
maccam94[m]leftyfb: i'm baaaaaaaaaaaack. i think this may be a bug with unattended-upgrades? or maybe I need to pin the firefox package from main instead of increasing the priority of the ppa package00:04
maccam94[m]it's just weird because sudo apt install firefox does the right thing00:05
maccam94[m](and downgrades the currently installed package to the one in the ppa)00:06
evdubsis it a known issue that firefox 99 in ubuntu 22.04 crashes when going full screen/maximized?00:26
ograevdubs, definitely not ...00:28
evdubsit tells me "Exiting due to channel error." from the command line00:29
evdubsnot sure if i can get more verbose logging00:29
maccam94[m]evdubs: firefox 100 is already in the PPA, you might want to see if it's fixed there before proceeding to debug00:29
tomreynevdubs: if it is, then where    snap info firefox    says is the "contact" for it will have a bug reported for it. if not, potentially, you could report one there.00:29
tomreynthere are also beta and edge channels for the snap, providing newer versions00:30
ogra100 and 10100:30
oerhekson what session; Xorg or Wayland, and what video card/driver?00:32
maccam94[m]argh actually I can't reproduce how firefox keeps getting switched to the snap package. the apt history shows unattended-upgrade does it, but running `sudo unattended-upgrade` obeys the pin priority.00:33
ogramaccam94[m], we dont support PPAs here00:33
maccam94[m]i'm not asking about PPA support, this is basic apt pinning00:33
ogra(also ths one is likely soon going away)00:33
maccam94[m]I am aware, I don't intend on continuing to update firefox until xdg-portal works for my password manager00:34
ograah, you were the kepassxc person 🙂00:34
evdubsoerheks, not sure about xorg/wayland. on previous ubuntu releases i used xorg, but i think 22.04 moved to wayland? i'm on nvidia00:35
oerhekskinetic will be the name of 22.10 ?00:35
ograthen you are still on xorg00:35
ogranvidia default to xorg (nvidia asked for it last minute)00:35
maccam94[m]does anyone know if there are special ways that unattended-upgrade gets invoked with different behavior? or is there some extra special firefox-snap migration script that's messing with me?00:35
evdubsactually, i think i somehow got kicked to nouveau...00:36
evdubslet me sort this out. sorry, all00:36
ograwell, it's still a bug 🙂00:36
tomreynmaccam94[m]: there is scripting in the firefox apt packages to install snapd and the firefox snap, if that's what you're asking00:37
maccam94[m]I am aware that the firefox package in main installs the snap, but this is after I downgrade from that package version to the version from the PPA00:38
maccam94[m]is it possible there's some metapackage that forces a version constraint on firefox?00:38
ograif it was just about the snap a simple "sudo snap disable firefox" would help ... but that will indeed not make apt look for the other deb by default00:39
oerheksnewest is newest,...00:39
maccam94[m]I would hope that would just throw an error with the version constraint solver, but I've never accused apt of having a particularly intelligent version constraint system00:39
tomreynunattended-upgrades has a debug and dry-run mode00:39
maccam94[m]tomreyn: yeah I just failed to reproduce the behavior when running it by hand  :'(00:40
tomreynwhich can help you verify that you have the right package source filters set up for it00:40
tomreynit won't install packages from a ppa by default00:40
evdubsthanks for the help regarding my firefox issue. i think it may have been display driver related. prior to 22.04, i was on nvidia-470. i tried to move to nvidia-510 but got some error. apparently this kicked me to nouveau without restarting my computer00:42
evdubsi tried to move to nvidia-510, restarted, and now i can maximize firefox00:42
maccam94[m]`apt policy firefox` shows the right version is set based on the pin priorities. `sudo apt install firefox` does the right thing. `sudo unattended-upgrade` also doesn't seem to install the snap package anymore. but it seems like every time there's an update to the jammy/main firefox package, the automated process upgrades to it00:43
sarnoldnote that the jammy/main firefox package hasn't been updated in a month https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox00:45
maccam94[m]hm actually it's not when the snap gets updated, it's when there's an update for the ppa package00:45
maccam94[m]yeah i just had a look at the changelog00:45
maccam94[m]so somehow it's seeing there's an update available, but then choosing the wrong package. maybe it has something to do with unattended-upgrades only selecting packages from certain origins?00:46
tomreynprobably, which is why i pointed out it wont use ppa's by default00:47
tomreynbut then we don't now which origins you have configured00:48
maccam94[m]maybe it goes like: 1. ignore origins except for whitelist 2. pins for non-whitelisted origins are ignored 3. firefox gets upgraded again00:49
enigma9o7[m]The end of this article mentions how to make automated updates work with rico's ppa; you may find it useful https://balintreczey.hu/blog/firefox-on-ubuntu-22-04-from-deb-not-from-snap/00:49
maccam94[m]so hopefully a pin < 0 on the firefox package from main would still apply00:50
enigma9o7[m]I personally remove that package and just update myself, gives me an excuse to do something in the terminal..00:50
maccam94[m]enigma9o7: yeah that pin config is basically what I've arrived at00:50
enigma9o7[m](unattended-upgrades I mean)00:50
maccam94[m]so hopefully that will work00:51
enigma9o7[m]but i am kinda wild and crazy like that, i try to keep under 850 packages if i can00:53
* enigma9o7[m] uploaded an image: (433KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/srREBDOEDLFMaIkLaYLUDuGt/Screenshot%20from%202022-04-29%2017-53-57.png >00:54
=== brentaarnold_ is now known as brentaarnold
