
IrcsomeBot<milesdredd> Can i get lively wallpaper on kde ?01:38
IrcsomeBot<milesdredd>  Not live wallpapers, walpaper which can react on cursor movement or clicking01:38
IrcsomeBot<Oov> I have 5 backgs i can't upgrade by sudo apt upgrade03:05
enigma9o7[m]Do you want to upgrade t hem?03:26
enigma9o7[m]If so, first try `apt full-upgrade` and if that doesnt do it, check policy and share here (apt policy packagename)03:28
IrcsomeBot<RitzRocks> Hi all. I upgraded using the command from 21.1 to 22.04 . But now after login I am not getting home screen05:13
IrcsomeBot<RitzRocks> Just black screen05:14
lordievaderGood morning06:31
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kirvesAxeIs there a setting somewhere to disable media playing controls from login screen and task bar, or do I need to remove some package(s) to get rid of it and if so, which one(s)? :)06:49
RikMillskirvesAxe: in systemsettings there is06:51
RikMillsclick the appearance>configure button under screenlocvking options06:52
RikMillsfor the login screen, at least06:53
kirvesAxeRikMills, I think I found it, thanks :)07:11
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IrcsomeBot<Oov> Yeah (re @IrcsomeBot: <enigma9o7[m]> Do you want to upgrade t hem?)09:07
IrcsomeBot<Oov> Check it from what (re @IrcsomeBot: <enigma9o7[m]> If so, first try `apt full-upgrade` and if that doesnt do it, check policy and share here (apt policy packagename))09:10
IrcsomeBot<Pixel> Hi, as there is a new, finally open sourced nvidia driver, I'm just wondering when will the Kubuntu take advantage of it. I'm not sure if this is the task for Kernel devs, Ubuntu devs, Kubuntu devs or KDE devs... But at some point this new driver should appear as new option, next to the proprietary one in the Driver Manage, right?10:47
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tomreynPixel: I don't think this is really KDE related, or not much. It's rather something the Ubuntu X team (which handles the graphics stack) will work on.11:32
tomreynPixel: I assume you read https://developer.nvidia.com/blog/nvidia-releases-open-source-gpu-kernel-modules/ which may answer some of your questions, if you read it slowly.11:32
tomreynespecially the "upstream approach" paragraph should be relevant.11:34
ivan_is there a way to turn of the grub choing screen? i treid to change a few things in the grub file but it still is there11:34
ivan_here is my current setting11:35
ivan_GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR=`lsb_release -i -s 2> /dev/null || echo Debian`11:35
ivan_GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash"11:35
memphisto@ivan_ check this https://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2020/06/hide-grub-boot-menu-ubuntu-20-04-lts/11:36
ivan_i am trying to install openoffice from the discover package manager but only libre is listed there...do i need to add a repository? sorry i am new to linux and i am so confused about installations. the command line is even more confusing since i dont know what i am doing/typing12:19
ivan_well i am browsing reddit and many say that open office is outdated...so i guess for compatiliblity with ms, i should install onlyoffice or libre?12:21
memphistocan't you use libreoffice ?12:24
memphistoyou can install libreoffice, wps-office,onlyoffice and see which one suits you the best12:25
memphistoor have them all12:25
ivan_i need the one that is most compatible with ms, not sure how to test that except for opening 1000 files in each programm. is there a concensus, at least for ms word?12:30
ivan_the ui is not that important for now12:31
memphistoit's hit and miss on any of mentioned office applicatoins12:32
memphistoinstall and try12:32
memphistomostly I use libreoffice, but i have wps-office installed too12:33
memphistosometimes it can read some docs better12:33
ivan_ok,thank you so much12:35
ivan_i am reading now that you can add fotns to libre which should improve compatibility12:36
memphistothats for installing ms fonts12:39
ivan_thank you12:39
BluesKajHi all13:02
