
OvenWerksEickmeyer: I have to go out for a bit... but I need to understand your very short bash script you added: autojacj-start02:02
OvenWerksSeeing as convert-studio-controls is gone, is it still needed? or does that part need to be removed? or?02:03
EickmeyerOvenWerks: Hang on while I switch gears and refresh my own memory.02:04
OvenWerksEickmeyer: maybe I need to be using /usr/bin/systemctl --user restart pulseaudio || true rather than pulseaudio -k02:04
EickmeyerOvenWerks: Removing the convert-studio-controls line is good, but the rest is probably still needed.02:05
EickmeyerOvenWerks: Yes, see the comments I made.02:05
OvenWerksdo note that it will no longer be run by systemd02:05
Eickmeyerin the script.02:05
OvenWerks but from /etc/xdg/autostart02:05
EickmeyerUbuntu is running pulseaudio via systemd now.02:06
EickmeyerAs is Fedora, and most likely Arch.02:06
EickmeyerSo, pulseaudio -k is actually deprecated.02:07
EickmeyerOvenWerks: ^02:07
OvenWerksI know that bit. but when we start autojack in the same manner it seems many other system side users end up starting autojack as well.02:07
EickmeyerWell, we do know that pulseaudio has to restart after autojack starts.02:08
EickmeyerSo, no matter which method, it's still going to have to kick pulseaudio via systemctl --user restart pulseaudio02:09
OvenWerksEickmeyer: I think they have fixed that.... at least pulseaudio -k does work. I think maybe pulseaudio doesn't respawn itself but systemd does16:49
OvenWerkshowever the systemctl method is probably still better.16:50
EickmeyerOvenWerks: Yeah, systemctl doesn't kill systemd, it basically tells systemd to restart pulseaudio at the user level. Killing/restarting systemd itself is impossible (oversimplified, but yeah).16:51
OvenWerksEickmeyer: So if I add/change to the systemctl method right in autojack we can remove autojack-start?16:52
EickmeyerI think so, yes.16:52
EickmeyerIt was just a wrapper to be a workaround basicallly.16:52
EickmeyerInitially, it was a patch.16:53
OvenWerksEickmeyer: yeah, I am not talking systemd, but the systemd pulseaudio.service already does a respawn if PA goes missing16:53
OvenWerksThat is what I was relying on16:53
EickmeyerRight, but systemctl --user restart is still safer than systemctl --user stop.16:54
OvenWerkshowever, it is possible that other distros don't16:54
EickmeyerBetter to be paranoid than rely on pulseaudio.service to do that when it might not.16:54
OvenWerksI am still talking about pulseaudio -k, systemctl --user stop would tell systemd not to restart16:55
OvenWerkspulseaudio -k just tells PA to exit16:55
EickmeyerRight, systemctl --user stop would tell it not to restart, systemctl --user restart would tell it to restart. pulseaudio -k may or may not restart depending on how the system was set up, which might not have the desired effect.16:56
EickmeyerSince we *want* it to restart, systemctl --user restart is the safer method.16:56
OvenWerksSo if I change to systemctl --user restart That would also remove the last thing that would interfere with cadence16:57
EickmeyerOh! Good point!16:57
OvenWerksor allow cadence to interfere with contrtols16:57
EickmeyerStill, having the two co-installed is still a bad idea.16:58
OvenWerksThat is true, but at least simply removing cadence would work. Or even simply not using the two at the same time.16:59
EickmeyerYeah, I just worry about stuff in ~/.pulse16:59
OvenWerksuser beware ;)16:59
OvenWerksThat is totally a problem with cadence17:00
OvenWerksOk, I will switch things over. I think it is safe to assume anyone using controls is also using pulse and any system using pulse is using systemd17:08
OvenWerks(except Fons?)17:08
OvenWerks(actually Fons uses jackd not jackdbus or jackd2)17:09
EickmeyerYeah, I think one of our minimum requirements at this point is jackd2 for good reason.17:26

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