
lotuspsychjegood morning01:46
lordievaderGood morning06:30
ducassehi all \o06:32
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
leftyfbogra: got an updated zoom client coming anytime soon? :)13:29
ograleftyfb, not as fast as i'd like to ... there are issues with opening meeting links currently 13:30
leftyfbah 5.10 made some big changes?13:30
ogra5.9 did already ... the chromium backend changed completely and added some challenges to make it work with confinement13:35
ograi got that working in the edge channel ... but links do not open anymore and i don't knwo why yet13:35
vimeshi guys 20:33
vimesi was wondering if anyone has had any luck with getting plex-media-player appimage working on ubuntu 22.04 20:34
leftyfbvimes: you are probably better off asking in #ubuntu-offtopic like I suggested20:35
Maikleftyfb: yeah well, as per channel topic of offtopic: "This is not a *support* channel, for Ubuntu or other things. "20:39
leftyfbnever noticed that before. Though vimes isn't looking for support. They're looking for opinions 20:41
=== Fallen is now known as Fallen|moz
vimesthank you leftyfb 20:49
vimesim a noob when it comes to IRC so i might ruffle a few feathers20:49
mlaga97vimes so am I, so you've got company lol20:50
vimeshaha mlaga97 thats good to hear. i was just discussing some niche functionality with leftyfb in another channel 20:51
vimesim glad there's a supportive community for noobs like me 20:51

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