
OvenWerkspep8 is horrible!! breaks things01:44
OvenWerksEickmeyer: main thing is pep8 wants all imports in the same place and before anything else... but I need to import something, change the import path (add another directory depending on where we are installed) then impirt more.02:52
OvenWerksalso gi.require_version('Gtk', '3.0') has to be before import.02:53
OvenWerksEickmeyer: because studio-controls may be installed from a git clone, some sites may choose to install in /usr/local/02:56
EickmeyerYeah, that's fair.02:56
OvenWerksThe standard path for python modules/libs/packages does not include local02:56
OvenWerksso I need to import enough to find out what path we are run from, create a path and isert it... then import my module02:58
OvenWerkspep8 does not complain about that but autopep8 changes it.03:00
EickmeyerWell, that's good.03:01
OvenWerksEickmeyer: however, as the idea behind these changes is to make things work with 3.10, and it works ok... I used autopep8 against things and will fix those few things at the top and go through the output of pep8 fixing the rest03:02
OvenWerks Mostly lines too long and if not something in -> if something not in03:03
EickmeyerThere was a tool that converted some Python 2 to 3.. I wish something like that existed between 3.x versions.03:03
OvenWerksIn theory anything that works in 3.0 shoulld work in 3.*03:04
OvenWerksbreaking changes belong in 4.*03:04
EickmeyerYeah, the guy I work for (mmikowski) likes to get snarky about the guy who wrote Python.03:04
OvenWerkswith good reason03:34
OvenWerksok one file passes pep8, two more to go...03:37
OvenWerksIf I ignore E402, Studio-controls passes too.05:09
OvenWerksE402 is the "module level import not at top of file" error05:10
OvenWerksEickmeyer: everything is pep8-ed and seesm to run... but I need to test everything now.16:37

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