
lotuspsychjegood morning01:47
ducassehi all07:14
ducassemarcoagpinto: https://imgur.com/w23GaP407:16
marcoagpintoducasse: Hi! I am about to go buy some07:32
ducassethey're on sale now, so i stocked up07:33
marcoagpintoback! With cola!07:57
lotuspsychjecengiz_io: was you been able to solve your issue?14:43
cengiz_iohola lotuspsychje 14:43
cengiz_iounfortunately no14:43
cengiz_ioI did remove facetimehd module, but couldn't check if hdmi audio is working or not. busy day14:44
lotuspsychjecengiz_io: you could still look at a journalctl -f while you play along, maybe interesting errors arise14:45
lotuspsychjecengiz_io: i rather had good experiences with bionic & focal on macs14:47
lotuspsychjeall depends on the mac type ofc14:47
lotuspsychjedidnt test a jammy yet14:48
cengiz_iolotuspsychje: well I used to run gentoo on this machine (back in the day) but never ubuntu. it's 8 years old now. 14:48
* cengiz_io needs to buy a new laptop LOL14:48
lotuspsychjeim a fan of ubuntu/flavours on older machines too14:48
lotuspsychjereviving machines is great14:49
lotuspsychjeor when a mac os version goes eol, ubuntu continues great14:50
lotuspsychjecengiz_io: maybe you could compare your hdmi issue, with a 20.04 on your model too14:51
lotuspsychjein case its release/kernel related14:51
cengiz_iowell hardware is certainly decent compared to cheap laptops that are on the market now. but battery is dead, bluetooth and hdmi are problematic. (talking for macbook11,x ofc)14:51
cengiz_iolotuspsychje: it's not super important for me right now. but yeah, I'll give it a try14:52
lotuspsychjewich role did you fill at canonical if we may know cengiz_io 14:52
webchat95hello i am having issue with installing pwa on ubuntu 20 with chromium, whenever i hit install pwa it does install and opens a new window18:24
webchat95but it doesn't add any icon18:24
webchat95or add it to app drawer18:24
webchat95pwa is only visible on visiting chrome://apps18:25
Bashing-omUWN: Issue734 now available: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue734 :D20:07
ograneeeews !20:09
Bashing-omogra: Not much happening in our world this week - but we report on what we do find :D20:11
ograand you do it well !20:14
=== JoeBk_ is now known as JoeBk

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