
SeonyPotatoGim: Joplin 번역자로도 계시는군요 ㅎㅎ06:08
Seony근데 Joplin 쓸만한가요? 데본씽크 대체제를 찾고있는데, 데본씽크를 대체할만한 프로그램은 진짜 없긴 없는 것 같네요06:08
PotatoGim아하... 요새는 신경을 쓰지 못하고 있습니다 ㅜ06:36
PotatoGim데이터가 많으면 WebDAV 동기화가 조금 느릴 때가 있는 점이 있는데 요건 전용 서버로 대체가 가능하고...06:37
PotatoGim데이터가 많아지면 인터페이스 자체가 조금 느려질 때가 있는 정도?가 있는 것 같습니다 ㅎㅎ06:37
Slack-bot_Seony : 데본씽크가 워낙 쓰기 편하고 단순해서인지, 대체제를 찾기 어렵더라구요06:37
Slack-bot_Seony : 아 혹시 데본을 안써보셔서 비교가 어려우실려나요06:40
PotatoGim옙 ㅜ 보통 선택할 때에 크로스플랫폼을 따지고 시작해서... ㅜ06:42
Slack-bot_Seony : 아오 저도 처음부터 그랬어야했는데, 발을 잘못 담궈서 ㅎㅎ06:42
PotatoGim다음 선택지가 있다면 웹 인터페이스를 제공하는 녀석을 선택할 것 같습니다 ㅜ06:43
Slack-bot_Seony : 접근성 때문에요?06:44
PotatoGim옙 ㅜ BookStack이나 Standard Notes도 괜찮은 것 같아서 계속 지켜보고 있네요 ㅜ06:47
Slack-bot_Seony : 음 그렇군요. 검색해보니 대부분의 노트 프로그램이 웹을 제공하는게 거의 없다시피 하네요06:48
PotatoGim어차피 LaTeX은 Overleaf 만한게 없을 것 같고... 위키는 기존 위키 마이그레이션이 답이 없을 것 같고...06:48
FoxMaSkhello 👋06:48
PotatoGimJoplin이 뷰어 정도는 개발 중이긴 한데 아직은 갈 길이 멀 것 같습니다 ㅎㅎ06:48
Slack-bot_Seony : 음 오픈소스라 한계가 있지싶군요06:49
Slack-bot_Seony : hi06:49
PotatoGim옙 ㅜ 그나마 아직까지는 Joplin이 무난한데... 근래에는 Standard Notes가 평이 좋아서 테스트를 고민 중입니다 ㅎㅎ06:49
FoxMaSkdo you use joplin from joplinapp.org ?06:50
Slack-bot_Seony : 아하 그렇군요. 저도 좀 살펴봐야겠네요06:50
PotatoGim@FoxMaSk: I'm using it as AppImage provided from distro repo :) It is probably provided by official website(joplinapp.org).06:53
FoxMaSkI left joplin for simple file in markdown I make on Linux with Typora and sync file with syncthing on my smartphone and I read / edit them with Epsilon (android)06:53
FoxMaSkit's the lighter solution I found :)06:54
FoxMaSkI made a lot of projects for joplin but I gave up06:54
FoxMaSkhttps://discourse.joplinapp.org/t/joplin-web-web-application-companion-for-joplin/555 (the most read thread ;)06:55
Slack-bot_Seony : FoxMask: have you ever used macos and devonthink?06:56
FoxMaSkPotatoGim: as long as that does the job for our own needs it's fine :)06:57
FoxMaSkSeony: no, I don't have MacOS06:57
Slack-bot_Seony : hm i’m looking for a DevonThink alternative for linux/windows but, it’s not easy to find.06:58
FoxMaSkwhy ?06:58
FoxMaSkSeony: that does not fill your needs now ?06:58
Slack-bot_Seony : devonthink is something else.  if you haven’t heard about devon, you never know what it is.  devon is one of the main reasons why people buy a mac.06:59
Slack-bot_Seony : even for me, i bought a mac mini to use devon.06:59
FoxMaSkdid you try https://alternativeto.net/ ?07:00
Slack-bot_Seony : yes, that website showed me Joplin.07:00
Slack-bot_Seony : i installed it 🙂07:00
FoxMaSkok :D07:00
Slack-bot_Seony : i’ll try later.  since i have a presentation on wednesday, i want to focus on this.07:00
FoxMaSkif devonthink makes pure file in markdown, and you're fine with that, joplin can be a little bit annoying as markdown file are manage diffrently07:02
Slack-bot_Seony : that should be fine for me.  i’m just looking for something like “personal document/notes management software”07:03
FoxMaSkyou'll tell me once you make some tests 07:05
FoxMaSk좋은 하루 ^_*07:13
PotatoGimFoxMaSk: Wow, I've seen this project :) I'm thinking of changing Joplin to something else support the web interface(such as BookStack or Standard Notes)07:13
FoxMaSkPotatoGim: I see :)07:14
FoxMaSkPotatoGim: i gave up that idea (i didnt want to pay for a hosting solution) and kept syncthing on linux/android and edit with typora/epsilon ;)07:16

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