
IrcsomeBot<Diogo> Can someone point me the directory of where the "edit application specific settings" entries for kwin are saved? Google isn't being a good friend today 😔00:31
mmikowski@diogo: That sounds like window settings found by right-click on an app title bar and then select More actions > Configure Special Applications Settings01:06
IrcsomeBot<Diogo> Oh I meant the file where that is saved. I struggled but found it on .config/kwinrulesrc01:37
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user|49Just did a fresh install of 22.04 LTS coming from 21.04 LTS and I have my monitor is rotated left and 22.04 will not rotate to left. When I set the display orientation to left and apply, it goes to login screen and stays in landscape mode. Pretty new to linux not sure why I was able to set it in 21.04 but not 22.04.08:13
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BluesKajHi all11:53
Guest66_Hey there. The other day, all my panel shortcuts except the K menu stopped working and the culprit was wslu and, when that was uninstalled, the shortcuts worked again. I have made no changes to the system and now none of my shortcuts work. If I click on one, a notification with its name is shown briefly in the Task Manager and nothing else happens.12:09
Guest66_If I press Ctrl-Alt-F1 to try to go to terminal mode, A Konsole notification is briefly shown in Task Manager on the panel and nothing else happens. The REISUB and REISUO methods get no response. i had to press the power button hard to shut down. What can I do?12:09
Guest66_Hey there. The other day, all my panel shortcuts except for the K menu stopped working and the wslu package was the culprit. Uninstalling it solved the problem. I have made no other changes, but now no shortcuts work and just show a brief notification with heir name in the Task Manager on the panel when I click them. Pressing Ctrl+Alt+F1 causes a12:19
Guest66_Konsole notification to be displayed in the Task Manager and nothing else happens. I had to do a hard shutdown. What can  i do to fix this?12:19
Guest66_I forgot to mention that this is on a fresh installation of Kubuntu 22.04 LTS.12:21
Guest66_Any help would be appreciated.12:29
Guest66_I’ve looked up how to get into text mode on boot, but would love some guidance on what to do once I’m in to solve this.12:41
BluesKajGuest66_, is this a laptop?12:45
Guest66_No. It’s a desktop that just has Kubuntu 22.04 on it.12:46
Guest66_A basic installation and only some programs from the repositories. No PPAs or anything and completely up-to-date.12:47
IrcsomeBot<Oov> How to check fps in kubuntu12:48
Guest66_I’m writing to you on my tablet because I currently don’t have a functioning computer (sigh).12:48
Guest66_This is Elliria, BluesKaj, and The problem has become way worse.12:52
BluesKajkind of drastic, but if you get into the TTY usually ctl+alt+F2-F6 should work, then try removing and reinstalling kubuntu-desktop12:52
Guest66_Ctrl+Alt+F1 just gave me a Konsole notification in the Task Manager on the panel and nothing else happened. Shouls12:53
BluesKajdon't use F1 it's no longer TTY accessible12:54
alkisgDoes Ctrl+Alt+T show a terminal, or Alt+F2 the execute command dialog?12:55
Guest66_Should I boot and try with F2  instead? I’m afraid to boot into the GUI because I had to hard shut-down and I know that’s dangerous…12:55
Guest66_Ctrl+Alt+T gave me a Konsole notification in Task Manager and nothing else happened.12:56
BluesKajF2 to F6 keys,,,ctl+alt+F2 to F6 will drop to the TTY terminal out of the desktop completely12:56
alkisgMaybe you have a real or phantom second screen, and programs open there? Can you right click on the task manager console icon, and select move to move the window to the main screen?12:57
Guest66_Alt+F2 opened the search box. When I typed Konsole into that, it gave me a Konsole notification in the Task Manager and nothing else happened.12:57
BluesKajit's the same as the terminal but without the desktop in play12:57
