[03:10] good morning [04:06] Afternoon! [07:17] guten morgen! [14:10] ducasse: NEIN!!!! [14:12] And if you want to type in german it needs to be done in upper case. [18:02] i'll take it into consideration [18:25] Guten Abend [18:25] danke [18:25] i mean DANKE [18:26] Got to be dark there [18:27] 20h27 here [18:28] Likely after sunset then [18:52] sun still up here [18:53] another month and it'll hardly set [18:54] Must be way up north [18:54] norway, yes [18:54] Did the ground thaw yet? [18:54] oh yes === JoeBk_ is now known as JoeBk