
mupPR snapd#11772 closed: snapstate: do not auto-migrate to ~/Snap for core22 just yet (2.55) <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/11772>04:34
mupPR snapd#11773 opened: release: 2.55.5 <Squash-merge> <Skip spread> <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/11773>04:44
mupPR snapd#11774 opened: i/b/mount_control: add an optional "/" to the mount target rule <Needs security review> <Created by mardy> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/11774>06:45
mupPR snapd#11773 closed: release: 2.55.5 <Squash-merge> <Skip spread> <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/11773>07:20
mupPR snapd#11775 opened: packaging: merge 2.55.5 changelogs <Skip spread> <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/11775>07:25
mupPR snapd#11776 opened: cmd/snap: join search terms passed in the command line <Simple 😃> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/11776>07:45
mupPR snapd#11725 closed: daemon: /v2/system-recovery-keys remove API <factory reset 🔌> <Created by pedronis> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/11725>08:35
jameshmborzecki: I had a start on better 32-bit comparison support in libseccomp here: https://github.com/seccomp/libseccomp/pull/384 -- still need to look into the necessary test additions08:59
mupPR seccomp/libseccomp#384: RFE: add support for comparisons against 32-bit arguments <Created by jhenstridge> <https://github.com/seccomp/libseccomp/pull/384>08:59
mborzeckijamesh: oh nice09:02
mupPR snapd#11777 opened: i/b/hardware-observe.go: add access to the thermal sysfs <Needs security review> <Created by alfonsosanchezbeato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/11777>09:20
mupPR snapd#11778 opened: cmd/snap: replace existing code for 'snap model' to use shared code in clientutil (2/3) <Created by Meulengracht> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/11778>10:06
mupPR snapd#11779 opened: cmd/snap-fde-keymgr: support for multiple devices and authorizations for add/remove recovery key <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/11779>10:21
mardypstolowski: hi! I found this bug report by accident; should we close it (the PR was not merged, but maybe it's not needed after all?)? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/snapd/+bug/185263510:28
mupBug #1852635: mount-ns test failing with latest bionic updates <snapd (Ubuntu):In Progress by stolowski> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1852635>10:28
mupPR snapd#11780 opened: overlord/hookstate/ctlcmd: add 'snapctl model' command (3/3) <Created by Meulengracht> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/11780>10:31
pstolowskimardy: closed10:31
mupPR snapd#11775 closed: packaging: merge 2.55.5 changelogs <Skip spread> <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/11775>11:16
mupPR snapd#11759 closed: interfaces: Allow locking in block-devices <Created by stgraber> <Merged by MiguelPires> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/11759>11:21
mupPR snapd#11524 closed: o/snapshotstate: refactor snapshot read/write logic <Created by MiguelPires> <Merged by MiguelPires> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/11524>12:51
mupPR snapd#11781 opened: o/snapstate: remove deadcode breaking static checks <Simple 😃> <Created by MiguelPires> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/11781>14:12
svipHello.  I am using Ubuntu Mint 20.04, trying to watch a video using vlc-pi from snap on a sshfs mounted directory, and I keep getting a permission denied.  I have tried to connect vlc-pi to all the snap connections that seem relevant, but it still refuses.14:46
svipI've seen some comments around that sshfs mounted directories do not work with snap, even if I mount them inside my home directory.14:46
mupPR snapd#11782 opened: tests: Improve the unit testing workflow to run in parallel <â›” Blocked> <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/11782>14:47
mardysvip: hi! I'm not aware of problems with snaps and sshfs, but I recommend you to file a bug on snapd anyways; please attach the error message and the output from journalctl | grep DENIED, and also that of "snap connections vlc-pi"15:32
svipmardy: How odd, the denies for this purpose was not displayed in journalctl.  It specifically says this: "cannot open path of the current working directory: Permission denied"15:35

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