
zxmpimorning. awaiting lithium aa batteries to make my psion immortal ::evil cackling::09:03
daftykins:O that sounds like a fancy upgrade09:04
daftykinsi never did chase RMC about whether mine ever made it to him, bit disappointing09:04
zxmpiwell the pricey aa energizers i'm using have averaged 6 months use so i really can't complain :-)09:04
daftykinsdoes beat the waste i'm sure09:05
daftykinsi have a pile of batteries leaking on a shelf that i don't know the place i'm supposed to take to get rid of09:05
zxmpiif asked it's so i can sync my nokia and psion battery maintenance :-P09:05
zxmpievery supermarket here has a battery box for dumping old alkalines. i make 1-2 trips a year with a small detergent box i use to hold the drained ones09:06
zxmpicannot abide when i see people throwing batteries on the ground09:06
daftykinsmmm they stopped for some reason, at the ones near me here in the centre of town09:06
zxmpipart of eu regs. maybe brexit meant they could stop?09:07
daftykinswell we're not part of the UK09:07
zxmpibut still have a few eu regs annoying and oppressing you :-D09:07
daftykinsah no doubt09:08
zxmpibiggest use for me is a trailcam i use to take pics of cats, foxes, hedgehogs, squirels and birds. 8 batteries every 2 months or so09:08
daftykinswhat kind of gadget is that o009:09
daftykinsooh hang on RMC has a donations video, let's see09:11
zxmpijust a weather resistant box that holds a cheap digital camera and a stack of batteries that uses pir to spot movement and take pics or video https://www.guidefitter.com/blog/trail-cameras-for-newbies09:11
zxmpiof course in ireland weather proof is 'relative' have had 1-2 destroyed by irish rain09:11
zxmpithough i don't think the designers envisaged wind blowing it upside down and blasting rain into the seams till it fried09:12
zxmpihedgehogs have been around a lot in last few weeks https://twitter.com/angryearthling/status/151434849969708236909:13
daftykinscaught in the act :D09:13
zxmpithey love cat food09:14
daftykinsi was getting a lift home a while back when we encountered a hedgehog on the main road out of town heading west, always fun09:14
daftykinsi used to encounter some cycling at night and have to dodge, too09:14
zxmpieven the squirrels are down to it a few times per year https://twitter.com/angryearthling/status/1521508025114234880/photo/409:16
zxmpifoxes and hedgehogs don't seem to bother each other https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FRHSj2LX0AAr0dn?format=jpg&name=4096x409609:17
zxmpiwe initially got the trailcamera as we thought there were more than 3-4 cats that were been fed. at the time we found 10 cats, plus 3-4 foxes and hedgehogs. quite a parade in the garden after dark :-)09:18
zxmpiand best wildlife encounter on irish roads was in 80s when cycling in dark with no lights using stars to get home our cycling caused the insects to fly up off road and bats swooped around us to get them. wonderful stuff till one crash landed on my cousin. resulting in cycling into ditch and much screaming :-P09:21
daftykinsi've taken a bat to the face before cycling around the narrow lanes down south09:23
zxmpithat whole using radar infallible thing seems a little overstated when that happens, doesn't it? :-P09:24
zxmpiin cousins case it crashed into his chest and then started climbing we think to his shoulder to relaunch09:25
daftykinsand yes, she does mean the whole hour18:25
zxmpiused to take 3 people to take i=our cats temp. not a fan of rectal thermometers in 70s and 80s19:59
zxmpi4-5 to get her into my mothers shopping bag to take her to the vet20:00
zxmpi3 to give her a flea bath20:00
zxmpiotherwise a fairly well behaved cat20:00

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