PokeyHey Kubuntu, puzzling over some remote headless stuff. Whenever I login locally everything is fine, but logging in headless using x2go or XRDP requires me to authenticate a bunch of stuff and the WiFi toggle does not work etc. What might be the reason for this?14:15
IrcsomeBot<zparihar> This person cut into Kubuntu LTS.  I agree with some of what was mentioned:15:30
IrcsomeBot<zparihar> https://www.dedoimedo.com/computers/kubuntu-jammy.html15:30
IrcsomeBot<zparihar> I'm not sure these bugs/usability points were reported though15:30
user|77am trying to install Kubuntu, but every time it says to remove installation disk, it says there no cache page. what can I do15:37
enigma9o7[m]soundsl ike a bug, but does it even matter?  by the time it says to remove the install disk, its done installing, you can just reboot....15:38
user|77No, I have to go back to the first steps----try or install15:41
enigma9o7[m]Is "no cache page" the actual exact error mesage?  As it has very few search results.  I dunno, sounds weird.15:57
enigma9o7[m]do you have more than one drive or os?  or just default partitioning?15:59
enigma9o7[m]could try disabling things in bios like secure boot16:00
user|13my mouse scroll isn't working, nor when you click it (it should ackt as double click)16:37
user|13no, sorry it works as double clik16:37
enigma9o7[m]Hmmmm shouldn't it be middle click?16:38
user|13middle click, right16:41
user|13scroll isn't working for sure16:42
user|13how to troubleshoot16:42
user|13In system settings there aren't many control for mice16:43
enigma9o7[m]Not sure, hopefully somebody knows.  Mine "just works" as I'd imagine most peoples does.16:43
user|13mine was working, but it was flaky16:44
enigma9o7[m]Could it be hardware failure then?16:44
user|13it might, but how could i troubleshoot it16:45
user|13don't have 2nd pc16:45
enigma9o7[m]Try another OS live boot?16:45
enigma9o7[m]download an iso of some distro you're curious about and live boot it16:46
user|13yes, that's an option16:46
enigma9o7[m]if it happens to work there, well then you'd know its not hardware problem and likely a settings problem16:46
enigma9o7[m]but if it doesnt work, doesnt tell you anything much16:46
user|13but is there some command in kubuntu to check HW (mouse)16:47
enigma9o7[m]but thats just a list, not really helpful16:48
enigma9o7[m]can enable and disable stuff with it16:48
user|13ok , found it16:50
user|13and it doesn't register scroll16:50
user|13so it's HW issue after all16:50
user|13which is a bummer as you said16:50
user|13thanks for you time and help16:52
user|62I want to put UBUNTU/ KUBUNTU on a Dell /pentium based notebook. But I am downloading w/ an AMD machine. Can I do a regular "amd" download here for that Dell?18:30
enigma9o7[m]As long as you have enough bits, which you do.18:32
user|62Thank you18:32
IrcsomeBot<adhooooooooom> Hello19:51
IrcsomeBot<adhooooooooom> My mouse is not working after upgrading to 22.0419:51
IrcsomeBot<adhooooooooom> Okay maybe it's dead19:59
IrcsomeBot<adhooooooooom> Even though RGB is working19:59
cbreakdid you try to unplug and replug it?20:22
cbreakis there anything interesting to see in dmesg / journalctl ?20:23
cbreakis the mouse listed in lsusb?20:23
garyello anyone know how to uninstall deb get system i installed it and when i sudo deb get install only office it installed 4 trojans and a uefi trojan loader now i dont know how to get rid of it and uninstall everything it put in here clamtk found the trojans23:36
gary[19:35] [Error] hello: Unknown command.23:36
garyello anyone know how to uninstall deb get system i installed it and when i sudo deb get install only office it installed 4 trojans and a uefi trojan loader now i dont know how to get rid of it and uninstall everything it put in here clamtk found the trojans23:45
gary[19:35] [Error] hello: Unknown command.23:45
garyhow do i uninstall deb get system23:46
garyit installs trojans and uefi trojan loaders if you install only office from there23:46

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