
=== denza^242 is now known as denza252
marcoSo does anyone received error message about changing user group when editing software sources in Muon or Discover?03:09
Guest48while i type sudo apt-get update- get these lines. ..E: Malformed entry 1 in list file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list (Suite)05:28
Guest48E: The list of sources could not be read.05:28
Guest48what to do05:28
IrcsomeBot<MartinVonReichenberg> You will need to use NANO inside Terminal with root privileges and remove that line from the /etc/apt/sources.list.d file (re @IrcsomeBot: <Guest48> while i type sudo apt-get update- get these lines. ..E: Malformed entry 1 in list file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list (Suite))06:29
IrcsomeBot<MartinVonReichenberg> You will need to use NANO inside Terminal with root privileges and remove that line from the /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list file or remove the file entirely:06:30
IrcsomeBot<MartinVonReichenberg> pgdg.list (re @IrcsomeBot: <Guest48> while i type sudo apt-get update- get these lines. ..E: Malformed entry 1 in list file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list (Suite))06:30
Devel78Yo guys, any of you managed to upgrade to 22.04 by doing do-release-upgrade?08:54
RikMillsAlkis: I added a backtrace with debug symbols to that report09:34
alkisgMeh, matrix keeps highlighting me when "Alkis" is mentioned :D09:37
AlkisRikMills: thanks.  looks like something is wrong with Qt, doesn't it? https://github.com/KDE/kstars/blob/master/kstars/main.cpp#L6709:38
RikMillsAlkis: well, it was build against 5.15.2 and we got 5.5.3 later on in jammy, so 1st I am seeing what happen when rebuild against 5.15.309:44
RikMills*5.15.3 later on09:44
RikMillsalso have something else to try....09:45
AlkisRikMills: the "optimised out" of argc looks a bit suspicious too09:46
RikMillsand of course, there is a new 3.5.8 out since....09:46
=== Iamthehuman is now known as Iamthehuman1
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
user|17Hi. I've upgraded from to 22.04 LTS from 21.10 it kill my system. NetworkManager seems go crazy. 32% cpu.. constant reconnects seems by logs. Any suggestions how to fix this. Its also leads to Plasma crash.12:25
BluesKajHi all12:29
tmlkhello! I'm running latest Kubuntu (22.04). I have 3 Kernels installed (5.11, 5.13 and 5.15). Currently 5.15 is the default one. I'd like to set 5.11 as the default one. What's the "proper" way to do so?13:10
BluesKajtmlk, choose it during boot in grub boot loader, but why don't you ask your real question?13:14
tmlkBluesKaj: Thanks for your answer. The real question is that after recently upgrading to the latest release of Kubuntu the wake on bluetooth (external mice/keyboard) stopped working. Before digging I wanted to test a previous version of the Kernel just in case some regression was added.13:15
BluesKajtmlk, have you updated/upgraded since your install?13:16
tmlkyes, all packages are up to date13:17
tmlkI've double checked the udev rules and still not working. I added an ugly cron like this "echo enabled | tee /sys/bus/usb/devices/*/power/wakeup" and as a matter of fact, pluggin any of the plugged in devices resume from suspend. So I've narrowed it down to bluetooth.13:19
BluesKajok, check System Settings/Hardware/Bluetooth13:23
tmlkall looks good in there13:24
tmlkbesides, there aren't options related to wake from suspend13:24
ElliriaHey there. I'm thinking about installing Inkscape on Kubuntu 20.04 LTS, but it says it depends on python2:any and I don't want to mess up my Python3 installation. Will installing Inkscape cause any Python problems for me?13:30
BluesKajtmlk, try this: sudo systemctl start bluetooth, then, rfkill unblock bluetooth, and reboot13:31
tmlkI can try that, as a side note the bluetooth.service is started, rfkill already shows that both wlan and bluetooth are both soft/hard unblocked.13:34
tmlkshould I try regardless?13:34
BluesKajElliria, Inkscape lists python 3 as a depenedency on 20.04 so it should work fine if you install it13:36
BluesKajtmlk, yes13:36
tmlkok, brb13:36
BluesKajdpendency rather13:37
ElliriaThanks, BluesKaj, but I'm not seeing that. Muon says it depends on python2:any. Why are we seeing different dependencies?13:39
tmlkBluesKaj: same, no wake on bluetooth mice/keyboard13:40
BluesKajElliria, https://askubuntu.com/questions/1232812/whats-the-default-python-version-in-ubuntu-20-0413:40
BluesKajtmlk, think there's a bug or 2 related to sleep on 22.0413:42
tmlkany forum or thread in git I can follow-up on this?13:42
BluesKajtmlk, think i saw someting about it at the #ubuntu chat a few days ago13:43
ElliriaMaybe I should ask my question in a different way. If a target package depends on python2:any, what will happen to my Python3 installation if I install that target package?13:44
BluesKajElliria, have you updated/upgraded lately.? It seems that python 3 should be default on 20.0413:45
