
=== bahamat_ is now known as bahamat
ice9where to get support for clickhouse db?04:51
kazaaakasHello, guys, i faced with problem .. how to use certbot that he makes 000-default.conf to SSL? I wanna that sameone try open with browser my server IP it's open /var/www/html/ folder index.html file with SSL (https) support. My question related with Ubuntu 20.04, Apache2, Certbot.10:18
rbasakkazaaakas: I'm not an expert in the area but I don't think you can use certbot to do that. I don't think any proper CA will issue a certificate against an IP address. So you'd need a self-signed cert for that, and that would defeat the point of using certbot to get a CA-approved certificate.11:24
rbasakI could be wrong though.11:24
tomreyn(but, yes, i don't think that's something you get signed easily)12:40
tomreynLE won't support IPv4/6 SANs for now https://github.com/letsencrypt/boulder/pull/492012:45
ubottuPull 4920 in letsencrypt/boulder "Support for ip address san" [Closed]12:45
rbasaktomreyn: thanks!12:48
lucasmourahi rbasak, I think ua version 27.8 already sat on propose for one week. I think we can send it to the updates pocket16:40
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