
daftykinsidentical speeds bar SSD here in a ThinkPad, running great00:06
daftykins*almost identical specs00:06
Metamorphosiswez KDE is leagues ahead of GNOME in terms of resource usage these days.00:07
leftyfbMetamorphosis: what release of ubuntu are you running?00:08
Metamorphosisatm I am on Debian, but on the same system I have Kubuntu 20.04 and suffer from the same issue00:08
leftyfbI would not say KDE is worlds better in terms of resources usage00:09
leftyfbI don't see them releasing kubuntu for the raspberry pi00:09
Metamorphosisleftyfb it is an undermanned project. 00:09
MetamorphosisAll the money goes to main Ubuntu release which is back to GNOME00:10
ograand all the money of blue systems GmbH goes into kubuntu 00:12
ogra(as does all the money of kfocus.org and other companies)00:15
wezMetamorphosis: I wasn't comparing KDE againt GNOME, GNOME is also resource intensive.00:45
lotuspsychjegood morning00:55
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=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
=== pizzaiolo is now known as pizza
gry"My land network is fine but my wireless does not work.  Any ideas where  to start. [It worked] before I upgraded to 22.04."  (Chalky asks at #ubuntu and I have no idea)09:45
gryland = lan09:45
junior-cgood morning folks12:31
junior-cthere is a proper channel to discuss about MAAS?12:31
Maiktry #maas12:32
Maikbut there are not much people in there afaik12:33
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=== Square is now known as Sqaure
Bashing-omUWN: Issue733 now available - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue733 :D20:15
ograwhoop whoop !20:16
leftyfbsomeone want to let enigma9o7[m] know that it actually disrupts the channel when they block multiple active volunteers who help and they chime in like nobody is helping?21:46
sarnoldhe's probably got half the channel on ignore21:47
leftyfbI've seen troubleshooting get really annoying with multiple people when they chime in21:47
ravagei banned him in the Ubuntu matrix room and now he joined the IRC via the bridge. at least he stopped swearing and directly insulting people lately21:53
ravagebut the ban stays. no time to babysit him :)21:54

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