
zerocrateshi, I get an "oops" from launchpad every time I try to log in and it points me here... anybody know what's up with that?02:51
sarnoldzerocrates: one common problem is using a duplicate email address, https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/1607242 has some background on it02:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1607242 in Launchpad itself "Logging into a placeholder person OOPSes if email address already on another person" [Critical, Triaged]02:53
sarnoldoh that might be *too* much detail, hah02:53
zerocrateshmm hmm i suppose it's possible i had some ancient previous Ubuntu account though i don't think so02:54
sarnoldif you paste the oops-id in here, someone might be able to give a better answer; I can see the oops reports but don't know the internals well enough to be confident in guesses02:54
zerocratesit's OOPS-1a7556a6d1e69b41deb5d64fa2e8cc2502:55
sarnoldsorry, I got a phone call03:03
sarnoldI'm not an expert here but this traceback looks a lot like what I recall of the duplicate email issue -- which is good and bad, I think it's something you might be able to address yourself without waiting for the experts to wake up :) -- maybe tacking on a +launchpad or similar on the email address would be enough to make it unique?03:05
zerocratesha no problem03:06
zerocratesyeah i'll probably look into just making another account with a different address03:06
zerocratesyeah in fact i just changed the sso preferred address and that did the trick so.03:13
sarnoldsweet! thanks :D03:19
rbasakLaunchpad has a new logo? This is going to get some getting used to!15:45
cjwatsonYou and me both16:00
mdeslaurlooks like a fidget spinner16:27
jugmac00mdeslaur: this would make a great giveaway for conferences... and employees, too :-)17:14
mdeslaurhehe :)17:15
RikMillsmany many many build failures without a log18:14
RikMillscjwatson: networking problem?18:41
jugmac00RikMills: all Launchpad engineers are off working hours - I have escalated this to IS18:47

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