MrKeunerhi everyone, I have a 04:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Matrox Electronics Systems Ltd. M91XX (rev 01) with four mini display ports. I connected one of them to my monitor via mini dp to dp adapter. Gnome display doesn't seem to recognize the monitor. How can i fix this?02:42
MrKeunerOnly resolution available is currently 640x48002:42
lotuspsychjewelcome blackop03:22
blackopcan somebody tell me what color code purple is ubuntu 22.04 terminal?03:23
blackoplotuspsychje: thanks03:23
blackopmaybe Dark Aubergine #2C001E03:26
lotuspsychjeblackop: think there are tools out there to show the whole color pallette, checkout unixporn on reddit for color ricing03:27
enigma9o7[m]@blacktop try gpick03:29
enigma9o7[m]errr blackop gpick well tell you anything's color code03:29
blackopi dont have ubuntu installed now.. can somebody do me a favor and check terminal preferences if it shows terminal color code there?03:30
maccam94[m]blackop:  #300a2403:35
blackopmaccam94[m]: thank you!Q03:35
blackopi love ubuntu colors really03:36
blackoporange and purple combines perfect03:36
quackgyverHow do you run windows exes once Wine has been installed?04:24
matsamanquackgyver: man, it's been a while. IIRC from the terminal it's just 'wine path/to/some.exe'04:27
matsamanlittle extra effort, sometimes, to run them through GUI. Never done that on Ubuntu, it could be preconfigured04:28
quackgyverHm, I see.04:29
quackgyverI was hoping to be able to run it through a context menu or something.04:29
lotuspsychjequackgyver: you can also try playonlinux for more ease04:34
lotuspsychje!info playonlinux04:35
ubottuplayonlinux (4.3.4-2, jammy): front-end for Wine. In component multiverse, is optional. Built by playonlinux. Size 867 kB / 2,903 kB04:35
alkisgquackgyver: sudo cp /usr/share/doc/wine*/examples/wine.desktop /usr/share/applications/05:03
alkisgsudo update-desktop-database05:03
alkisgThese will allow you to run .exe programs from the context menu; it's disabled by default for security reasons05:03
lotuspsychjewasnt that enabled on previous ubuntu releases alkisg ?05:08
alkisglotuspsychje: it was, I think it was changed in 18.0405:19
=== diskin_ is now known as diskin
nonix4powerprofilesctl reports that driver is "placeholder"... so does the settings ui choice between "balanced" and "powersaver" actually do something? At least /sys/devices/system/cpu/intel_pstate/ and powertop report identical settings for both balanced and powersaver.06:10
schoppaHi, I can't find the legacy server image for 22.04 LTS?06:12
Halian|WelcomeRaHello! I'm getting a strange error when attempting to run `apt update`: https://paste2.org/1L0UDsvP06:55
cluelesspersoncbreak, yeah06:58
ick what is the package for libreoffice documentation?07:00
ickThe LibreOffice built-in help for current UI language (English (USA)) is not installed on your computer. You may either install it from our website or your system’s repositories, or read an online version.07:01
alkisgick, sudo apt install libreoffice-help-en-us07:39
=== kushagra07 is now known as kushagra0
=== kushagra07 is now known as kushagra0
FossilAny way to get Ubuntu 22.04 to install with ZFS as its filesystem? I am logged in over IPMI so no graphical installer, just the text based one10:14
b4b4Why is apt so long compared to pacman?10:46
jailbreakb4b4, it's not...10:48
b4b4It is.10:48
titfznbecause it was designed in times of long internet, so nobody noticed back there ;)10:48
jailbreakb4b4: maybe for *you* yes. it's fine here.10:49
tomreynFossil: debootstrap would work. i assume the server installer will also work if you use it with an autostart file.10:53
Fossiltomreyn Trying that now10:54
titfznI think pacman can dl in parallel unlike apt10:54
tomreynFossil: the latter would be the more supported approach, i reckon10:55
tomreyn(but can be overengineering if you just need to make one installation)10:55
FossilOk will read into that10:55
ravagebut it needs the desktop iso and a way to start a ssh server from it10:57
FossilI am actually just following that guide, but I am confused as it looks they use a seperate disk for some stuff. Trying to figure it out now10:58
ravagemaybe it is easier not to use ZFS as your root filesystem10:59
ravageinstall the system on LVM or a standard raid1 and configure ZFS for the storage part later10:59
ravagethats what i usually do10:59
* ogra notes that "apt" is half as long as "pacman" !11:01
titfznxubuntu 21.04 iso was like 1.8G in size. Ubuntu 22.04 is 3.4G. So its' halve as long as 22.0411:05
rs2009hi everyone11:06
davveso, apt upgrade does not seem to find some packages for me, only some like brave11:39
davvenew packages to install that is, but when I look at the ppa:s etc I can see there are new versions available11:39
davveany ideas?11:39
davvethanks for suggestion but did not make a difference (I think issue is apt-get update not finding any packages to uprade)11:44
davvenot performing the upgrade11:44
madsquirrelsudo apt-get update runs without errors?11:45
davveyep. let me paste the output11:45
madsquirrelfind the name of brave package11:45
madsquirrelapt-cache policy brave_etc_11:45
davvehave already upgraded it. let me see11:45
davvethats the output of update11:46
davvebrave-browser/stable,now 1.38.109 amd64 [installed11:46
davvebrave-browser/stable,now 1.38.109 amd64 [installed]11:47
tomreyn!hirsute | davve11:47
ubottudavve: Ubuntu 21.04 (Hirsute Hippo) was the 34th release of Ubuntu, support ended on January 20, 2022. See !eol and https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2022-January/000276.html11:47
davveim using an unsupported version?11:48
lotuspsychjeyes davve best to install a supported version (from this channels topic)11:48
howarthnon LTS Ubuntu releases only get a year of support11:49
madsquirrelyes, disable PPA, run upgrade to next release, enable PPA11:49
