[04:01] community-notice: cloud-init 22.2-0ubuntu1~22.10.1 (Accepted) we can expect to see 22.2 in Ubuntu kinetic in the next day or two === bigon_ is now known as bigon [12:52] Can we help me start cloud init in vCloud (centOS7). I install pen-vm-tools, cloud-init and run terraform apply. guest_properties {"user-data" = base64encode(templatefile("cloud-config.yaml", { hostname = "test" }))}. What am I doing wrong? [12:59] Rike: There should be more info about the error in the logs. Could you please inspect/share them? Run `cloud-init collect-logs` within the instance to do so. [13:22] falcojr: do you know when we're going to have a new release? [13:22] I'd like to update the Fedora package and get the RHEL folks to sync from us with the new patches in place [13:23] oh damn [13:23] we missed the cutoff for 22.2 [13:24] Eighth_Doctor: Yeah, we just released 22.2 :/ [13:24] * Eighth_Doctor groans [13:25] is there some kind of public release schedule? [13:25] because I'd really like to make sure we can land things on time [13:25] Eighth_Doctor: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/cloud-init-2022-release-schedule/25413 [13:25] also, if you subscribe to the cloud-init mailing list, we do send out an announcement a week or so before release [13:26] I guess I'll do that too [13:26] that'll be useful [13:26] I'm working on some patches to add `/usr` path for cloud.cfg files [13:28] falcojr: aside from the RHEL team making things a little difficult for using template generator for cloud.cfg, the lack of a place in /usr means that it's difficult to ship cloud-init config snippets as packages in a model where we can have /etc "reset" [13:31] Eighth_Doctor: so what would you want put in /usr vs /etc ? [13:31] the stuff we ship in the package as `/usr/share/cloud-init/cloud/cloud.cfg` and have a directory `/usr/share/cloud-init/cloud/cloud.cfg.d` for packaged snippets [13:32] then `/etc` hierarchy would be free for admins [13:33] Eighth_Doctor: gotcha, yeah, that makes sense [13:33] it's too troublesome to have a mixture of packaged and admin stuff in /etc [13:33] bad things keep happening when my users try to customize things [13:33] now that the RHEL team agreed to use the templates, this problem is easier for me to solve [13:34] (fwiw, this is why I didn't try changing the templates before) [13:40] falcojr: uhh, it looks like the tests don't work anymore :( [13:40] "fixture 'mocker' not found" errors in Rawhide [13:41] Eighth_Doctor: we added a dependency on pytest-mock [13:41] build/test time dependency [13:42] already, adding and running again [13:46] falcojr: updated to 22.2: https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/cloud-init/c/a32e90573fe22f4d133c40c664cc42eaf6e476c3 [13:47] nice [14:06] What would the best way to get a newer cloud-init package into RHEL8? Build it myself? Or is there a repo for RHEL8 out there already? I just recently made the jump from RHEL7 und RHEL8, so I am not yet familiar with the new package repos, using AppStream etc [14:07] Uploaded file: https://uploads.kiwiirc.com/files/aad0468803f0abe9239992038a38f721/image.png [14:07] aciba [14:08] I noticed that when creating Enable guest customization, it is disabled. I'm tested on ubuntu, everything works there [14:11] How to enable the "Enable Guest Configuration" option when create VM ? [16:03] Rike: If you have access to that instance, could you please collect the logs, create bug report here: https://launchpad.net/cloud-init and attach the logs to the bug report? I think the info of your screenshot is not sufficient to determine what the problem is. thank you [16:47] Does anyone know, if it is possible, to use both, the new VMware datasource and the VMware customization together, at the same time? Can I merge the data somehow? [16:47] All my tests so far seem to indicate that its either one or the other [17:04] ryland: unfortunately looks like vmware customization is an underdocumented feature [17:07] ryland: no clue sorry [17:07] holmanb: If I go by https://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/topics/datasources/ovf.html, it seems that the vm customization via VMware tools is part of that OVF Datasource. Also, when I use an older version of cloud-init, that does not yet have the new VMware datasource, it shows that is uses OVF. So I think I could be good if i configure [17:07] "disable_vmware_customization: false" and then i only need to merge what I get from the datasources VMware and OVF (in that order) [17:08] But I am not 100% sure of course :D [17:11] ryland: also the cloud-init team builds rpms for rhel/centos family distros and uploads to copr here: https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/g/cloud-init/el-testing/ [17:12] holmanb: thanks! i just build it myself. it was rather easy, the cloud-init team did a great job there [17:12] ryland: that's good to hear :) [17:13] of course, distro supplied versions will have distro-supplied patches / fixes / packaging changes / etc so it's your call what you think is best for you [17:15] yeah, its more important for me right now to get the new vmware datasource. the rhel8 package seems to be rather old, even the newest one [17:18] ryland: nice :) [17:26] Mhhh. It looks like that cloud-init now ignores the vmware customization, even though it is enabled in the cloud-init config === holmanb changed the topic of #cloud-init to: 22.2 Released! | Bugs: https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init/+filebug | PRs: https://git.io/JeVed | release schedule: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/cloud-init-2022-release-schedule/25413 [17:57] give a guy op and he just takes over :) thx holmanb for topic update [17:58] heh :) no problem [18:27] interesting bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init/+bug/1974062. I find myself wanting a bit more dynamic meta-data handling anyway from NoCloud. Something like that is almost possible, but there are some issues with timing and when to source jinja template variables etc before "rendering" such meta-data templates [18:27] Launchpad bug 1974062 in cloud-init "NoCloud instance-id's never change" [Undecided, New] [18:27] I'm trying to come up with some semblance of suggestions. While I'd like this feature, I think there is a bit of work to get there. 3-4 PRs maybe [19:13] that feature bug is already getting heat :) [20:08] pulled the network v1 ipv4/ipv6 bug into selected for developmen https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init/+bug/1973724 [20:08] Launchpad bug 1973724 in cloud-init "Systemd-networkd generated configuration is wrong when both ipv4 and ipv6 addresses are used" [Undecided, Triaged] [20:09] we should better handle this for direct networkd rendering [22:16] falcojr: upload to ubuntu/jammy -proposed for SRU of 22.2 queued. you can merge your jammy PR and push tags whenever. going through impish focal bionic now [22:21] impish good and uploaded to proposed https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/1466 can be git pushed upstream from the cmdline [22:21] Pull 1466 in canonical/cloud-init "22.2: Ubuntu/impish" [Open]