
=== fvogt_suse is now known as fvogt
lubot_[telegram] <RikMills> @mitya57 do you have an idea when you will land Qt now?11:21
lubot_[telegram] <mitya57> From my part it's almost ready, I am waiting for you.11:43
lubot_[telegram] <RikMills> Well, I am waiting for plasma 5.25 beta tars to be announced final. Then I shall start ppa builds. Can you wait 24hrs? I would like to have that on the ISO for testers11:48
lubot_[telegram] <RikMills> if it looks like I can't get it through that quickly, I could let you know and change plans11:48
lubot_[telegram] <mitya57> I can wait, of course11:48
lubot_[telegram] <RikMills> Ok, I will do the PPA builds and see how they look then11:49
lubot_[telegram] <mitya57> OpenSSL migration in Debian is going to take a while : https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/6cb4c0aa/file_4444.jpg19:08
lubot_[telegram] <mitya57> So for Ubuntu I'm also not in a rush19:08
lubot_[telegram] <RikMills> ok, I think I will be able to land the Plasma beta in the morning anyway19:16
lubot_[telegram] <RikMills> if launchpad builders cooperate 🙄19:16

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