
ahasenack8h building? https://launchpad.net/~ahasenack/+archive/ubuntu/node-configurable-http-proxy/+build/2359941022:49
* ahasenack doesn't believe it22:49
blahdeblahhttps://paste.debian.net/1239637/ I just saw this on my latest apt upgrade on my focal laptop.  Seems like a repeat of https://bugs.launchpad.net/lazr.restfulclient/+bug/1803558 in a slightly different context - anyone know if there was any effort made to track down other uses of that method?23:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1803558 in lazr.restfulclient "launchpadlib not compatible with latest version of httplib2" [High, Fix Released]23:03
sergiodjahasenack: I've had the same problem in a PPA.  just cancel and retrigger the build23:27
ahasenackI wanted to leave it like that for some troubleshooting tomorrow23:29
ahasenackbut meh23:29
ahasenacksergiodj: that NO_PROXY trick for node-configurable-http-proxy wasn't enough for the Real Thing (launchpad)23:51
ahasenack    Unhandled promise rejection: RequestError: Error: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND test.localhost.jovyan.org23:51
ahasenackI wanted to have tried a ppa before, but they were hosed that day23:52
sergiodjahasenack: hm, interesting.  that looks like the error I was seeing locally23:52
ahasenackI will have to think of something else23:52
ahasenacksince this is build time, I can't/shouldn't change /etc/hosts23:52
sergiodjI wonder if LP's DNS resolver also has DNS Rebinding protection active23:52
ahasenackmaybe mdns, or change the test to use localhost23:53

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