=== JanC is now known as Guest5108 === JanC_ is now known as JanC [06:40] good morning desktoppers [06:41] hello oSoMoN [06:41] hey ricotz [06:49] Hi oSoMoN and ricotz [06:49] hey duflu [07:02] good morning [07:02] salut didrocks [07:03] salut oSoMoN [07:04] Hi didrocks [07:10] hey duflu [07:17] hey duflu & didrocks [07:27] hey ricotz === pizzaiolo is now known as pizza [10:27] intelligence test and psychometrics done (I fluffed a couple of the intelligence questions in trying to not take too long over each question - not many just a couple) [12:56] Hi [12:56] i'm trying to port my preseed file from focal to jammy, the only thing i miss is how to answer the question "normal/minimal" install [12:56] i found some "tasksel" lines when searching, but nothing works here [12:56] that kind : https://github.com/nuada/ubuntu-preseed/blob/master/minimal.template#L62-L68 [12:57] tried to grep -ri "minimal" "ubuntu-minimal" after answering graphically in /var/log, but i found nothing [12:57] it still asks graphically for that answer [13:09] eoli3n, the option was already there in focal, our automated tests use https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-test-case-dev/ubuntu-test-cases/desktop/view/head:/preseeds/default.cfg if that helps [13:11] eoli3n, https://askubuntu.com/questions/1027564/unattended-install-of-ubuntu-18-04-minimal-desktop could be of use? [13:12] thanks seb128 [13:12] i just found the ubiquity line in another thread and tried it, without success [13:12] (with tasksel commented) [13:12] it shouldn't block on that option, it doesn't in our CI job, unsure why it does for you [13:13] as said it asks graphically [13:14] the default.cfg you linked doesn't use the ubiquity line [13:14] nor the tasksel one [13:14] right, I'm not that familiar with preseed, what just throwing pointers from things I know in case it helps [13:14] what->was [13:16] who is working on the preseed part ? [13:17] the second link helps a bit, but solution pointed in doesn't work [13:17] I don't think anyone actually works on that, it's basically legacy code without maintainer [13:18] do you use ubiquity --automatic ? [13:19] hey, just found something [13:19] or automatic-ubiquity to start the iso? [13:19] maybe your first link helps too [13:20] "minimal" is checked, so maybe that's not the blocking answer [13:20] and i don't use "use_nonfree" and "install_oem" keys [13:20] lets try with [13:20] right you do need those [13:20] seb128 i boot the extracted iso as nfsroot with some kernel parameters which points to my preseed file [13:21] ok solved, you killed it ;) [13:21] thanks a lot [13:22] such a killer 🙂 [13:22] eoli3n, yw! [17:31] ricotz: fyi on the same PPA you'll find rustc 1.59 for bionic and above, but there seems to be an issue with s390x builds :/ [18:00] schopin, thank you, I followed the progress [19:13] kenvandine, hi, could you take a look those snap builds https://launchpad.net/~build.snapcraft.io/+snap/bb1f4c8614df21a75936a3c9bb6d2a8d/+build/1730279 , https://launchpad.net/~build.snapcraft.io/+snap/e6d42287080609bfdec032f8c9b9e104/+build/1742020 and https://launchpad.net/~build.snapcraft.io/+snap/a53fb1e33659abd8fee4d96452631940/+build/1739692 [19:17] schopin, those s390x failures might be caused by the infrastructure problems