
jonnywondomusic[okay hey guys im jonny  so my dad redid my laptop to help me out with music editing and videos and pics  but i really can not figure out how to use this ubuntu studio lol  like i dont know how to even download apps :/ sorry i wanna learn  so if anyone wouldnt mind helping me out it would mean alot!06:12
=== Iamthehuman is now known as Iamthehuman1
BrianHechinger[m<jonnywondomusic[> "okay hey guys im jonny  so my..." <- In the "start menu" look for Discover. That's where you find software to install.10:56
taeaad_Why can't I install chm2pdf with Apt? "E: Unable to locate package chm2pdf"15:36
Eickmeyertaeaad_: Because it doesn't exist in Ubuntu.15:38
taeaad_So... Was it removed from Apt?15:39
Eickmeyertaeaad_: Sometime after 18.04, yes. https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/chm2pdf15:40
taeaad_Why would it get removed?15:41
EickmeyerBecause it was removed from Debian.15:41
EickmeyerLikely no longer developed upstream an failed to build using newer toolchain.15:42
Eickmeyertaeaad_: Found your answer. It was based on Python 2. Python 2 went EOL and was also removed from the repositories. See https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=93630015:44
ubottuDebian bug 936300 in ftp.debian.org "RM: chm2pdf -- RoQA; maintainer MIA; Python 2 only; dead upstream" [Normal, Open]15:44
taeaad_Eickmeyer: Oh that makes it sensible.15:45
taeaad_There is one on Arch's what-ya-ma-call-it repos https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/chm2pdf-python3.15:48
taeaad_But, yeah, AUR.15:49
EickmeyerAUR is dubious at best someties.15:52
EickmeyerIt's hard to tell if the fork has permission to use the same name, that's why the python3 fork can't be in Ubuntu or Debian yet.15:53
BrianHechinger[mAUR is downright frightening15:53
EickmeyerIf they don't, then legally, per the GPL, the fork has to change the name of the project.15:53
Iamthehuman1My "Windows"-key works fine, except that pressing it to invoke the start menu does not work. By "works fine" I mean that if I press it and a cursor key then the expected thing happen. Where could the problem be and can I fix this somehow. I'm on US 22.0418:10

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