madsquirrelif exist, etc.11:49
tomreynnot even a year11:51
lotuspsychjecan we help you xhg11:56
xhgno thanks11:57
PhorosHi. I checked Ubuntu's repo for tools for GSM SIM cards but there was hardly anything there. Does anyone know if their is a channel on this IRC network for cell phones?12:46
wezPhoros: You may need to compile an app yourself if it's not in the repo or PPA.  What are you trying to do? use a sim card reader? access a sim via phone?12:48
PhorosI am trying to clone my SIM card12:49
wezheh, get a new one from your telco12:50
Phorosi can't. i registered it under a fake name 18 years ago12:50
wezWell, cloning a SIM card is illegal in many countries12:51
Phorosso is using a phone under a fake name12:51
PhorosHasn't stopped me12:51
wezI don't think people here will help you do something that's illegal.12:51
PhorosProbably not. Ubuntu users tend to be sissy boys12:52
wez:) No, Ubuntu users tend to be smart and not incriminate themselves on a public network :)12:52
PhorosLOL! OKAY12:52
wezgordonjcp: How did I handle that?12:53
gordonjcpwez: pretty good12:53
gordonjcponly commit one crime at a time12:53
gordonjcpI know exactly how to duplicate SIM cards using teh l00nix but because of Phoros's attitude I'll keep it to myself12:53
gordonjcpduplicating SIM cards won't necessarily solve your problem12:54
wezssshhh, it's illegal gordonjcp12:54
gordonjcpdepends on why you're doing it tbh12:54
wezgordonjcp: Yeah, it could be for acedemic reasons, but in Phoros's case, I doubt it.13:13
* jailbreak thought this was a support channel...13:15
wezjailbreak: Ubuntu support channel13:16
wezIt has a scope :)13:16
jailbreakwez: *then* take your offtopic to #ubuntu-offtopic...13:16
wezjailbreak: Channel moderation is on scope :)  There seems to be a lack of ops in here though.13:17
jailbreakwez: pretty sure you've been told this before yet carry on with the offtopic...13:18
jailbreakanyway, bye. :-)13:18
gordonjcpjailbreak: I could see that being an issue if anyone was talking about Ubuntu support13:18
gordonjcpjailbreak: or indeed, *anything*13:18
wezjailbreak: Probably, but whose counting :)13:19
wezSo, is ubuntu 22.04 ready for production use yet?  Or give it a few months?13:20
oerhekswez, wait for the 22.04.1 release point13:21
ogralike every LTS before 22.04 is ready with the .1 release13:21
BluesKajHi all13:21
gordonjcpI'm using 22.04, it seems okay13:21
gordonjcpI'm also using DaVinci Resolve 18.0b1 because I'm a maniac13:22
ickI hear it's black magic13:27
quackgyveralkisg: It still doesn't appear in my context menu after doing that.13:29
quackgyverlotuspsychje: I would, but it doesn't say who the publisher is in the app store.13:29
quackgyverI don't want to download random third party software from an unknown source.13:30
oerheksquackgyver, what app exactly?13:31
ograquackgyver, if you did not manually add a PPA, all packages in ubuntu come from a trusted surce13:32
cbreakall apt packages do13:32
ograall packages do13:32
ograsnaps even more than debs13:32
quackgyverAlright good to know.13:32
cbreakyou can still install third-party stuff from flatpack, snap or what ever13:32
quackgyverBut it's weird that the software store warns you that the third party application is unsafe then.13:33
oerheksplayonlinux is just a bunch of install scripts on top of wine, it is proprietary though13:33
ograand flatpak falls in the PPA category13:33
ogra(you would need to manually enable it first)13:33
TeliAre flatpaks very popular these days?13:34
ograquackgyver, the ubuntu store on your desktop ?13:34
cbreakand of course  you can install .deb packages manually too13:34
oerheksTeli, no. we support snaps.13:34
cbreakTeli: I've never seen one in person, but I read they're moer popular than snap13:35
cbreak(outside ubuntu)13:35
TeliAre snaps the installation files that Ubuntu will be using in the future or are they only for certain things13:35
cbreakthey're not installation files, they're more self-contained application + dependency images13:35
ograwe have a fully snap based OS (Ubuntu Core) where everything is a snap and no deb support is included13:35
quackgyverI tried running an exe via terminal, which worked, but then when I add it to the launch bar I can't run it from there. I just get a popup stating "winedbg was unable to attach to the process to obtain a backtrace"13:36
cbreakthey usually stay separate from the rest of your system, not installed13:36
quackgyverEvery time I run it outside of the launch bar it works, but it doesn't work when launched via the launch bar.13:36
oerheksquackgyver, for windows application help, join #winehq13:36
quackgyverOk thanks.13:36
TeliIs Ubuntu the most popular distro for people starting out?13:38
mrkubax10usually yes13:38
TeliWhat is the most popular distro?13:38
oerheksTeli, please don't poll, this is ubuntu support only13:38
Telioerheks I am wanting support to see which to choose.13:39
mrkubax10then #linux13:39
oerheksto get support here, choose ubuntu13:39
TeliOk thanks13:39
Telido I choose What does LTS mean13:40
ogralong term supported13:41
TeliAren't they all?13:41
ogranon LTS systems get fixes and security updates for the period of a pregnancy ... (9 months) ...13:41
ograLTS systems get support for 10y13:41
oerheksNo, lts gives 5 years, other versions just 9 months.13:41
oerheksand 5 years paid*13:41
TeliCool. I will go the LTS then13:42
ogra5 free and 5 after free registration13:42
gordonjcpTeli: LTS is a good call, but I'd go with 20.0413:42
ografor persona use nothing is paid ...13:42
TeliThat is really good to know. I had a look at some others and they are not support for very long. That is why I am leaning Ubuntu13:42
oerheksogra, rue, but not in this channel :-D13:42
lousiFI just upgraded into Jammy. Is there a .deb repo for Firefox??13:42
gordonjcpTeli: unless you must have the latest and greatest13:42
