
lotuspsychjegood morning01:45
leftyfbsarnold: pretty sure Hash is someone from the old EFnet days from about 12 years ago. He used to get banned a lot back then as well01:50
sarnoldleftyfb: that certainly fits with what I know about him... I'm prettysure I've banned him from #ubuntu twice, and he was abusive in PM both times..01:50
sarnoldhe sounds like he's trying to change his life around a bit, but some days he's just in a terrible mood and there's no point in trying to reason with him01:51
leftyfbhe used to terrorize an xbox channel I used to help in01:52
lotuspsychjeits been weeks again the troll gang invents issues in main01:54
leftyfbI think hash has legitimate issues, mainly self-inflicted. But they don't like hearing the solutions01:56
leftyfbif you notice in their screenshot, Kate is using up over 1G of memory. That speaks volumes01:57
sarnoldyeah. I'm not at all shocked a machine with 64G of ram is using 45G of ram if it's been up for a few hours. that seems completely normal to me.02:00
leftyfbThis is the same guy who gave a public ipv6 IP on everyone one of his devices on  his home network. But it's ok, he had private ips on the same interfaces as well :/02:08
leftyfbSo yeah, I'm sure the problem is with Ubuntu02:09
ducassehi folks06:40
marcoagpintoUbuntu 22.04 LTS in VirtualBox07:41
marcoagpintotaken yesterday07:41
marcoagpintonot sure if it is a Ubuntu bug or a VirtualBox bug: when we select to restart Ubuntu, it hangs07:42
marcoagpintoI mean, it shows the closing image, but it stays there, I have to shut down the VM by clicking in the window close gadget and select "power off blah blah"07:43
ducassehi marcoagpinto \o08:31
marcoagpintomy dear beloved brother!08:32
ducassehow are you doing?08:36
marcoagpintofine, thanks, and you?08:38
ducassehaving a morning vape, gonna take a nap soon08:38
marcoagpintoI will nap in the afternoon too08:38
ducassei should go into town but i'm lazy, so i'll do that on monday08:40
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