Guest66_I’m sorry, but you lost me. There is no Task Manager icon. There are some widget icons on the panel. All the Task Manager  urrently does is briefly display the name of whatever I’m trying to run.12:59
alkisgFirst, do what BluesKaj says; does ctrl+alt+f2 give you a tty?13:00
alkisgF2, not F113:00
BluesKajjust type , ctl,alt,F2 keys please, Guest66_13:00
Guest66_How much damage can hard resets do? If I boot it now and try with ctrl+alt+f2 and it doesn’t respond, I’ll have to shut down somehow.13:01
alkisgYou can type alt+f2, and run poweroff from there13:01
alkisgSo no need for a hard reset13:01
BluesKajyou dodn't need to boot the pc, you can do it from the desktop13:02
* alkisg guesses the PC is currently off13:02
Guest66_Now everything is working. Hang on. I’m coming in as me instead.13:04
ElliriaHey there, it's me. This is bizarre. Now I booted and all seems to be working fine. But twice today, it didn't. What could be causing this?13:05
Elliria Also, I appreciate the instruction for shutting down. Was that poweroff as in both words as one and I just type that into Alt+F2 to shut down?13:05
alkisgWhat's the output of: lspci -nn -k | grep -A3 VGA13:05
ElliriaI had tried the Alt+Shift+SysRq REISUO but that just gave me a Konsole notification in the Task Manager like all the other stuff did.13:06
alkisgIt sounds like your Fx keys don't work properly; does your keyboard have an Fn key that you need to press to activate them?13:06
BluesKajElliria, please read the suggestions before posting more issues13:06
ElliriaBluesKaj I did. The problem has solved itself. When I booted to try your suggestions, everything was working fine again. No need for a fix. That's the point.13:07
BluesKajodd. i was gonna suggest Fn key night be problem, but that's usually a windows thing13:08
alkisgNah e.g. my lenovo laptop needs Fn+F1 to actually hit F113:08
alkisgIn any OS, and even in the BIOS settings13:08
BluesKajmy friend kept reinstalling windows until he discoverd the Fn key was actively interfering with the KB entries13:10
ElliriaHere's the output of that command: https://pastebin.com/aPRA3dqJ13:11
alkisgI would suspect the nvidia driver acting weirdly13:11
ElliriaI use a Razer keyboard. Hang on and I'll get the model.13:11
ElliriaIt's a Blackwidow V3 Model: RZ03-03540200-R3U1 <--- very cool keyboard13:13
ElliriaI never did install an NVIDIA driver because whatever Kubuntu uses by default was working fine out-of-the-box, or at least it seemed to. Should I switch to an NVIDIA driver?13:14
alkisgYou're using the nvidia driver13:14
alkisgAnd your keyboard does have an Fn key13:14
alkisgWhen you installed, you checked "install 3rd party drivers", and that installed nvidia for you13:15
alkisgSo if Ctrl+Alt+F2 doesn't work currently for you, try Ctrl+Alt+Fn+F213:15
ElliriaAll the NVIDIA drivers were greyed-out when I ran the driver and it said I was using a manually-installed driver, although I hadn't installed anything. This was on a fresh installation of Kubuntu. I just now took a screenshot of what it looks like (and this is what it looked like on installation of the operating system). Hang on. I'm posting it.13:16
alkisglspci doesn't lie, and it says:        Kernel driver in use: nvidia13:19
alkisgSo if you manually installed nvidia, OK, you manually installed it :)13:19
alkisgdpkg -l | grep nvidia | nc termbin.com 999913:20
ElliriaBut I didn't. I just installed Kubuntu and that's what the window said when I loaded up the Driver Manager window.13:20
alkisg....will tell us if you have .deb packages, or if it was the result of an ./nvidia-installer-something.run command13:20
ElliriaSo I left it alone since everything looks mighty pretty.13:20
ElliriaThat gave me this as output: https://termbin.com/b1i913:21
BluesKajback in the day I used the dkms versions for my old nvidia gpus13:22
alkisgOK you have nvidia.deb packages installed, not an nvidia.run thing13:22
alkisgThey were probably installed when you clicked the "install 3rd party drivers" in the installer13:22
ElliriaWhatever I've got was done by Kubuntu. Was it done properly or does it need a fix?13:22