lousiFnow it's a snap.. urgh13:42
gordonjcplousiF: and?13:43
ogralousiF, can we help you with any problem with firfox ?13:43
lousiFI preferred the .deb upgrade13:43
oerhekslousiF, their PPA is behind our official ones https://launchpad.net/~mozillateam/+archive/ubuntu/firefox-next?field.series_filter=jammy13:43
ogrado you have any support issue with firefox ?13:44
lousiFmy FF-Dev is the same, built it from source. Now regular FF is a snap..13:44
oerheksyes, they are snaps now.13:44
ogralousiF, do yu have a support question ?13:44
lousiF@oerheks, thx13:44
ogra(that PPA will likely go away soon and leave you with an outdated browser)13:45
lousiFwoke up to an alien desktop this morning, trying to surf the web. lol13:45
ograalso .. we do not support PPAs here13:45
Teliogra is there a place to just chat in general? i have questions only sections and stuff13:45
lousiFgood thing I backed up ~/.mozilla13:45
ograTeli, there are #ubuntu-offtopic and #ubuntu-discuss13:45
TeliThank you13:45
ogralousiF, did the auto-profile-import not work for you ?13:45
lousiF@ogra, I got a prompt for something like that. my profiles from before the release upgrade aren13:46
lousiFt showing13:46
ogralousiF, sounds like you should file a bug then https://support.mozilla.org/kb/file-bug-report-or-feature-request-mozilla13:47
lousiFI'll have to get the source tar.gz and do it that way I guess13:47
rs2009was wondering if anyone knows where the old Unity7 release processes are documented13:48
ograthe snap should properly import yur exiting profiles (and usually does for 99% of users) ... if this does not work, you should let mozilla know13:48
ogrars2009, likely only the guys in #ubuntu-desktop ... but it is the weekend so not many will be around13:48
lousiF@ogra, thanks. I'm just not used to snaps.13:49
ogratheer is probably also something on the ubuntu wiki13:49
TeliWhat is the correct stylisation for the distros name?13:49
TeliIs it lower case13:49
TeliWhat does it mean?13:50
ogracapital U13:50
lousiFOS: Ubuntu 22.04 LTS x86_6413:50
lousiFI was just at Impish13:50
TeliI am going to give it a shot now. Thanks13:50
rs2009ogra: oh, I did message Trevisan but didn't get a response yet, so thought it might be documented (like the other processes)13:51
ogrars2009, he had a hard work and is probably resting 😉13:51
cbreakTeli: with ubuntu releases, you're  usually stuck with the same major version of anything as was there when they were released13:51
cbreakno major updates, with very few exceptions13:51
ogracbreak, gone 🙂13:52
cbreak... ah well...13:52
lousiFalso, in GNOME, x1113:54
lousiFnot unity13:54
rs2009ogra: ah13:55
MadLambHow could I debug what is going wrong with my internet connection? When I am connected with wire and I am gaming it randomly disconnects.13:56
lousiFI'm just gonna build it from source now. I prefer the nerd route13:56
ograMadLamb, watch your journal while it happens would be a god start13:57
oerheksor your router log.. or other users on your network13:57
MadLamboerheks, seems to be happening at fairly regular intervals. 30 min perhaps? My guess was something related to the dock and/or network card power mgmt.13:58
MadLambogra, will do, thanks13:58
ograsounds like a good guess ... logs and the journal should give you confidence via data 😉13:59
rs2009was wondering if Launchpad is building a huge project, since I've been trying to upload a package to a PPA and build it since 2 days and the build keeps getting delayed (one was to fix an emergency touchpad issue and I did mark it as emergency, but it's being delayed since 6 hours)14:07
ogrars2009, ask in #launchpad (though i think there were probs with the build queue last week)14:10
ogradon't expect a fast answer though, there is a sprint next week and people are traveling14:10
lousiFI had to uncomment the repos I had before do-release-upgrade, kinda forgot that whole process. but working OK so far14:11
quackgyverWhy is there no "create shortcut" option in Ubuntu's context menu?14:11
lousiFquackgyver, maybe an extension for that..?14:11
lousiFdepends on your DE, WM14:12
quackgyverAh I see. Well, I use whatever's the default in the most recent LTS version.14:15
lousiFtry `uname -a` and/or  `neofetch`14:16
rs2009ogra, sur14:16
lousiFJellyfishes.. lol14:23
lousiFit's always a new species, fun stuff14:23
tomreynquackgyver: because there are no shortcuts. maybe you're referring to a symbolic or hard link?14:25
quackgyverYa same thing.14:25
tomreynnot really. but i don't think an option for creating either type of link exists in gnome files either14:26
lousiFI use nautilus.14:26
tomreynbut yu could probably add one yourself14:26
quackgyverI don't want to have to go through the console every time I want to create a shortcut.14:26
quackgyverAnother question, how can I get a proper address bar in the file manager?14:27
quackgyverI.e. an input field that can be modified.14:27
leftyfbsame as all web browsers14:28
quackgyverI mean, how can I make it act like an input field when I cilck on it?14:28
leftyfbyou don't14:28
leftyfbuse ctrl+l14:28
lousiFctrl+l  ctrl+v14:29
quackgyverNo. I don't want to have to remember 40 different commands for every little thing that I want to do. It's not feasible.14:29
oerhekswrite them down :-D14:29
quackgyverI want to reduce cognitive load, not add to it.14:29
BluesKajcreate cli cmd text file14:29
cbreakinteresting: https://github.com/ubuntu/zsys/issues/21814:30
ubottuIssue 218 in ubuntu/zsys "USERDATA datasets removed" [Open]14:30
quackgyverIs there a way to make the path field act like an input field when clicking on it?14:30
leftyfbquackgyver: yes. The code for nautilus is open source. You are free to modify to fit your own personal needs14:30
lousiFecho $PATH14:30
quackgyverSo it can't be customized without changing the source code?14:31
cbreakquackgyver: it works that way in dolphin14:31
