
davefMy eurovision prediction.. Ukraine wins, UK see's the bottom of the board again because it's just politics, despite it being one of the best songs this year. I usually crap on UKs entry, but this time it's in with a chance.21:37
davefCalled it.23:02
davefExcept the part about being on the bottom of the board. 2nd place. Not bad.23:05
penguin42doesn't that mean that next year they're supposed to hold it in Ukraine?23:10
davefHowever if the war continues, I guess it will fall to the UK to host.23:13
* penguin42 thinks they'll do everything they can to hold it in Uktraine23:16
davefMaybe, but I have a feeling it will still be hosted in the UK.23:22
davefI could be wrong, I'll be happy to be wrong.23:22

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