local was being used when I was checking the version (forgot to remove it). My bad. It's all good now18:14

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