leftyfbquackgyver: correct14:31
quackgyvercbreak: Is that a different file manager?14:32
quackgyverCan it be used instead of the default Ubuntu one?14:32
cbreakthe one from kubuntu14:32
quackgyverOr rather, can other file managers be used instead of the one that Ubuntu ships with by default?14:32
cbreakthere are a bunch of file managers you can use14:32
lousiFapt show mc14:32
cbreakI also like "ranger", but that's on command line14:32
cbreakI use dolphin in Kubuntu, it should also work in normal ubuntu, if you don't mind it looking out of place14:33
quackgyverIs there a file manager that will allow me to use the path field as an input field, while also showing more items in the sidebar (like Computer and other such things)14:33
leftyfbmind you, installing dolphin is going to pull in almost 300 other dependency packages to support KDE applications14:33
quackgyverBecause the file manager that Ubuntu ships with is honestly one of the worst experiences I've had to date in any OS. :D14:33
cbreakquackgyver: what would "computer" do in the sidebar?14:33
lousiFjust use nautilus </opinion>14:34
cbreakbut you can put in your own stuff there with dolphin14:34
quackgyvercbreak: The same thing that you get when you click on "+ Other Locations"14:34
lotuspsychjequackgyver: there are also tons of nautilus scripts and extensions you can find with apt-cache14:34
cbreakquackgyver: https://apps.kde.org/dolphin/ screenshots there14:34
quackgyverYeah that sidebar looks way better.14:35
cbreakquackgyver: https://github.com/ranger/ranger, this one is also good14:35
cbreakit uses millier columns14:35
quackgyverThis is pretty much exactly what I want.14:35
quackgyverpath bar is an input field, and all storage and network devices shown in the sidebar14:36
cbreakhave you considered switching to kde? :D14:36
cbreakif you like lots of customization, kde offers that14:37
quackgyverI had KDE on this PC first, but everything was extremely broken.14:37
quackgyverBasically 50% of the user flows broke when I was 90% in.14:37
quackgyverSo I reverted back to the vanilla Ubuntu experience.14:37
quackgyverI'm a bit wary of changing the file manager even.14:37
quackgyverBut the default one is just so limiting.14:38
cbreakit's not neccessary to change. You can multiple at once, if you want to be confused :P14:38
quackgyverBtw, if I install a new file manager, is it gonna mess things up for other users on the same PC?14:38
quackgyverI wanna make sure that my messing around isn't going to ruin the experience for other users .:D14:38
quackgyverusers. *14:38
cbreakthey are programs14:38
cbreakthey shouldn't do anything if they're not started14:39
quackgyverAh ok.14:39
cbreak(other than take up space)14:39
ograthere willbe an icon in their menu though14:39
cbreakand as leftyfb said, it's a kde application, so plenty of deps along with it that will also take up space14:39
quackgyverI don't mind dependencies.14:39
quackgyverI find that they don't take up that much space. :-)14:39
quackgyverAlright well, thanks so much for the help so far. Will check these things out. Much appreciated.14:43
cbreakquackgyver: do you like the command line?14:44
quackgyverI don't like or dislike it. I just think it's a specific tool for specific use cases. :D14:44
quackgyverMainly running CLI apps.14:44
quackgyverAnd checking logs and stuff.14:45
cbreakyeah, then ranger might not be for you :/ I quite like it, especially with kitty term for more image support :)14:47
lousiFtilix ++14:48
torbjorn1when installing a new system with LVM on an empty drive (or erasing existing content) is it possible to step in and change the sizes of LVs set up for use?15:21
torbjorn1the installer seems to slurp up about all space available in the VG on the boot drive for the LVs in use15:22
torbjorn1whereas I'd rather save some space for future use15:22
tomreyntorbjorn1: which installer?15:25
MadLambogra, when I disconnect I get NetworkManager[933]: <info>  [1651329976.0037] policy: set '<network_name>' (wlp1s0) as default for IPv4 routing and DNS15:25
MadLambogra, and after NetworkManager[933]: <info>  [1651329976.2778] policy: set 'Wired connection 1' (enx806d97224d23) as default for IPv4 routing and DNS15:25
MadLambogra, tried to turn off the wifi to see if it prevents switching15:26
MadLamblets see15:26
ograMadLamb, well, that is just NM telling you the connection went down/up ...15:26
torbjorn1tomreyn: I'm not quite sure to be honest. I booted an usb with the live image (3.4GB'ish) and installed from it15:28
torbjorn1at some point it asked how I wanted to install, I checked the 3rd option, with an Advanced... button that I clicked. I choose to have disk encryption and LVM15:28
tomreyntorbjorn1: what was the iso file called which you wrote to this usb storage?15:28
tomreynthis seems to be some ubuntu desktop installer based on what you just said15:29
tomreynoh ok15:29
tomreynSo you're asking about Ubuntu 22.04 Desktop amd64 :)15:29
tomreynI'm afraid I forgot how LV's are sized by Ubiquity, the Desktop installer there.15:30
torbjorn1I have a 950G volume group, it now has 20G free space15:31
tomreynbut if they are too large youcould shrink the file system and LV and then add more LVs as needed15:31
jhutchinstorbjorn1: I think the clue is that you've asked for encryption, and the installer encrypts the whole drive, not just volumes or partitions.15:31
torbjorn1root LV is 930 and swap is 1G15:31
torbjorn1jhutchins: yes, but that shouldnt be a problem15:31
torbjorn1I mean once the drive (the PV) is decrypted, there is no reason why it should allocate almost all VG disk space to one LV15:32
tomreynthe server installer and, if it happens sometime, next desktop installer probably, too, will not assign more disk space to the root file system than is needed, leaving the rest of the PV/VG available for new LVs15:33
