[10:30] How to participate in contributing code [10:46] somebody? [14:19] dave_garvey: that's the frist time I've heard of that error. interesting. Do you know what size instance in GCE? This may be a race with the GCP instance metadata service not being available yet now that GCE datasource gets detected earlier in boot. If possible, please create a bug at https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init/+filebug and attach the cloud-init.tar.gz (which would have your cloud-init logs). === Guest44454 is now known as ice10001 === Guest44454 is now known as ice10001 [22:47] Hi all [22:47] My user-data file is at this stage working except of the adding of a repository and installing the latest postgresql-client [22:49] Anyone available to help?