[01:33] @holmanb: The last paste is old :P [01:34] I have since succeeded in building a working user-data yaml file. I have then created my custom ubuntu server iso with the user-data and everything installs successfully [01:35] I am glad to share my final script if you are interested? [01:38] To answer your question as best as possible, I am trying to autoinstall ubuntu server, with custom configs using user-data. Refer to this: https://www.pugetsystems.com/labs/hpc/How-To-Make-Ubuntu-Autoinstall-ISO-with-Cloud-init-2213/ === EugenMayer2 is now known as EugenMayer [08:11] How to let cloud-init set the network-config? Im using the NoCloud method and placed an file named network-config to my config (drive) like its explained here: https://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/topics/datasources/nocloud.html. But the network config is not beeing applied (the user-data file on the drive i beeing applied). [09:55] hello folks, I am helping to troubleshoot a case where the customer ended with "DHCP_HOSTNAME=localhost.localdomain" in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0, since the file has a message it is built by cloud-init I wonder if anyone would have an idea where to check [12:31] esv: what are you wanting to check? There should be an indication that the file is being written in /var/log/cloud-init.log along with the specific network configuration that cloud-init received. There could also be something in the userdata seen with 'cloud-init query userdata'. I'm not aware of a DHCP_HOSTNAME being set via cloud-init though [12:41] I tried to put the entry in a similar system as the customer and it was wiped out clean upon reboot, I suspect there is something with the userdata but we don't have access to that (understandably). [21:21] hi. does anyone run this on openbsd? seeing a lot of test failues and not sure if false positives [21:41] Guest67: Hello. I'm not sure if anyone runs it on openbsd, but cloud images are available here: https://bsd-cloud-image.org/ There is openbsd-specific code in cloud-init, but I don't know if anyone has been testing or maintaining the code.