torbjorn1I could just boot systemrescuecd, or perhaps the same ubuntu installer usb, decrypt the PV, shrink the ext4 root fs, then shirnk the LV, but itd be way easier just to intercept the installe process15:33
torbjorn1tomreyn: ok thanks, thats good to know. i dont mind reducing size manually for now15:33
torbjorn1could just grab the server installer for the next laptop perhaps, and just mirror the installed packages to this first system I guess?15:34
torbjorn1(I have 2 laptops I'm setting up)15:34
tomreynthis new installer was meant to happen for 22.04 desktop, but somehow it didn't.15:34
torbjorn1do you know how often they roll out updated installers?15:34
tomreynyou mean like completely rewritten ones? about every 10 years or so15:35
torbjorn1I meant to ask - is it likely that this new installer you talk about, would be available in a few months or so15:36
tomreyntorbjorn1: i assume it may be available as of the 22.10 ubuntu release, possibly.15:38
tomreynI assume it won't go into any point release of 22.04 LTS. But... I can be wrong.15:38
tomreynyou can follow its development at https://github.com/canonical/ubuntu-desktop-installer15:39
tomreynand test it using the "canary" ISO images15:40
tomreyn(expect alpha quality)15:40
torbjorn1tomreyn: thanks!15:53
tomreynyou're welcome15:54
ice9sometimes when I wake up the laptop, i can't login through gdm at all and I must restart gdm then it works fine, any idea?17:07
jhutchinsice9: What exactly happens and what do you do when you try and fail to log in?17:09
ice9jhutchins, the login screen keeps loading and i have to press "escape" to be able to enter the password again17:10
ice9also i see this in auth.log https://bpa.st/62TA17:11
tomreynby "wake up", do you mean it returns from suspend / power saving?17:14
jhutchinsice9: By "keeps loading" I take it to mean that when you enter the password it loops back to the login screen.17:14
jhutchinsice9: Is this the behavior when you enter an incorrect password?17:14
tomreynwhich ubuntu release, kernel version, session (gnome-shell on Xorg or wayland or something else), graphics driver?17:15
ice9jhutchins, it loops back to login screen but the password text box is disabled, so I have to press "escape" twice so I can enter password and try login again; I didn't try with wrong password; ubuntu 22.04, 5.15.0-27, xorg; nvidia17:16
jhutchinsice9: So sometimes it works, other times it doesn't?17:17
ice9jhutchins, exactly17:18
ice9jhutchins, i mean sometimes this issue happens and i must restart gdm in this case17:19
ice9jhutchins, fyi, i also have yubikey, but when this issue happens, its even doesn't blink the key, so i think it stuck at the password verification step before reaching the key17:21
kinghatwith docker installed as snap, where does one put the compose plugin?17:25
alisonwShould an existing install of 20>04lts pick up the 22.04lts release? My do-release-upgrade is stating there isn't an upgrade17:28
lotuspsychje!ltsupgrade | alisonw17:28
ubottualisonw: Regular upgrades from the last but one LTS release to the latest LTS release, 22.04 "Jammy Jellyfish", are enabled days or weeks after 22.04.1 is released. This delay helps to ensure that any lingering issues are resolved before people upgrade production systems. If you'd prefer to upgrade now, use sudo do-release-upgrade -d17:28
alisonwthanks. (Was planning to only update one server for the moment to test but surprised at message. Many thanks)17:29
lotuspsychjealisonw: what a lot of users do, is upgrading -d on test machines or help debug early etc17:30
alisonw(I know I must have used to -d switch in the past but clearly my memory is going as I get older!)17:32
mouaiI want help in red hat17:32
tomreyn!topic | mouai17:33
ubottumouai: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic17:33
mouaior i will fuck u17:33
lousiFgot FF running like normal. deleted the snap..17:57
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ooonea_ethHas anyone managed to get video acceleration in Chrome on Ubuntu 22.04?18:24
ooonea_ethIt's indecent that in 2022 there is still no support in Linux.18:24
ravageyou should ask Google about it. Chrome is no official Ubuntu package18:25
ooonea_ethravage It's true. But it is the same for Chromium.18:27
ravagefor that check the snapcraft forum18:27
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ograi'm pretty sure the chromium snap comes with VAAPI enabled and working ...18:38
ooonea_ethogra Great!18:39
ogra(at least it did ... if it does not anymore thats clearly a bug)18:43
lousiFI have the ungoogled-chromium flatpak installed. works fine18:54
ice9jhutchins, you there?18:56
jhutchinsice9: Marginally.19:05
jhutchinsice9: I'm guessing you can log in to the console ok even when gdm is misbehaving.19:06
ice9jhutchins, yes, that's how I restart gdm19:07
jhutchinsice9: I use lightdm, but it doesn't have some of the gnome integration that gdm has.19:07
jhutchinsice9: Did we cover which release you're on?  When did this start happening?19:08
ice9it's happening from previous releases, not new19:08
jhutchinsice9: Well, there's something to try.19:11
jhutchinsice9: The inner workings of gdm are pretty much a mystery to me, and I gather not too many others here know them well or they'd have jumped in.19:11
jhutchinsThe usual things to try would be create a new user and see if it happens then - if so, it's something in the user profile.19:12
jhutchinsDelete any cache or configuration files for gdm and re-create them.19:12
jhutchinsReplace gdm with something like lightdm, remove all traces of gdm, then re-install it.19:13
jhutchinsMove to the wilds of Zanzibar and never deal with computers again.19:14
lousiFJellyfish don't need the internet or computers.19:27
