[02:06] Hi everyone... [11:39] Hi All, on the new Xubuntu 22 Live ISO - what's the username & password to login when you choose the "try" option ? [12:08] xu-help95w, try 'xubuntu' as the username & no password on xubuntu 22.04 LTS [12:09] Tried this one, didn't work [12:10] try `xubuntu` for both. [12:12] * guiverc has found a xubuntu 22.04 thumb-drive & booting so I can confirm/test [12:14] username:xubuntu & no password is logging in for me on Xubuntu 22.04 LTS (there is no Xubuntu 22 ISO; Ubuntu reserves the year format releases for snap only; Xubuntu is a desktop release that uses deb packages) [15:33] hello! [16:21] how can I mount ntfs volumes such as /dev/sdb1 and /dev/sda2 without crashing at boot time if they are not accessible? [16:22] I would prefer to use the UUID= but I don't know what I did wrong the last time, I tried the nofail option in fstabn === rud0lf_ is now known as rud0lf