[00:34] Hi! In the tutorial, "verifying that cloud-init ran successfully" suggest the command `cloud-init schema --system --annotate`. I get a message saying that `schema` is not a valid subcommand. Ubuntu 22.04 running as a LXC. [00:54] jgomo3: try `cloud-init devel schema --system --annotate`. The schema command moved recently. The docs are versioned, so normally I would say go back to the previous docs release, but that tutorial is also new, so it didn't exist at the time of our last release. [01:23] falcojr: That was it. Works fine now. Thank you! [03:23] hello === LordOfLive is now known as LordOfLiive === LordOfLiive is now known as LordOfLive === LordOfLive is now known as money === money is now known as Guest4155 === Guest4155 is now known as Polo === Polo is now known as 038AALONU === 038AALONU is now known as Polo === Polo is now known as 038AALONU === 038AALONU is now known as LordOfLive [08:38] blackboxsw: thanks for the comments, I have created the PRs. [13:26] paride: just a reminder about a cloud-utils release :-) [14:51] PSA: cloud-init upstream release is scheduled for next Tuesday, May 17th. If you have any last minute features or bug fixes, now is the time to raise them [19:54] falcojr: are you active on daily recipe build failures at the moment? If not I can work up a quick fix for the leaked mock [20:51] blackboxsw: sorry, didn't see this. Yeah, I put up a PR [21:07] blackboxsw: looking into the schemastore pr now (#1424) you mentioned checking out vscode integration as well, do you expect that to be a followup PR? [21:10] blackboxsw: I'm peaking at schema neovim integration myself [21:10] holmanb: I the "risk" I think we have is once we define schema version "2" we may have to change the [21:10] cloudinit/config/versions.schema.cloud-config.json to require "version" on older schema versions and default to latest when version is absent https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/1424/files#diff-992c9f068ff6ef565712eaa4aa7542bb28729b92ba76e8eb6c69ddf98a619478R10 [21:11] Pull 1424 in canonical/cloud-init "schema: version schema-cloud-config-v1.json" [Open] [21:11] and I think James mentioned that maybe we want to make version value a string matching the released versions of cloud-init instead of integer. [21:14] blackboxsw: that's what I was thinking too [21:14] we can then extend the versions enum as each upstream release is published which honors the same version of the schema [21:15] blackboxsw: and I don't necessarily think we need to maintain each version of the schema in perpetuity in an ever-growing directory - the "default" version (the version shipped with each release of cloud-init) should work, and users can manually reference the published version in the schema store (or tagged git commitish) if they want a newer or older version [21:15] though we probably need a followup PR to observe #cloud-config version if provided [21:16] since it will remain "versioned" in the git repo under the release tag [21:16] +1 on that front [21:16] and by "observe" I mean warn/error if version provided is not supported by the installed cloud-init-schema [21:16] +1 [21:16] since we are planning on only supporting latest schema version in the installed deb