freakyy85hi all. i have a question. i installed ubuntu and Discord. Discord worked. Everything showed like expected. Now i did apt install kde-full and in there ran discord. worked aswell. now when switching back to gnome, it only shows a window with all black background and no channels whatsoever. what can i do?19:32
maggot87Hello. On Ubuntu 22.04, I started noticing that mouse selections on the desktop closest to the dock are only shown when they are wider than a certain amount (it seems to be about the width of the dock). Is this issue happening just for me, and if not, are there any bug reports that already exist?19:38
tomreynmaggot87: i think with these symptoms it won't be easy to find a duplicate report, but you can still try. search on launchpad.net, probably for gnome-shell or mutter packages. though this could also be graphics driver or graphics server (Xorg or Wayland) related19:42
tomreynthe easier approach may be to file a new bug against one of those packages (i'm not sure which, really, my guess would be on mutter)19:43
tomreyn!bug | maggot8719:43
ubottumaggot87: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.19:43
tomreynif you can catch this in a screenshot or a tiny video you can upload that can be useful.19:44
=== joao is now known as porquilho
Crucifyyso ive been on 22.04 for a few days now, just tried to play some minecraft.... Wont launch, crashes exit code 1 100% of the time.. Any ideas?20:57
Macerdoes it make more sense to use nextcloud vs owncloud nowadays?21:03
Maceri am essentially attempting to replace icloud21:04
tomreynCrucifyy: if you can produce error messages which seem to be related to something that's not minecraft, post them to a pastebin-like service and share the url here.21:06
tomreyntermbin.com works fine, for example21:07
tomreyni mean something that looks more like it could actually be an ubuntu issue21:07
Crucifyyyea, it seems to be a MC error. Maybe i just need to wait it out till it gets an Update21:08
tomreynMacer: neither is packaged in ubuntu (via apt, there can be snaps), you could try #ubuntu-offtopic for software recommendations, or search the web - i'm sure there are several websites comparing the two.21:09
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en11gmai downloaded ubuntu 18.04 amd64 and wrote it to gpt on usb stick. my motherboard is x570 and 3060ti. i disabled secure boot. i can see the boot menu and i can even edit boot options with "nomodeset" but i only get a black screen. how do i fix this? i also have a B660I and 12600k with a 1060 ti. would that system work better with 18.04 live usb?21:20
en11gmado i need to download some linux chipset drivers and put them on a seperate usb stick or something? how do i get older distro working with newer hardware?21:21
tomreyna kernel upgrade may help, sometimes you'll also need PPAs. but the best option for newer hardware is newer software.21:22
tomreyni.e. why do you want to use 18.04, which has just one more year of free support?21:23
en11gmaim having problems with my rtlsdr hardware and some other stuff like qspectrumanalyzer too21:26
en11gmaso i wanted to go back to when i knew it worked before but i have upgraded my computers since then21:27
en11gmabut still have the rtlsdr devices21:27
tomreynhmm, it's usually best to fix things forwards not backwards, if you can.21:27
tomreynso the 18.04 live usb boots to a black screen after grub, you say?21:28
en11gmait was supposed to be a simple thing and it has turned into a long process. so far i have wrote 20.04, 18.04 and kali 2017 and 2018 but kali wouldnt boot21:28
tomreynthat's with boh default grub settings as well as with failsafe graphics mode?21:28
en11gmai also had to disable csm and secure boot for kali but still no luck. lol21:29
tomreynwe can't support kali here anyways21:29
en11gmayep with 18.04 screen goes black (i still can cntrl-alt-del) and it will reboot21:29
en11gmathere is no safe graphics option so i edited the line and added nomodeset21:29
en11gmai know im just saying its been a long process when it was supposed to be simple21:30
tomreynweird, i was thinking there was, are you not uefi booting?21:30
en11gmai never really had the problem with too new of hardware before :)21:30
en11gma18.04 i have it gpt partitioned with rufus and wrote image (18.04) then it wouldnt boot so i disabled secure boot in uefi21:31
en11gmathen i got to grub menu21:31
tomreynis this the latest 18.04 point release, or a very old one?21:31
en11gmai think it was the 18.04 daily21:31
tomreynuse releases, not dailies, if you want to solve problems21:31
tomreyndaylies are for QA21:32
tomreynhttps://releases.ubuntu.com/18.04.6/ubuntu-18.04.6-desktop-amd64.iso.torrent is the torrent file for the latest 18.04 point release21:35
en11gmai was thinking the daily of ubuntu 18.04 would just have all the security updates21:35
en11gmaok thanks. will try that.21:35
tomreynit's possible you'll just get the same result, though, due to old OS and new hardware. that's not unexpected.21:36
WeeBeyI found a bug with jammy's gnome. Dock at bottom, set to auto hide. Make an app full screen (e.g., browser). Go to the bottom to select an app and select quit. By the time you press quit, the dock autohides and instead it selects the menu entry above quit (see details) which launches the software repository app.21:38
tomreynen11gma: if you want an nice user experience, I'd recommend to use hardware which works fine with open source drivers, and an Ubuntu release which was released around the same time or, better, a bit later than the hardware in question.21:39
tomreyn!bug | WeeBey21:39
ubottuWeeBey: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.21:39
tomreynyou can't effectively report a bug here, it will just go to /dev/null21:40
tomreynbut "(see details)" makes me think you already reoprted it elsewhere.21:41
evdubsis this channel also a snap support channel? how do i get firefox to open local .html files?21:41
