
xu-help72wHello, anybody there?00:12
xu-help72wJust updated system -18.04-bionic, rebooted and lost external monitor. Have not been able to get it back. Display settings do not show external monitor available. Settings editor has HDMI checked. Tried updates - no joy. Restart several times. gpu-manager states: Error: can't open /lib/modules/4.15.0-177-generic/updates/dkms. Not sure where to go.00:25
xu-help72wCan anyody help???00:26
xu-help72w5need help with Display00:48
xu-help72w5anybody on?00:48
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alexp11223Any ideas how to solve this lagginess? https://www.reddit.com/r/MiniPCs/comments/usj4uq/xubuntu_is_very_laggy_on_mele_quieter3q_mini_pc/19:53
arktvrvsi would try using a monitor first19:58
siixdoes anyone know how to get teamviewer working on 22.04?21:24
siixLaunching TeamViewer GUI ...21:25
siixAborted (core dumped)21:25
siix^   this crash that happens right after it tries to load the GUI21:25
arktvrvsi googled your exact question and found this21:26
arktvrvsOk so I found out that Ubuntu's windowing sistem, Wayland, and TeamViewer don't like each other. To use TeamViewer on Ubuntu 22.04, you need to use X11. Now everything is working fine.21:26
siixi found the same21:26
siixbut...  echo $XDG_SESSION_TYPE  ->  x1121:26
siixdoesn't look like wayland is active atm21:26
arktvrvshave you checked 'sudo teamviewer ziplog'?21:29
siixQGLXContext: Failed to create dummy context21:30
siixFailed to create OpenGL context for format QSurfaceFormat(version 2.0, options QFlags<QSurfaceFormat::FormatOption>()21:30
siixthis is the only GUI-related thing i found21:30
siixstill googling around about it21:30
arktvrvsmaybe ldd `which teamviewer`?21:32
arktvrvsand look for any 'not found' 21:32
siixthat's actually a script (which sources another script) but the actual binary has no missing dynlibs21:35
siixmy feeling is that this is a problem stemming from the differences between xubuntu and ubuntu21:41
siixubuntu users seem to be stable (either in the default config or once they have dropped wayland) whereas xubuntu might need more attention21:42
siixit's hard to tell exactly what's happening to piss it off when it hardly logs anything -.-21:42
siixand xubu userbase << ubu userbase21:43
siixGUI also crashes when using the generic linux tarball package21:55
jiml71Upgrading to 22.04 LTS. Documentation about Software Updater says "If a new version of Xubuntu is available, a box at the top of the window will appear saying that a new distribution release is available." I'm not seeing that box yet. Have  /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades set to 'prompt=lts'. Should I just wait? Or should I do a standard22:05
jiml71install?   thanks in advance for any suggestions.22:05
siixare you comfortable with basic shell commands?22:08
siix@ jiml7122:08
jiml71Yes. I often prefer shell commands.22:09
jiml71That makes sense for updating ubuntu. Will that upgrade xubuntu/xfce as well? Or are there additional steps for xubuntu?22:17
siixthe only difference between ubuntu and xubuntu for most users is the default package set.  ubuntu uses cinnamon, xubuntu uses xfce22:19
siixarktvrvs: fixed it. it was opengl-related. adding my account to the video group fixed the crash22:30
siixnowhere in the docs do they say you need to do that... nowhere in the script do they check for it and handle it.... just..... omg22:31
arktvrvsah well done.  i didnt want to insult you by asking if you had drivers installed22:31
siixanyway fixed.  thanks for trying to help22:31
arktvrvshave a good day22:31
siixalready done :)   you do the same22:32
Bashing-omjiml71: release upgrades from 20.04 to 22.04 will not be "generally" available until the 22.04.1 release . Until the .1 release the status is as (d)evelopment - to iron out the bugs. There is a means however to go to 22.04 with the -d flag >> ' sudo apt update ; sudo do-release-upgrade -d ' :D22:40
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xu-irc51wHi, I just updated to 22.04... and started having problems... Is here an appropriate place to get help?23:34
xu-irc51wsince I have already mentioned that I'm having issues, I will "specify" these here, even though I'm now thinking it is somewhat complex, and I will have to investigate further23:40
xu-irc51wI was happily running 21.10, and immediately after I updated to 22.04 and restarted, this is happening:23:44
kurlyare the mainline 5.17.8 and 5.17.9 from ubuntu busted? getting a bunch of mt76: disagrees about version of symbol ieee80211_sta_register_airtime23:48
kurly5.17.7 works - http://dpaste.com/CXRQXQMR923:50
xu-irc51w1) the ksoftirqd/0 process started to run 100% of one of my cpu cores.. this seems to have been momentary issue (1 or 2 minutes, and seems to be gone)23:51
xu-irc51w2) I am now having permanent internet stability issues (for some hours now)... cannot browse, and then all the sudden, everything just works, and then stop connecting again... DNS_PROBE_POSSIBLE message.. or just show i'm not connected. Very strange. I'm a very happy Xubuntu user for at least 5 or 6 years, and it's the first time i'm am having some23:51
xu-irc51wserious issue.23:51
kurly5.17.9 sadness - http://dpaste.com/DPNQ2YWTZ  (line 1450ish)23:51
kurlywould be fine to stick with 5.15.x built in, but seems not to support the volume keys (??), maybe hardware is too new23:53

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