
ahasenackTIL `lxc list <name>` is actually a substring match for <name>13:14
ahasenack$ lxc list j-tango | grep tango13:14
ahasenack| j-tango-mysql | RUNNING | (eth0) |      | CONTAINER | 0         |13:14
rbasaklvoytek: in trying to make sure you're unblocked I reviewed and merged https://salsa.debian.org/mariadb-team/mysql/-/merge_requests/57 . Is there anything else I'm blocking you on?13:51
ubottuMerge 57 in mariadb-team/mysql "Update ubuntu/devel to latest 8.0.28 commit" [Merged]13:51
rbasakI have in the back of my mind that there was something else but I can't find anything13:52
shubjerocoreycb: I just came across https://ubuntu.com/about/release-cycle#openstack-release-cycle . Interesting, is this chart accurate? OpenStack Ussuri on 20.04 will be supported longer than say, Xena on 20.04?14:01
coreycbshubjero: yes that's correct. that is nothing new though.14:07
shubjerocoreycb: interesting14:07
lvoytekrbasak: That was all I need currently, thanks! I'll let you know as other merge requests show up14:16
rbasakGreat. Thank you!14:16
lucasmouraHi rbasak, if you do have some time today, can you take a look on the upload of ubuntu-advantage-tools version 27.8 into proposed ?14:24
lucasmouraBut please let me know if you are busy today because of the sprint, no problem at all14:24
rbasakThis is the one I already +1'd, right?14:28
rbasaklucasmoura: done. You have very good timing :)14:34
lucasmouraThanks so much @rbasak :)14:36
fricklerseems like this is a bug in phased updates. if I have an image with the update for a lib already installed, apt still tries to install the old dev pkg https://paste.opendev.org/show/bdeolr7cbwqYmdnJ4HQk/14:40
ahasenackrbasak: can you also look at this old-ish freeradius sru please? :)  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/freeradius/+bug/187392314:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1873923 in freeradius (Ubuntu Focal) "freeradius with freeradius-python3 fails to start out of the box" [Medium, In Progress]14:47
rbasakfrickler: try asking juliank in #ubuntu-devel please15:02
tewardbryceh: rbasak: nginx 1.20.2-1 just got uploaded to debian ftp-master by yours truly, if you guys want to drive the merge with Ubuntu that'd be great.  Since I'm playing catchup on cleaning up the Debian packaging.16:31
teward(you guys being Server Team)16:31
brycehteward, excellent, thanks for the note and yes we can cover the merge task for it16:53
tewardpay attention to d/conf/mine.types it got updated by me recently to adapt to some changes from NGINX 1.20.2 since d/conf/* overrules the mime.types shipped by the source package.16:54
brycehteward LP: #1971297 is our tracking bug for the merge, feel free to jot any additional notes/requests/advice on it.  I'm guessing it'll either be me or lvoytek that will be doing the merge this cycle.16:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1971297 in nginx (Ubuntu) "Merge nginx from Debian unstable for kinetic" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/197129716:58
ahasenackhmpf, I made it again18:23
ahasenackexport DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS = ... instead of export DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS += ...18:23
ahasenackthat just removed hardening=+all from a build /o\18:24
sergiodjthe autopkgtest queue is huge, 7k+ tests18:34
ahasenackahand ppas are stalled again19:17
ahasenackwell, amd64 ones specifically19:17
ahasenackuploaded a source package 1h ago, and it says it wills tart building it in 37min19:18
sergiodjheh, I don't think my test retriggers will run this week.  might as well find something else to do19:24
ahasenackjust my plan19:33
ahasenacksergiodj: my build still hasn't started :D20:19
patdk-lapdon't worry, mine are stuck on 4hours now20:20
sergiodjahasenack: ouch...  I wonder what's going on20:26
sergiodjtoo many rebuilds because of the icu transition, maybe?20:26
goddardcan i install ms fonts like arial some how?23:52
sarnoldyou'll probably have more luck in #ubuntu -- servers don't often have guis23:53
goddardstill need the fonts for a pdf program23:53
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