
nightBulbGreetings people, My Dell Inspiron 7000 series laptop does not wakeup with touchpad interaction...02:08
nightBulbIt used to wakeup in Ubuntu 21.1002:08
nightBulbBut no longer works in Ubuntu 22.04 Linux Kernel 5.1502:09
nightBulbJust to clarify,02:10
nightBulbsuspend and wakeup IS working02:11
nightBulbtouchpad after wakeup IS working02:11
nightBulbwakeup from suspend using power button IS working02:12
nightBulbbut, wakeup triggered with touchpad interaction IS NOT working02:12
nightBulbany ideas ?02:13
nightBulbthe feature used to work till Ubuntu 21.1002:18
nightBulbUsed to work in : Ubuntu 18.04, 18.10, 19.04, 19.10, 20.04, 20.10, 21.04, 21.1002:18
nightBulbbut stopped working in Ubuntu 22.0402:18
nightBulbanyone .... ?02:21
nightBulbanyone ...?02:49
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kmikitaHi. Is available ureadahead patch for latest kernel 5.17?11:57
xnoxkmikita:  for a long time ureadhead cache generation was working; but did not work on boot. thus we have had disabled ureadahead for a long time now.12:54
xnoxkmikita: even if cache is being created, it doesn't lead to any bootup improvements unfortunately =/12:54
xnoxi'm not aware of anybody fixing that up.12:54
ograit might be interesting to look at ureadahed for UC boot speed imrpovements eventually (i always wanted to check if snap loading during boot could improve with that but never really found the time)13:06
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=== Furna is now known as Furna_

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