
jibelGood morning everyone!05:03
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers06:04
dufluHi jibel, luna, oSoMoN 06:07
oSoMoNhey duflu 06:11
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seb128goood morning desktopers06:34
dufluHi seb128 06:38
seb128duflu, hey!06:38
didrocksgood morning06:47
seb128lut didrocks, en forme ?06:48
dufluMorning didrocks 06:48
didrocksseb128: ça va, et toi ?06:48
didrockshey duflu 06:48
seb128ca va !06:48
seb128today was a bit of a crazy day, ended up with a stack of extra things on my todolist I didn't have in the morning06:49
seb128but mostly postive things, like addressing MIR review comments because things got reviewed, which is better than having them waiting :)06:49
didrocksI don’t think you can complain about the review speed compared to some cycles ago :)06:51
didrocksthis is way better for everyone, even if time-consuming06:51
seb128yes, no complain from the MIR side, I'm waiting to see about the security reviews now :p06:52
didrocksyeah, let’s see. They were able to do everything that was required for 22.04 last cycle, despite timing being crazy. So, now that the backlog is cleared up, let’s see how it goes on a normal cycle :)06:53
jpnurmihey all, good morning07:15
didrockshey Rastersoft, jpnurmi 07:20
jpnurmihey didrocks07:22
seb128hey Rastersoft jpnurmi, how are you?07:23
dufluMorning Rastersoft and jpnurmi 07:24
jpnurmihey seb128, good morning. i'm doing alright thanks, you?07:25
jpnurmihey duflu07:25
seb128jpnurmi, I'm fine thanks!07:35
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diddledanioSoMoN: https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/xdg/xdg-utils/-/merge_requests/52/diffs?commit_id=72275fa6a8f4e9351e271f327f280cba7bba951410:40
ubottuMerge 52 in xdg/xdg-utils "Replace BASH substitutions with printf" [Opened]10:40
oSoMoNdiddledani, thanks!11:44
diddledanithanks to mborzecki in #snappy, who knows mount namespaces better than I, my WSL2 Systemd work now supports docker desktop starting and stopping and users using `wsl --mount` after the systemd service is running (inside a mount namespace)12:00
jbichagood morning12:00
jbichadiddledani: hi :)12:01
diddledani(this line needed `--propagation shared`: https://github.com/diddledani/one-script-wsl2-systemd/blob/4dc64fba72251f1d9804ec64718bb005e6b27b62/install.ps1#L460) 12:01
diddledaniafternoon, jbicha 12:01
diddledaniin good news, I completed the technical take home task for job application last night. Janaina managed to nerd snipe me with it as I was going to bed and so I stayed up till 2am working on it instead of sleeping ;-p12:03
jbichaI'm glad you applied. Good luck!12:07
diddledanithanks <312:07
jbichaseb128: do you want to do the AA main promotions from yesterday's uploads?12:28
seb128jbicha, I can sure12:29
jbichaseb128: gtksourceview5, gnome-text-editor, pipewire-pulse12:29
jbichaand gnome-text-editor needs a bug subscriber12:30
seb128jbicha, speaking of MIR please follow up on bug #1972153 when you have a chance, it's currently on component mismatch12:30
ubottuBug 1972153 in libsoup3 (Ubuntu) "[MIR] libsoup3" [Undecided, Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/197215312:30
seb128jbicha, I subscribed desktop-packages to g-t-e now12:31
jbichaseb128: yes, I'll try to fill the libsoup3 bug out today. It's tricker because I don't think it's going to be practical to drop the old libsoup from main this year12:31
seb128jbicha, I'm unsure if we need the complete MIR process since it's a new version of an existing library12:35
didrocksI don’t think you need if you drop the sysprof dep13:02
didrocksthis was more to track it on c-m13:02
jbichadidrocks: oh I added libsoup-3.0-dev to Extra-Exclude last week13:08
jbichaso sysprof wouldn't be pulled in to main currently13:09
tedseb129: Thank you for your help on lp:1973564, sorry I forgot some of the process.14:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1973564 in xdg-desktop-portal-gtk (Ubuntu Focal) "File dialog doesn't return current filter in Ubuntu 20.04" [Low, Fix Committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/197356414:03
tedWhere do I go to verify and test the actual built by launchpad builds? Want to make sure I test those in a timely manner.14:03
seb128ted, hey, thanks for providing the debdiffs. The SRUs are in the review queue, they will add a comment once they are accepted which includes the url to the launchpad build page (or you could enable proposed then and install the packages from it)14:22
tedseb128: Cool, makes sense. Thanks again, was a bugger to track down what was happening there!14:23
seb128ted, I still have https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gtk+3.0/+bug/1922464 in the low section of my backlog btw14:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1922464 in gtk+3.0 (Ubuntu Focal) "GNOME 40: GTK3 apps crash with: Settings schema 'org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.xsettings' does not contain a key named 'antialiasing'" [High, Triaged]14:26
didrocksjbicha: feel free to close it then!14:27
seb128I'm unsure I will have really time to work on that though, but if someone was wanting to adapt the patch to apply to the focal version of GTK I can do sponsoring14:27
tedseb128: from the Inkscape perspective we should be good there now that I've moved things to core22 (which has a few issues yet, but we moved). But it still would help other apps. I installed Stuarts uhm_no, which has that problem on Wayland.14:28
didrocksjbicha: I did it, this wouldn’t need a proper MIR by itself as it’s a soname bump14:28
seb128didrocks, it probably requires discussion because jbicha said he doesn't believe we will be able to demote libsoup2, so it means we are asking to have 2 versions in main14:28
seb128so we should probably focus the MIR on that aspect14:28
didrocksyeah, indeed14:29
didrocksespecially libsoup, not a trivial one to maintain if we have copies…14:29
KGB-0gnome-control-center ubuntu/jammy fdc8311 Jeremy Bicha debian/changelog * Finalize changelog * https://deb.li/DBvv15:26
KGB-0gnome-control-center ubuntu/jammy 5b43602 Jeremy Bicha debian/patches/ series ubuntu/sharing-rdp/0016-sharing-Turn-off-RDP-gsettings-key-when-turning-off-RDP.patch ubuntu/sharing-rdp/0017-sharing-Turn-off-VNC-gsettings-key-when-turning-off-VNC.patch * Add VNC disable patch & rename the RDP disable patch * https://deb.li/3L27n15:26
KGB-2gnome-control-center signed tags f708eaf Jeremy Bicha ubuntu/1%41.4-1ubuntu13.2 * gnome-control-center Debian release 1:41.4-1ubuntu13.2 * https://deb.li/iiFfU15:26
KGB-0gnome-control-center ubuntu/jammy 9d2387e Jeremy Bicha debian/changelog * Update changelog * https://deb.li/TXns15:26

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