
mainek00nHi, is there any plan to update OVAL (https://security-metadata.canonical.com/oval/com.ubuntu.jammy.cve.oval.xml.bz2) including unfixed issues for 22.04?01:54
sarnoldwell that's curious01:55
sarnoldthanks mainek00n01:58
mainek00nI am implementing a vulnerability scanner called Vuls (https://github.com/future-architect/vuls).02:01
mainek00nI have been using OVAL, which includes unfixed, and I was curious because 22.04 seems to have a sort of template for OVAL, but the contents have not been updated.02:01
sarnoldwow, ambitious02:04
sarnoldthanks for throwing a bunchof screenshots in the readme for display on github :) I love seeing screenshots of things.02:05
mainek00nI am waiting for OVAL to be provided, thanks for the response.02:22
sarnoldthanks mainek00n :) have a good day02:24
mbuhlI would appreciate if the next episode goes into which vulnerabilities the team did that week. 10:09

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