
blahdeblahHow long should I be expecting it to take for a publish of a successful build to make it into the PPA?  I've got this one that happened an hour ago that hasn't made it in yet: https://launchpad.net/~paulgear/+archive/ubuntu/nftables/+build/2373361900:36
blahdeblahI guess the answer is "a bit longer" - it's published now01:24
=== seb129 is now known as seb128
gurupras-The Launchpad site now has new logos now! \o/ Some of the launchpad-related sites and properties will be updated soon.16:43
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guruprasadNot sure what happened to my nick when I posted my previous post16:45
tomwardillwooo! new shiny logos :D16:48
=== lukedashjr is now known as luke-jr

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