
lotuspsychjegood morning03:10
ducasseguten morgen!07:17
wezducasse: NEIN!!!!14:10
wezAnd if you want to type in german it needs to be done in upper case.14:12
ducassei'll take it into consideration18:02
Jeremy31Guten Abend18:25
lotuspsychjei mean DANKE18:25
Jeremy31Got to be dark there18:26
lotuspsychje20h27 here18:27
Jeremy31Likely after sunset then18:28
ducassesun still up here18:52
ducasseanother month and it'll hardly set18:53
Jeremy31Must be way up north18:54
ducassenorway, yes18:54
Jeremy31Did the ground thaw yet?18:54
ducasseoh yes18:54
=== JoeBk_ is now known as JoeBk

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