ElliriaMy system uses Python 3.8.10 and the target package that I'm thinking about installing on my system depends on python2:any and I'm worried that Python 2 will be installed on my system if I install the target package.13:47
tmlkBluesKaj: thanks for input on this. I'll keep an eye open, see if I can find out more.13:48
BluesKajElliria, what's your "target package"?13:48
ElliriaIt also depends on packages like python-numpy rather than python3-numpy, etc.13:50
BluesKajwell inkscape is in the repos so it's supposed install and work without any ill effects or are you trying an earlier version ?13:51
ElliriaI'm in the repositories on Muon and looking at the dependencies before deciding whether to install and what I'm seeing is worrying me, which is why I figured I'd do a bit of research before diving in.13:52
BluesKajElliria, I'm on 22.04 and muon here doesn't show python 2 as a dependency13:53
cbreakpython2 has been dead and deprecated for years13:54
BluesKajperhaps an upgrade to 22.04 LTS will lift your concerns13:55
ElliriaYeah, I suppose staying with the LTS does pose its own challenges.13:55
ElliriaWait, what? There's a brand new LTS?13:55
cbreakhttps://www.python.org/doc/sunset-python-2/ // it seems people that didn't get the message to move away from python2 in 2008 might still use it... but anything made in the last decade or so shouldn't rely on it13:57
ElliriaYeah, that was why I'm worried about installing it, cbreak.13:58
ElliriaOkay, I guess I need to upgrade Kubuntu. Man, I wish I'd known that was going to be an LTS or I would have waited. I just installed 20.04 about two weeks ago.13:58
cbreak20.04 is also an lts13:58
ElliriaYeah, I only run LTS versions, but I didn't realize we were getting another one so soon.13:59
ElliriaSomeone might want to fix the https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases page since it doesn't show it as an LTS.13:59
cbreakhmm... inkscape on 21.10 seems to use python314:00
ElliriaYeah, on 20.04 it depends on python2:any.14:00
cbreakthere's an inkscape snap it seems14:01
* BluesKaj stays away from snaps, but that's just me....14:01
ElliriaIs there a command I can run to update to the new LTS in place without having to reinstall everything?14:01
cbreakbut that's not been enabled yet14:02
cbreakit'll probably take a few months for that14:02
ElliriaOh. Heh. So I'd have to start over.14:02
cbreakSorry, it's do-release-upgrade14:02
ElliriaWell, I might want to get that over with since I'm still recovering from upgrading two weeks ago. May as well be as current as possible.14:02
cbreakElliria: you could switch to non-lts, and / or update in dev mode, and switch back when you're done14:02
BluesKajyeah do-release-upgrade -d14:02
ElliriaI'll just do a wipe and install and copy my stuff back over as usual. It's a big royal pain, but it's doable.14:03
BluesKajthe above command will install the next LTS14:03
BluesKajdid it on my old HP pc without any problem14:04
ElliriaEven now, BluesKaj? Even though it's not enabled yet?14:04
cbreakElliria: that's why you have to use -d14:05
BluesKaj-d will be in use until the .1 version of the LTS is available, probly in july14:05
ElliriaOkay, thanks.14:06
ElliriaI'm gonna go put it in a VM and mess around with it and then get to installing. Thanks for the help.14:09
ElliriaHugs all the way around.14:09
user|66hello please help me to install kubuntu with UEFI os thanks15:01
user|21hi everyone.  After upgrading from 21.10 to 22.04 has anyone else started seeing this error during startup?  ACPI BIOS Error (bug): Could not resolve symbol [\_PR.PR00._CPC], AE_NOT_FOUND (20210730/psargs-330)16:48
tmxhello is me16:51
IrcsomeBot<Dansit0> R6WE19:57
IrcsomeBot<Dansit0> Hi guys, I got a big bug in the wayland session, basically no flatpak shows up even though I have many flatpaks installed on my system19:58
IrcsomeBot<adhooooooooom> Ah, I've fallen into this issue a couple of weeks ago (re @Dansit0: Hi guys, I got a big bug in the wayland session, basically no flatpak shows up even though I have many flatpaks installed on my system)20:06
IrcsomeBot<adhooooooooom> Let me guess, you're using zsh?20:06
IrcsomeBot<adhooooooooom> I fixed it by adding20:08
IrcsomeBot<adhooooooooom> emulate sh -c 'source /etc/profile'20:08
IrcsomeBot<adhooooooooom> To .zshenv20:08
IrcsomeBot<Dansit0> yes (re @adhooooooooom: Let me guess, you're using zsh?)20:25
IrcsomeBot<Dansit0> how? :( (re @adhooooooooom: I fixed it by adding20:25
IrcsomeBot<Dansit0> emulate sh -c 'source /etc/profile'20:25
IrcsomeBot<Dansit0> To .zshenv)20:25
IrcsomeBot<Dansit0> Can you explain me the steps for this? I do not deal much with this issue of the shell and path (re @adhooooooooom: I fixed it by adding20:26
IrcsomeBot<Dansit0> emulate sh -c 'source /etc/profile'20:26
IrcsomeBot<Dansit0> To .zshenv)20:26
IrcsomeBot<Dansit0> thanks man20:35
IrcsomeBot<Dansit0> ❤️20:35
IrcsomeBot<adhooooooooom> Did you fix it?20:42
IrcsomeBot<Dansit0> yes20:44
IrcsomeBot<adhooooooooom> Great20:44
IrcsomeBot<adhooooooooom> You're welcome20:44
=== xelix is now known as JHMgrin

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