
mupPR snapd#11590 closed: interfaces: posix-mq: add new interface <⚠ Critical> <Squash-merge> <Needs Samuele review> <Created by IsaacJT> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/11590>06:11
mupPR snapd#11762 opened: interfaces: tweak getPath() slightly and add some more tests <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/11762>06:21
jameshmborzecki: I filed https://github.com/seccomp/libseccomp/issues/383 based on yesterday's investigation.06:54
mborzeckijamesh: thank you!06:54
mupPR snapd#11763 opened: snapstate: do not auto-migrate to ~/Snap for core22 just yet <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/11763>06:56
jameshmborzecki: one other thing I noticed while looking into this is that libseccomp's comparison operators are all unsigned, which is potentially an issue for the nice and setpriority rules in the base template07:02
jameshalthough maybe they are relying on negative values being excluded07:02
mardyhi all!07:21
mardyeoli3n: hi! I just sent another message to the forum, with one more request08:02
eoli3nyep, done :)08:06
mardymborzecki: do you know where we are calling apparmor_parser to build a profile for snap-confine from the files we have in dirs.SnapConfineAppArmorDir?08:17
mborzeckimardy:let me see, iirc it was the interface backends, but may be wong08:18
mborzeckimardy: look at Initialize()08:31
mborzeckimardy: yeah, apparmor bits of s-c are set up by the apparmor interface backend08:31
mardymborzecki: ah, silly me, I missed that call to loadProfiles() :-)08:37
eoli3nmardy feel free to hl me here when you ask on the forum08:59
eoli3nit will notify-send me08:59
mardyeoli3n: can you please remove the filter on "#" in your last message? I'm actually mostly interested in #include lines :-)09:10
mardyor grep with "# "09:13
eoli3noh sorry, ok09:18
eoli3njust did mardy09:19
mardyeoli3n: thanks! Last but not least: sudo apparmor_parser  -p /etc/apparmor.d/usr.lib.snapd.snap-confine.real (you can write the output on the forum)09:43
eoli3nmardy done10:07
mardyeoli3n: that's so weird... Can you please show me the output of "ls -l /var/lib/snapd/apparmor/snap-confine" ? I asked in the forum, but you skipped this11:13
eoli3nmardy, just added to the previous answer11:25
eoli3nthat one : https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/cannot-open-path-of-the-current-working-directory-permission-denied-bis/28704/20?u=eoli3n11:26
mardyeoli3n: mmm... I'm a bit confused: ls says "total 4", but shows a single file?11:40
eoli3nmardy it seems normal : https://x0.at/jLMr.txt12:08
mardyeoli3n: but you also ran the command "cat /var/lib/snapd/apparmor/snap-confine/nfs-support" and you showed me its output. So that file does not exist anymore?12:53
eoli3ni don't get what you mean ?13:02
eoli3nthat's right13:04
eoli3nthe file doesn't seem to be there anymore13:04
eoli3nthat's a test client, i redeployed it between tests13:05
eoli3nmaybe i need to trigger a firefox run to regenerate it13:05
eoli3njust did, and the file is not generated13:06
eoli3nlets try to restart snapd13:06
eoli3nok, the file is there13:06
eoli3ni update the forum message13:06
eoli3nmardy ^13:06
eoli3nhey !13:07
eoli3nnow running firefox give another error message, not the same one13:07
eoli3nforget it13:09
eoli3njust the same error with another extra one : https://x0.at/0dXh.txt13:10
mardyeoli3n: ah, I see, but then I would also need to see the other outputs (in particular, apparmor_parser -p ...) when the nfs-support file is present13:28
mupPR snapd#11764 opened: secboot/keymgr: remove recovery key, authorize with existing key <Simple 😃> <factory reset 🔌> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/11764>13:38
eoli3nmardy i updated in the forum13:52
eoli3nmardy do you have everything you need ?14:03
eoli3nthat's the week end for me here14:03
eoli3nso if you need anything, feel free to ask on the forum, i will add this at the first hour on monday14:03
eoli3nthanks for helping btw14:03
mardyeoli3n: ok, I'll write there. Enjoy your week-end!14:04
eoli3nthanks, see you14:04
mupPR snapd#11737 closed: tests: run failed tests on nested suite <Run nested> <Run failed> <Created by sergiocazzolato> <Merged by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/11737>17:54

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