
fooCan I delete stuff in /var/log/journal? I've got 4G in there14:42
rfmfoo, I think the approved way is to run one of the "journalctl --vacuum-..." commands, like "journalctl --vacuum-size=1G:14:45
foorfm: ohh, I've never ran that before14:46
rfmfoo, well, neither have I, but I read about it in the docs14:46
rfmfoo, you can also tune the parms in /etc/systemd/journald.conf to control the auto vacuuming, but it might be better to actually look at the logs and see if there's something spewing out lots of messages and fix that  14:48
foorfm: ohhh, good idea.14:49
foorfm: when you say "look at the logs" are we talking about logs in /var/log/journal/ or syslog ? Probably the former14:51
rfmfoo, yeah, journalctl to display the journal logs, since that's the place you're filling up.. though the syslog files probably duplicate the same info14:52
rfmfoo, I keep thinking I should reconfigure syslog not to keep the /var/log/*.log to stop the duplication, but have never got around to it14:54
foorfm: we've got a cron job that runs every minute. It looks like every minute it generates 6 lines in the journal log. Fast forward to years of running this... and that might explain my 4G of data in here :) 14:56
=== Rhvs is now known as Rhys
=== Rhys is now known as 076AABGU7
rfmfpo, looks like the default size for auto vacuum is 4G, so I guess any system that runs long enough will get there.  Probably worth trying to figure out how to make that cron job only put out messages if something goes wrong, just to cut down then noise.  I think cron jobs always log at least a couple messages, though. Maybe a systemd timer unit would be quieter?15:03
=== markthomas1 is now known as markthomas
foorfm: thanks, interesting. Will have to investigate. Appreciate the sounding board, thank you. :) 15:53

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