ElliriaAh, yes. I did do that.13:22
alkisgI don't use nvidia, but it feels like it's fine, except for two things, (1) that the dialog doesn't know about the new style nvidia modules, and (2) that nvidia is probably causing the issue you're seeing some times with disappearing windwos13:23
ElliriaYou mean the launchers are working and I'm just not seeing the programs?13:24
BluesKaj3rd party drivers don't update with kernel upgrades afaik13:24
alkisgI think ubuntu started shipping pre-compiled nvidia kernel modules13:24
alkisgThat don't rely on dkms, and that are signed with canonical keys13:24
alkisgBut I don't use nvidia so it's just a wild guess from what I've seen13:25
BluesKajI see, haven't used nvidia for 5 yrs or so13:25
ElliriaSo, what should I do? This is a serious problem when you're counting on your computer and it just doesn't respond.13:25
alkisgAnyway off for now, back later; /me waves...13:26
ElliriaThank you so much for the help, alkisg13:26
ElliriaI'm still thinking this is connected to the wslu bug and not necessarily my video card. Simply because uninstalling wslu gave me my shortcuts back the other day and when the same thing happened again, uninstalling wslu again gave me my shortcuts back. This was very similar except that even the K menu was affected and the Task Manager notifications gave the proper names for the things I was attempting to run (unlike the notifications13:28
Elliriawhen wslu was installed).13:28
BluesKajElliria, if you have an issue after kernel upgrades, then remove the existing nvidia driver and install the relevant driver for your gpu listed in Muon13:29
ElliriaHow do I do that? And will I need to do it any time there's a kernel upgrade?13:30
ElliriaEverything except for the manually-installed driver in that window is greyed out.13:30
BluesKajgreyed out in muon?13:32
ElliriaIn Driver Manager in that screenshot I posted.13:33
BluesKajcheck muon13:34
BluesKajanyway if driver manager lists the driver then you shouldn't have anymore issues13:36
ElliriaLots of stuff seems to be installed for NVIDIA: https://imgur.com/g571abc13:37
ElliriaNothing has changed, so I suspect I'll have more issues. I'm coming in here every day or every other day with shortcut-related issues. I'd love to figure out what's wrong and get it behind me.13:38
BluesKajas alkisg mentioned, ;bunr=tu has released their own developed drivers so you should be good13:38
ElliriaAm I using it?13:39
BluesKajyes, so it seems13:40
BluesKajyour nvidia gpu has to match up with a particular driver in the list, there are so many nvidia gpus that each group needs a different driver13:43
ElliriaIt's kind of odd that everything is greyed-out in that list so that I can't choose a different one.13:44
BluesKajpeobly because they don't match the gpu chip/engine13:44
ElliriaAh, okay.13:47
ElliriaWell, is there anything else I can do to figure out what may be happening to my panel in the event that it's not related to my video card? If this keeps happening, it will continue to be a major hurdle to my productivity. And since I haven't made any changes, there's no reason to believe it won't continue to happen.13:48
BluesKajElliria, if you have secutity auto updates turned on then they will be insalled in the background, that's probly what happened when you restarted your pc13:54
BluesKajI usually reboot after any updqates/upgrades to make sure the changes take effect ASAP13:57
ElliriaIs that turned on by default? I haven't made any adjustments to updates. I just grab any update that's offered to me.13:58
ElliriaYeah, in this case, rebooting didn't solve it. But rebooting twice seemed to solve it. Either that or whatever was wrong righted itself during that second reboot.13:58
BluesKaji think an update took place in the background , the security updates appear to be on by default14:01
ElliriaThat explains it. Where can I go to check what I have on by default in updates?14:03
ElliriaI'm sorry. It's been a lot of years since I was in Kubuntu, so this is all new to me again.14:03