evdubsi looked at firefox permissions in the ubuntu software app and i have personal-files, system-files, etc. all enabled21:42
tomreynevdubs: if those snaps are run on ubuntu, you can give it a try. it's a community support channel for ubuntu. if someone knows an answer to your ubuntu related question they may respond.21:43
evdubsi am running the firefox snap on ubuntu 22.0421:43
tomreynevdubs: by default, snaps are limited to which directories they can access. by default, they cannot access file and subdirectories in your /home/username directory other than /home/username/snap/snapname (21:47
tomreynin Settings, you can change what a given snap can access21:49
evdubsahh okay. the Settings app shows those file access permissions as not being granted even though they were shown as granted in Ubuntu Software21:50
WeeBeytomreyn, haha. Funny. Ok, i'll check out this page.21:51
evdubstomreyn, do you know if it is necessary to restart firefox to apply a change of permissions?21:53
tomreynevdubs: not really, no. i would assume you don't need to.21:54
jhutchinsWhat functional browsers are available in Ubuntu besides Firefox and Chrome/Chromium?  Is Opra still viable?21:57
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en11gmatomreyn i didnt forget about you. just got busy for a min. writing 18.04.6 to usb stick right now. gpt partition and fat32 selected22:00
en11gmaiso method22:00
en11gmaif it dont work on the x570 + 3060ti i will try it on the b660i + 1060 ti or just use the 12600k i-gpu22:02
tomreynen11gma: it'll be best to do a direct / raw copy, not create file systems22:02
en11gmayou mean with DD method?22:02
en11gmain rufus (in windows 11) it lets me pick iso/dd22:02
tomreynusing dd is an option, yes. cp, too22:02
tomreyni think "dd method" in rufus is supposed to work22:03
en11gmacrap. its already writing22:03
en11gmaill test the iso method and if it dont work i will do the dd method22:03
en11gmabrb. just finished and thanks22:04
JoeBkthe best app for writing flash drives is Ventoy.  ventoy.net22:04
tomreynsame say this, others say that ;)22:05
JoeBkyou can put multiple iso images on the flash drive.22:05
thriceSounds nice in theory, but a situation I've never found myself in22:05
tomreynhttps://ubuntu.com/tutorials/create-a-usb-stick-on-windows#7-write-warnings actually recommends using 'iso mode' with rufus, not 'dd mode'. i feel like i read the opposite here. but i never used rufus myself.22:10
evdubsdoes the following seem like it should be possible: i can attach a .pdf from /var/tmp to a GMail message, but i cannot open a .html file from that folder due to permissions22:23
evdubs(all in firefox 99 snap)22:24
oerheksput it in your regular /home/  folder?22:26
evdubsit works from /home/ but it seems odd that gmail attach file is able to bypass permissions22:26
oerheksit is not normal to use files from .temp22:27
evdubsthat's fine if it's not normal, but it's how i have things set up and i would like to enable non-normal folder locations to be accessed22:27
oerheksbeing root, i guess22:28
oerheksand that would bite with permissions..22:28
evdubsright, i'd rather just dump firefox snap22:30
tomreynyou could install it unconfined, but that'd mean you loose all the protection snap confinement provides.22:32
Crucifyytomreyn: Uninstalled MC and redownloaded the deb from mojang and its working fine.. odd22:33
Crucifyyguess it didn't care for the upgrade to jammy much lol22:35
GuestNoZeroHello. I need to set certain beep sounds with certain keyboard keys, how can I do that?22:35
=== GuestNoZero is now known as Ubuntivity
circuitboneI use one called `berryboot` in raspi land and hear `ventoy` mentioned a lot for multiple iso images on drives in here22:38
tomreynUbuntivity: Settings -> Keyboard, scroll to the bottom and press on the plus icon.22:42
Ubuntivitytomreyn would that work while typing in certain applications?22:44
UbuntivityI need to set numpad keys to play certain beeps while actually typing the values in a spreadsheet22:44
tomreynUbuntivity: not while typing into an input field, i would think22:44
=== Ubuntivity is now known as Ubuntivity_
xboxbmlhey all.. i have latest vbox on macbook air Catalina 10.15.7. I have 3 linux vm's created. Linux Mint 20.3 Ubuntu 20.04 and 22.04 and have latest guest editions on each. I cannot get drag and drop from host to guest to work in Ubuntu 22.04.. any thoughts?22:49
UbuntivityHow can I intercept the keystroke to play a beep while still performing regular action within applications?22:50
tomreynxboxbml: use an xorg based session (i think this is in virtualbox documentation)22:51
tomreynUbuntivity: that, too, would probably only work in xorg22:52
Ubuntivitytomreyn: Where should I start?22:52
xboxbmlhmm..don't really know what xorg based session is.. i'm no expert in any of this.. i just know i can do this on my LM and 20.04 vm's.. but 22.04 it doesn't work..22:55
xboxbmlthey must have changed something in this release.. some security thing or something22:55
ravagexboxbml, logout. click your username. click the gear icon on the lower right. choose "Ubuntu on Xorg"22:56
Ubuntivitytomreyn: xev just gives me the keycode of the key I pressed (AFAIK). How can xev issue certain command to a certain keycode?22:56
xboxbmli've posted this this on vbox chan as well.. no hits22:56
jhutchinsevdubs: It sounds like you have read permissions, but not execute.22:59
jhutchinsevdubs: Your system _should_ open the html file as text though.22:59
UbuntivityIs there a way to monitor keystrokes in background?23:06
oerheksthat is called ... keylogger?23:07
cbreakthere probably is. After all, tools like the launcher can do so.23:08
Ubuntivityoerheks: Something like that. I need to play certain beeps with numpad key presses while keeping them functional in spreadsheet program23:08
Ubuntivitycan xbindkeys do the job for me?23:13
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