
=== themill_ is now known as themill
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arraybolt3Anyone here know off the top of their head where Ubiquity puts its config files? Are there even any config files?03:12
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schopinseb128: might be a bit late now, but if you still have that openssl problem...07:54
Fantuhi, is possible an SRU of backintime 1.3.2-0.1 to jammy for solve a critical issue and few other bugs? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/backintime/+bug/1970090/comments/607:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1970090 in backintime (Ubuntu) "Backintime not launching because of python error" [Undecided, Confirmed]07:59
slyonjbicha: hey! As an uploader of bluebird-gtk-theme, do you feel like this debdiff could be sponsored into Debian: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/thBHTMCgvt/ – so we could drop the Ubuntu delta?10:47
seb128schopin, hey, yes, it's https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/wpa/+bug/1958267 , see especially #29 and #56 for details, I would like your opinion on whether you think we should consider doing something similar for Ubuntu10:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1958267 in wpa (Ubuntu Jammy) "'Connection failed' for WPA Enterprise network (e.g. eduroam)" [High, Confirmed]10:47
schopinseb128: Oh, I see. The Fedora SHA-1 patches.10:50
schopinIMHO this is the wrong approach. In this case, we have a context within which basically "weak algorithms don't matter". Assuming that's true, wpa_supplicant should be able to lower the security level to 0 *for this context*10:52
schopinOf course I have no idea how messy that approach would be, but I'm reluctant to build an escape hatch within libssl.10:53
seb128schopin, I've no idea either but my guess would be that RH has people knowing wpa better than we do and if decided to go with those openssl theire might be a technical reason the alternative might not be practical10:55
seb128one alternative would be to simply lower the security level to 0 for wpa but I'm unsure security would like that option10:56
schopinI'd like to have upstream's opinion on this, too (as in both wpa and openssl)10:57
rbasakkanashiro: are we agreed to drop the SRU for bug 1874719 then? SHould I reject that from the queue?10:57
ubottuBug 1874719 in corosync (Ubuntu Focal) "[SRU] Use the hostname as the node name instead of  hardcoded 'node1'" [Medium, In Progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/187471910:57
rbasak(as well as pacemaker)10:58
schopinseb128: so, there's https://github.com/openssl/openssl/issues/17662 upstream, but that's still at the design phase.11:01
ubottuIssue 17662 in openssl/openssl "Adding a config option in openssl.cnf to enable SHA-1 signature creation and verification" [Open]11:01
seb128schopin, I will do an email to the wpa list, thanks for the feedback11:04
schopinseb128: note that it's not a hard no on shipping the patches :)11:05
seb128I'm trying to collect opinions at this point to see what we can do11:06
seb128I feel like that's an issue we need to address in the LTS because today there are quite some users who can't connect to their wifi due to the issue11:06
schopinoh for sure!11:07
lxsameerhey folks, is it mandatory to sign up for the snapcraft dev account to build a custom image even if I don't want to publish it11:29
ogralxsameer, ubuntu-image does not require authntication11:46
ogralxsameer, likewise you can build your own kernel and gadget snaps for th image locally witout auth ...11:47
lxsameerogra: cool thank you11:48
ogralxsameer, but to log in to the booted image you will need an account where the image can pull your ssh key from ... the account here is only used as central key storage11:48
lxsameerogra: oh wow, is there any way to avoid that?11:49
ogranot easily11:49
lxsameerI just want a bootable ubuntu live image with several extra packages11:49
ogra(there are ways through hacks via clud.init (not recommended for production), you can read up on it at forum.snapcraft.io11:49
ograoh, i assumed you are after UbuntuCore, talking about snapcraft ...11:50
lxsameerogra: i don't know what exactly ubuntucore is.11:51
lxsameeris there any other way beside ubuntu-image?11:51
jbichaslyon: done, thanks! https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/bluebird-gtk-theme13:10
slyonjbicha: great, thank you very much!13:10
seb128schopin, http://lists.infradead.org/pipermail/hostap/2022-May/040563.html FYI14:36
schopinseb128: thanks for the link :)14:37
seb128schopin, let's see what they say14:37
iceyanybody suddenly having audio issues? I see no inputs nor outputs after an update today :-/14:44
jbichaicey: what version of Ubuntu are you using?14:47
iceyjbicha: kinetic ;-)14:51
blucaslyon: any chance we could get systemd-repart enabled in ubuntu? we've enabled it in debian late last year14:51
jbichaicey: are you using -proposed updates?14:51
blucait shouldn't pull any new dep, apart from fdisk for the test suite14:51
blucain debian we just ship it in the main package14:52
iceyjbicha: no - think it'll be resolved with proposed?14:52
ddstreetbluca there is lp: #1897932 for repart14:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1897932 in systemd (Ubuntu) "systemd-repart not packaged" [Medium, Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189793214:52
jbichaicey: I don't know. We are switching the default audio server to PipeWire and some things likely won't work as well until the transition is complete14:53
icey"well" :-P14:54
iceyoh-well, I'll be portable for a while anyways after tomorrow14:54
jbichaicey: are you using bluetooth for audio?14:55
seb128icey, do you have pipewire-pulse installed?14:56
blucathanks ddstreet, will ping there too14:56
iceyyes to pipewire-pulse, no to bluetooth14:56
seb128icey, try installing wireplumber14:56
iceyusd speakerphone, as well as onboard headphone jack - none show up as devices14:56
slyonbluca: hey! sure. that should be more or less an automatic thing, once we merge systemd v251 from Debian. My collegue enr0n will most probably take care of that this cycle.14:57
slyonfdisk is already in Ubuntu main, so that's not a problem.14:57
iceynothing seems to change, `killall pipewire pulseaudio pipewire-pulse; alsactl kill rescan` didn't change anything14:57
slyonSo if it's in Debian, it will most probably land in kinetic later this cycle14:58
blucanice, thanks14:58
iceyanyways, dropping for the day, maybe I'll figure it out tomorrow, thanks folks!15:00
seb128icey, bye15:00
seb128icey, try uninstalling pipewire-media-session and pulseaudio in case tomorrow15:01
seb128icey, thanks for the ping btw, it made me realize we needed to revert the chantges to pipewire-media-session we had to disable audio by default, which probably has to do with your issue15:11
seb128which I did now in https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pipewire-media-session/0.4.1-2ubuntu215:11
seb128jbicha, ^ fyi15:11
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bdmurrayI seem to recall somebody here asking about this being updated for Kinetic. It has been done now. http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/15:23
bdmurrayahasenack, enr0n: That package passed when added to big_packages https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/golang-github-valyala-gozstd/kinetic/s390x15:34
kanashirorbasak, sorry for the delay, re corosync SRU, I think we can reject it for now until we sort this out with the Debian maintainer15:36
rbasakkanashiro: thanks - rejected for now16:28
bdmurraykanashiro: Can we remove the section of the Release Notes which points to bug 1964025 now?17:29
ubottuBug 1964025 in vagrant (Ubuntu Kinetic) "Do not support OpenSSL 3" [Undecided, Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/196402517:29
sergiodjPSA: telegraf is FTBFSing on ppc64el/riscv64 due to a golang issue, this is on my radar and I'll work on it soon17:30
iceyseb128: don't think I want to remove ubuntu-desktop just yet ;-) https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/DjNcbvHS5W/18:17
kanashirobdmurray, sure18:31
kanashirodo you want me to do it?18:31
bdmurraykanashiro: that'd be great18:49
kanashirobdmurray, done19:02

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