BluesKajElliria, using muon?14:05
ElliriaIf I click Settings after opening Updates in the system tray, I see several entries that say "security" in their names and they have checkmarks next to them.14:05
ElliriaAre you talking about Settings -> Configure Software Sources in Muon?14:07
ElliriaI can't get into there.14:07
BluesKajyup, update tab14:07
ElliriaWhen I try, it gives me: Permission denied. Possibly incorrect password, please try again. On some systems, you need to be in a special group (often: wheel) to use this program.14:07
ElliriaI'm typing the password correctly each time very slowly.14:08
ElliriaAnd the same password just worked flawlessly for sudo updatedb.14:08
ElliriaAnd got me into Kubuntu to begin with.14:08
ElliriaI'm not in the wheel group when I look in cat /etc/group.14:11
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ElliriaHey there.14:13
ElliriaIt looks like I've got this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/software-properties/+bug/196543914:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1965439 in ubuntustudio-default-settings (Ubuntu Jammy) "software-properties-qt can no longer launch when called by kdesu" [High, In Progress]14:16
BluesKajElliria, have you tried adduser to user or usergroup14:16
ElliriaNot yet.14:18
ElliriaI used the kludge listed on that bug page instead. It looks like I've got security updates turned on, so yep. I guess my boots are causing it to sometimes give me something that causes an issue.14:20
BluesKajmost users with spinner drives avoid rebooting due to wear and tear on the drive mechanism (or so they believe) , but since ssd drives are the norm rebooting is no longer an issue14:21
ElliriaYeah, and I've always been the kind of person who keeps the computer on all day and turns it off when I go to bed.14:22
ElliriaI'm sure my power company would love me to keep it on, but I figure if I'm not using it, it should be shut off.14:22
BluesKajI leave mine on, it doesn't draw much power when idling14:23
IrcsomeBot<Abhi> Hi (re @join_captcha_bot: )14:55
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Guest38I  have just bought a Huawei Matebook D14 and tried to install Kubuntu 22.04, everything great except no sound. tried Deepin ( Deepin are supposed to have a working relationship with Huawei) same thing, output Multimedia audio controller: Intel Corporation Comet Lake PCH-LP cAVS15:03
Guest38        Subsystem: QUANTA Computer Inc Comet Lake PCH-LP cAVS15:03
Guest38        Flags: bus master, fast devsel, latency 32, IRQ 14815:03
Guest38        Memory at b121c000 (64-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=16K]15:03
Guest38        Memory at b1000000 (64-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=1M]15:03
Guest38        Capabilities: <access denied>15:03
=== thopiekar_ is now known as thopiekar
jManSomething appears to be off with KDE Plasma. I just did a fresh install of Ubuntu 22.04 LTS and set my display orientation to portrait right and it readjusted instantly. And then installed just the KDE Plasma desktop and restarted and now any time I try to adjust display orientation to left, it kicks me out to the login screen and won't adjust the18:35
jMandisplay orientation.18:35
jManAnyone have any idea why?18:35
georgehi i am using kubuntu 22.04 and my laptop is HP Probook 440 G6, my wifi got disconnected and wifi will be disalbed after goes to sleep mode, and non of the other network visible until unless i reboot18:40
georgeany solution for this18:41
george2 days ago i tired ubuntu 22.04 and i noticed same issue on that too.18:41
georgeRealtek RTL8822BE 802.11a/b/g/n/ac WiFi adapter18:48
george    driver: rtw_8822be18:48
georgethis is my wifi device18:49
jManJust did a fresh install of KDE Neon and display orientation works, but won't work with fresh install of Kubuntu and Ubuntu.18:52
jManSo seems related to Ubuntu and Kubuntu.18:52
alkisgCompare the kernel and xorg versions18:55

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