
=== keypushe- is now known as keypusher
xu-irc55whow to sharing printer in xubuntu 14,04 ? thank you03:54
kurly14.04? lol05:19
rrrI have been having some difficulty with bridge networking, where the network doesn't connect right away. I think I have netplan configured uneccessarily. Can someone tell me how to safely remove or disable this feature?12:03
krytenrrr: Since Netplan is slightly out of context for Xubuntu, you might want to ask on the main #ubuntu channel instead.12:10
rrrI configured netplan in hopes of using a bridge with kvm, but managed to use nmcli to achive the correct outcome, can someone direct me to disable netplan?12:13
rrrwrong chan.12:14
=== rud0lf_ is now known as rud0lf

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